The new "Apple TV" equipped with "Siri" is announced-Comparison with 3 competitors

The new "Apple TV" equipped with "Siri" is announced-Comparison with 3 competitors

 Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, has launched a new "Apple TV" with a powerful message."We are convinced that the future of television is in the app."

 The latest version of Apple TV, a streaming video box, comes with a remote control that has been redesigned from scratch.In addition, you can use "Siri" to squeeze multiple content and apps across multiple content and apps, and users can summarize the options for listening content on one screen.

アップル「iPhone 6s/6s Plus」--画像で見る新端末とその機能

「Siri」搭載の新型「Apple TV」が発表--競合3製品と比較

 With the introduction of Siri, it became possible to give various instructions by voice and make Apple TV a specific task.For example, like a demonstration of a keynote speech, you can give instructions such as "Show all the films of Jason Bateman" or "Appearing Edward Norton in" Modern Family "."

 Apple is also active in providing games on Apple TV and releases the title of on -demand games such as "Guitar Hero", "Galaxy on Fire" and "Disney Infinity".But about other functions, what is Apple TV different from other companies' products?

Let's check it out in the table below.

Comparison of streaming video boxes

Apple TV(2015年版)Roku 3Amazon Fire TVNexus Player
スマートフォン/タブレット向けリモコンアプリなし。単体のリモコンとSiriのみiOSおよびAndroidiOS、Android、Amazon Fire PhoneおよびタブレットAndroid
提供:James Martin/CNET

This article edited an article from overseas CBS Interactive by Asahi Interactive for Japan.