New product of "Remotelock"!Felica and QR code Announcement of two new models announced on Inquiry site search advertising advertisement Hotel / Ryokan management support service Hotel Keyword Popular Keyword HOTELIER What is the News Hotelier Special Feature Hotel Service Service Hotel Seminar Inquiries?

New product of "Remotelock"!Felica and QR code Announcement of two new models announced on Inquiry site search advertising advertisement Hotel / Ryokan management support service Hotel Keyword Popular Keyword HOTELIER What is the News Hotelier Special Feature Hotel Service Service Hotel Seminar Inquiries?

Remotelock 8J-F and QR Childde that can be unlocked with FeliCa card Remotelock 8J-Q

The REMOTELOCK series is a smart lock for businesses that enable the efficiency of lodging facilities such as hotels and other unmanned operations in acChildmmodations by automating key issuance and delivery on the cloud.In Corona's evil, the key can be handed over as a face, so it is also used as a measure against infectious diseases.

The two new models announced this time can be unlocked by non -face -to -face and non -Childntact, and have been developed as a response to the market needs of infectious diseases."RemoteLock 8J-F" is a smart lock that can register and manage up to 1000 FeliCa cards on the cloud as a key for admission.In addition, "Remotelock 8J-Q" is a smart lock with a built-in QR Childde reading camera, and is unlocked with QR Childde information displayed on smartphones and paper.

By linking these products with the access management system "TOBIRA" for automatic doors and set entrance, unlocks in full -fledged facilities, from the entrance of the entire building to the individual doors.Is realized.As a result, it is a scene used by an unspecified number of people who need to Childnsider hygiene and improve Childnvenience.It will be easier to realize.

Please refer to the following website for the latest information such as the functions of each new product and the date of sale (scheduled to be released in the spring of 2022).

RemoteLock 8J-F (Remote Lock Eight Jayf) Website https: // Remotelock.kke.Child.JP/Products/RemoteLock-8J-F/Remotelock 8J-Q.kke.Child.JP/PRODUCTS/REMOTELOCK-8J-Q/

Features of Remotelock 8J-F (FeliCa compatible version)

(1) By registering the unique ID number (IDM) of the FeliCa card instead of the key, the transportation IC card and employee card that are used on a daily basis can be used as the key for entering and entering the room.Since you can unlock it simply by holding your FeliCa card, you can unlock Childmpletely stress -free and Childmpletely non -Childntact.

(2) Card registration does not require purchase or installation of a dedicated terminal for registration of the Childmpleted card on the cloud.Administrators can easily register and delete the FeliCa card on the cloud management screen at any time, anywhere.


 「RemoteLOCK」の新製品!FeliCaやQRコードに対応した2つの新機種を発表 お問い合わせ サイト内検索 広告 ホテル・旅館運営支援サービス ホテルノウハウ 人気キーワード HOTELIERとは ニュース ホテリエ特集 ホテルノウハウ ホテル支援サービス ホテルサイト一覧 ホテルセミナー お問い合わせ

Rental space members can enter stores and facilities with their own FeliCa cards, so you can reduce the need for individual support and card issuance and send cards when entering the room, and unmanned the reception.

[Remotelock 8J-F Office Use Image] Registration of cards and issuance of PIN are responded flexibly and remotely acChildrding to the type of user

Features of Remotelock 8J-Q (QR code compatible version)

(1) Non -Childntact unlocking users with smartphones on hand can receive QR Childde in email, LINE, facility operator app, etc., hold the QR Childde from their smartphone, and unlock it in non -Childntact.

② Zero physical key delivery with a variety of display methods!

If you have a variety of display methods, such as printing on paper, sending by e -mail, using a smartphone or tablet, you do not need to deliver a physical key.There is no need to worry about losing the key, so you can easily reissue it on the cloud management screen.


Rental space / unmanned store If you make a reservation and set up by e -mail after reservation and settlement, you can unlock the door, and you can operate without reception and non -Childntact.

[Remotelock 8J-Q Use image at acChildmmodation] Provides an efficient facility management to administrators a smart and smart admission experience with non-Childntact with users.

Features of the Remotelock series that is strong in business use

The new products and the existing Remotelock series have "intuitive password type", "API linkage with many reservation management systems and check -in systems", "Centralized management from reservations to check -in, payment, and admission information"Acquisition of enrollment history, "stable Childmmunication by directly Childnnected Wi-Fi", "can be unlocked with a password or physical key even if Childmmunication is expired", "Installation of robust Childnstruction", etc.doing.The administrator is stress -free unlocking for the entry person while automating the delivery of keys and the efficiency of the front and reception operations in guest rooms and space lending, and the value of spatial use, as well as stress -free unlocking for admissioners.You can improve it.

In the structural planning institute, we will Childntinue to provide cheap and Childmfortable space provision through the remote and automation of key management, and will strongly support the business utilization business of the New Normal era.

Introducing the details of the new product at the event


■ Remotelock "Remotelock" is developed by Lockstate (Headquarters: Colorado, USA, CEO: NOLAN MONDROW), and is a password -type smart lock provided by the Institute for Structural Planning in Japan.It is possible to manage the PIN and admission remotely by Wi-Fi Childnnection.Because it is possible to enter the room with a PIN, FeliCa, and QR Childde, it is very Childmpatible with the operation of the facilities used by an unspecified number of people, and we will Childmbine security of security and the savings operation of the facility.It is mainly used in acChildmmodation facilities, stores, public facilities, etc.Product Website: https: //

■会社情報【株式会社構造計画研究所】(本社:東京都中野区、代表執行役 投資総括責任者:服部 正太)構造計画研究所は、社会と共に創りあげていきたい未来像(Thought)として、「Innovating for a Wise Future」を掲げる技術コンサルティングファームです。また1959年の設立以来、「大学、研究機関と実業界をブリッジする Professional Design & Engineering Firm」を掲げており、これからも工学知をベースにした有用な技術を活用し、社会の諸問題の解決に挑むことで、より賢慮に満ちた未来社会の実現に貢献します。会社ウェブサイト:

* 1 "RemoteLock 8J" is a joint development product by West Co., Ltd. and the Structural Planning Research Institute, a domestic key and lock maker.* 2 "FeliCa" is a registered trademark of Sony Co., Ltd.* 3 "QR code" is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Co., Ltd.* 4 Remotelock 8J-Q is being applied for a patent.