New Amazon CEO Andy Jassy, ​​the first email to all employees since taking office. What is the content of acclaim from communication experts?

New Amazon CEO Andy Jassy, ​​the first email to all employees since taking office. What is the content of acclaim from communication experts?

On July 6, Amazon's new CEO Andy Jassy sent his employees the first company-wide email since he took office.

According to a memo obtained by Insider, Jasie paid tribute to founder Jeff Bezos, reiterated his determination to build an innovative culture, and vowed to "improve Amazon every day."

It's a very important time for Amazon. Maintaining high stock price performance, dealing with reports of union formation and injustice by employees, and responding to regulatory authorities' indications of fraudulent business practices ... Being exposed.

Insider, Amazon researcher Brian Dumain, author of Bezonomics, and Eric Yaberbaum, Fortune 500 CEO communications consultant, Jassie. I talked about the first note of.

According to them, this memo underscores Jassy's determination to Bezos' philosophy and shows how Jasie will work to resolve the work environment issues of employees who Bezos recognized as a key issue. That is. "Know what I consider important," Jasie said of Amazon's corporate culture.

"If I were an Amazon spokesperson, I would have advised him to use what I wrote in this memo for advertising," Yaberbaum said.

Expansion of Bezos' customer-first route

In a memo, Jasie straightforwardly cuts Amazon's top priorities and states that her goal is to "focus daily on improving your life and cherish your teammates." ..

For Amazon employees, delivery workers are too busy to urinate in PET bottles, warehouse workers record working hours every minute every day for fear of dismissal, employees work 60 hours a week. It is reported that an employee in Alabama tried to work in a union but failed.

Bezos was also aware of these issues. Bezos said in a letter to his shareholders in April 2021 that Amazon "needs more effort" for its employees. This memo shows that Jasie was listening to this message.

"Workers' rights are a big issue for Amazon's image, and Jasie had to touch on this," says Dumain.

Yaberbaum has a similar view. She points out that it's wise to admit that "Amazon isn't always in the right direction. It needs change."


Develop a style as a leader

Amazon has recently undergone a major replacement of vice president-level executives. Some employees are worried that the slow movement of executives may have a negative impact on Amazon's corporate culture.

But Jasie dispelled these suspicions with the following line:

“We have shown a willingness to make bold, innovative and long-term bets to improve our customers' lives. This attitude will not change, and we have a sense of speed. I will act with

This statement also plays another role, Dumain says.

He says Jasie is telling himself, "Don't want to be a soft and vague CEO." Bezos believes that the corporate culture of demanding hard work from employees will continue.

Clarify loyalty to Bezos

Andy Jassy takes over as CEO of Amazon on behalf of Bezos.

Mike Blake

Jassy also mentions having worked for Bezos for 20 years, where he emphasizes his own experience of learning. He also states that he truly loves the organization Amazon and his deep respect for his founder, Bezos.

According to Yaberbaum, this is a way for Jassy to ensure that employees have a smooth top change. "Everyone wants stability in the company, and no matter who or what they say, Bezos is a success," says Yaberbaum.

Dumain said in the same opinion that Jesse had revealed that he had "not thrown away" Bezos' handbook.

Increase employee morale

In the second half of the memo, Jassy continued to provide protective supplies and daily necessities such as groceries and masks even in the Korona-ka, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) supported the growing demand of companies such as Twitch and Netflix. He encourages employees to continue this socially influential job.

And, according to Dumain, the final part is something that impresses not only current employees but also general consumers who may join the company in the future.

Amazon has long been primarily about customer satisfaction, but "every company now wants something more than making money," Dumain points out.

"The last part of this Jassy memo isn't a message that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning and go to work. We want to feel that we can contribute to society through our work. Jesse says that. We must understand that the company has more than just satisfying our customers, "says Dumain.

Learn more Professor Harvard analyzes a letter given to employees by Bezos, who announced his retirement. "Three elements of leader transmission are condensed into only 619 words"

Full email sent by Jasie to her employee

To all Amazonians (Amazon employees)

As she becomes the new CEO, she has a few things to tell you and decided to write this note.