[New Day SS] Tips for early capture | Check out the efficient way to develop players in the dojo![New Japan Pro Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS]

[New Day SS] Tips for early capture | Check out the efficient way to develop players in the dojo![New Japan Pro Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS]

In this article, we will introduce how to efficiently proceed with the new smartphone game app "New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS", commonly known as "New Japan SS", released on February 28th.

I will mainly write about the strategy of the early stages, so please refer to it even if you are just starting out!

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  • 2 Tips for capturing early stages
  • 3 What should you do every day?
  • 4 When will the content be released? Introducing release conditions!
  • 5 [New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS] Summary of Early Stage Strategy
  • Flow of the early stages of the game

    In this section, the general flow of the early stages of the game will be explained in order. I will explain.

    ①Proceed with the tutorial

    First, proceed with the tutorial while downloading the initial data.

    In the tutorial, you can listen to explanations about scouting players and partners, training players at the dojo, and organizing players.

    During the tutorial, you can draw gacha 10 times (5 times x 2 times) for free, but the characters you can get are fixed below.


    ☆ Satoshi Kojima (strong arm)

    ☆☆☆ Hiroshi Tanahashi (One person in 100 years) ☆ Hiroyoshi Tenzan (Takeshi) ☆ Tiger Mask (Golden Tiger 4th generation) ☆ Yuji Nagata (Blue Justice)

    [Partners] R Togi Makabe (Runaway King Kong) R Hirooki Goto (Aramusha of Chaos) R Taichi (The Holy Emperor Who Abandoned Love) R Tama Tonga (THE GOOD BAD GUY) R BUSHI (Jet Black Death Mask) )

    (2) Draw Gacha

    In this work, by training the acquired players in the dojo, they become affiliated players and can be used in the game for the first time.

    So, first of all, let's scout and acquire players to train!

    After completing the tutorial, you can get diamonds for 30 consecutive gachas as a pre-registration reward from the "Present Box" on the right side of the home screen.

    The player's rarity increases as ☆→☆→☆☆☆→☆☆☆☆→☆☆☆☆☆.

    Up to 3 players can be discharged from the gacha, but you can train all players to 5 stars.

    Also, the partners you use to develop your players are just as important as your players, so aim to acquire not only players but also rare partners in the gacha!

    ③Train players at the dojo

    Once you have scouted players and partners with Gacha, train them at the dojo.

    You can organize up to 5 partners + 1 guest to help you train your players, but for the first training, it's okay to choose the recommended formation.

    At the dojo, you will improve the player's parameters while balancing training and rest.

    There is also a match to check the results of the training on the way.

    One season consists of 20 turns + games, and when the 4th season ends, the player will be able to be organized into his own team "My NJPW" as a member player.

    In the dojo, you can also acquire and strengthen battle skills, and strengthen them by raising the skill level.

    "Skill pt" necessary to acquire and strengthen battle skills and "skill pt" necessary to raise the skill level can be obtained at events that occur during training.

    Allocate the points you have obtained to the skills and techniques you want to strengthen, and develop them in your own way!

    ④Test your skills in the battle arena!

    When the number of affiliated players who have completed training increases and the team is in place, challenge the battle arena!

    In the battle arena, you can battle against users from all over the world.

    Opponents are randomly matched, and if you win 3 or more out of 5 battles, you win the overall victory.

    You can get 5 "Battle Tickets" that can be used in the battle arena for free a day.

    You can't have more than 5, so challenge the battle arena at least 5 times a day even in the early stages!

    Summary of the beginning of the game

    After completing the tutorial and drawing the gacha, you can train your favorite or rare players in the dojo.

    When the number of players who have finished training increases, let's form a team and challenge the battle arena!

    Tips for Early Stage Strategy

    Let's proceed with the "Road to the Strong" mission!

    "Road to the Strong" is a traversing mission in which you complete the given tasks in order, and it also serves as a guide for beginners.

    [New Japan SS] Early Stage Strategy Tips | Check how to develop players efficiently at the dojo! [New Japan Pro-Wrestling Strong Spirits]

    In addition to receiving rewards such as diamonds and battle tickets for clearing missions, there are also contents that can be unlocked by completing specific tasks in the "Road to the Strong"!

    In the beginning, while training at the dojo, let's prioritize the "road to becoming a strong man"!

    Tips for efficient player training at the dojo!

    Let's create as many "dojo events" as possible!

    "! "Dojo event" will occur when you perform training with a mark.

    In the dojo event, you can acquire more battle skills (knowledge), and you can get bonuses such as parameter enhancement!

    The story with the partner that occurs at the event is also interesting!

    Also, depending on the choices you make during the event, the bonus you receive will change!

    "! ] mark appears randomly, so let's hold events as much as possible when they appear!

    "Special Training" greatly improves parameters!

    By training with a partner, your bond with that partner will increase.

    When a partner with a high bond is placed in a special training, a "special training" will occur!

    Special training will greatly increase parameters, so if rainbow-colored training appears, be sure to do it as well.

    Train with lots of partners and quickly build up your bonds!

    It is important to strengthen your bond with your partner in order for the special training to appear quickly!

    When choosing training, if you choose the one that has a lot of partners, your bond value will go up quickly!

    Don't forget to rest often!

    Exercising will drain your stamina.

    If your physical strength is low, you will be more likely to fail in training.

    If you fail in training, your parameters will not increase and your physical strength will decrease, so it's important to take frequent breaks to conserve your physical strength!

    In particular, you never know when a "Dojo Event" or "Special Training" will occur, so it is recommended that you always have some energy left over!

    Purchase each "Player's Soul" at the NJ Coin Shop!

    Upgrading a player's level unlocks battle skills that can be learned at the dojo.

    In order to level up a player, you need the "souls" of multiple players, but collecting them is quite difficult.

    You can get the player's "soul" you need from the dojo as a reward, but it's quicker to buy the player's soul at the "NJ Coin Shop" using the in-game currency "NJ Coin". .

    The shop lineup changes over time, so check the "NJ Coin Shop" frequently!

    Reroll is also recommended!

    It is also recommended to start "New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS" after rerolling!

    After the 2nd round of rerolling, you can reroll at an explosive speed within 5 minutes once!

    In addition to high rarity players and partners, this work is also a character game, so you can enjoy training videos and actual match videos by getting your favorite players.

    Please refer to this article about Reroll!

    [New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS]

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    What should I do every day?

    In "New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS", you can advance the game well by doing the following every day.

    Fight 5 times in the battle arena

    Up to 5 "battle tickets" can be used in the battle arena for free per day.

    You can't have more than 5, so challenge the battle arena 5 times a day!

    Completing Daily Missions

    Completing all daily missions will reward you with 50 diamonds.

    The clearing conditions are not that difficult, so you can progress smoothly.

    Get diamonds by watching videos

    You can get 5 diamonds up to 3 times a day by watching short advertisement videos.

    If you don't mind watching commercial videos, let's use it to collect diamonds.

    When will the content be released? Introducing release conditions!

    Various functions and contents in the game will be unlocked as you progress through the story.

    Currently known release conditions are as follows.

    Function to be released

    Release condition

    History Battle (Battle Arena)

    Clear A-6 on the way to the strong

    Player Level Up (Strengthening Formation)

    Clear A-8 on the way to the strong

    Friend Battle (Battle Arena)

    Clear A-12 on the way to the strong

    My NJPW Battle

    Achieve Rank D in My NJPW

    [New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS] Summary of Early Stage Strategy

    In this article, the smartphone game "New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS" is commonly known as I introduced the efficient early stage capture method of "New Japan SS".

    In this work, you can't send players to the game just by scouting, so it's important to train players at the dojo in the early stages!

    After completing the tutorial and pulling the gacha, let's train in the dojo, starting with the most rare players.

    When the number of players who have finished training increases, we will form a team and challenge the battle arena.

    Don't forget to check out the Guide Mission for Beginners, "The Path to the Strong" between training!

    You can unlock various elements in the battle arena by progressing in "The Road to the Strong".

    Summary of things to do every day

    It is also recommended to start the New Japan SS after rerolling!

    There is also a reroll article, so please refer to it!

    [New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS]

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    New Japan Pro-Wrestling STRONG SPIRITS

    Bushiroad Inc.

    ( 3.3 )

    Reroll news review strategy bulletin board

    Enjoy a thrilling match using actual footage! The entrance scene includes a lot of songs in addition to the entrance video. There are plenty of collection elements such as player cards and snapshots.

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