Occasionally a battle, but the result of taking a "baton touch childcare leave" one year at a time with a couple of each other ... "It is valuable information."

Occasionally a battle, but the result of taking a "baton touch childcare leave" one year at a time with a couple of each other ... "It is valuable information."

Cut (Go_go_shirago) of the manga "I did a childcare leave baton touch" = Shirago (go_go_shirago)

 たまにバトル、でもお互いを理解 夫婦で1年ずつ“バトンタッチ育休”を取った結果…「貴重な情報です」

 The manga "I did a childcare leave baton touch with a couple", which depicts the experience of acquiring childcare leave alternately, has become a hot topic on SNS.A couple who took childcare leave for one year, and then the husband took a baton touch for one year.As a result, there are many things that I think was good ... and voices such as "It is valuable information", "I was convinced", "I took it in the same form".I asked the author's woman.[Manga] Read the main story

Baton touch at 9 months old

 This manga was drawn by Working Mother's Shirago (28 years old).She has announced childcare manga on Instagram and Twitter.Q.When did you start drawing manga?Shirago "From December 2020. In the first manga, my husband said that he wanted to take childcare leave and drew a surprising feeling., Announced on Instagram and Twitter "Q.What made you draw this manga?Shirago -san, "My husband took childcare leave for several months, and I realized that male childcare leave was not yet accepted by society. By sending it as a manga, I got to know the baton touch childcare leave and one of the options.If you think of it, I thought that the number of dads that struggled like my husband would decrease, so I made this manga. "Q..Why did you decide to take a "baton touch childcare leave"?Shirago "When my son talked about how long I would take childcare leave, I wanted to return to work, and I realized that my husband had a strong desire to watch my son's growth nearby.Ta. I didn't need to take childcare leave, so I decided to take a baton with my husband at 9 months old.I consulted with people in the workplace, and inherited information such as your hospital, support center, etc. "Q.Did you worry about your dad to take childcare leave alone?Shirago "I always left my son on my husband on a holiday, and I went out several times, so I had no particular concern because I had one -operated childcare.At first our parents were surprised and worried. Probably, I think that men did not have the image of taking childcare leave in generations.It became "Q.How was the reaction of the workplace?Shirago "When my husband consulted my boss at work about taking childcare leave, I was not stopped, but I was encouraged to involve childcare other than childcare leave, such as shorter hours. Even in my husband's workplace., Daddy and education was very rare. "Q.Have you ever learned about baton touch childcare leave?Shirago: "I noticed that what I was asking for my husband during my childcare leave is that it is very difficult when I am in that position.I understand that it makes me feel unable to move positively. My husband has no end to one -operation childcare, and "I feel like I'm going to sleep or wake up, but my mental fatigue is accumulating more and more."I noticed that the hardness of work and childcare should not be measured with the same thing. "Q..What are the benefits of baton touch childcare leave?Shirago "I think that the biggest advantage is that you can understand each other's feelings by experiencing both the side of childcare, the side of both work and childcare, and taking childcare leave at the same time.Occasionally, I listen to the pattern in the pattern that "I take childcare leave, but my partner does not help much." If you touch a baton, you will see your child alone during childcare leave, so you will not be the first person in childcare.I have no idea. My husband has begun to work aggressively, such as how to make baby food and information on the support center. In the future, for example, even if I can not move in the second child birth, etc.It seems to be left with confidence "q.Did you have any disadvantages?Shirago -san, "The understanding of society has not caught up with male childcare leave. In my husband's workplace, it was insufficient for my job to take childcare leave, so my husband said," Why for a long time.I was worried about whether I was resting, and I was worried about returning to work. "Also, the breastfeeding room of the support center is very open, so the specifications are" for mom only ".Because it is, it seems that it is often confusing ... "Q.What kind of opinions have been received about manga?Shirago -san, "I received a lot of reactions on Instagram and Twitter. I was able to know the form of new childcare leave, and I also heard about the story of the family who took the baton touch childcare leave.I learned. Also, there are comments that "I think it's good, but it's impossible in our situation ...", and depending on the family situation, it has been difficult to take daddy leave.I did it "Q.What do you want to work on in the future?Shirago "If many dads take childcare leave, I think the disadvantages and problems listed above will be improved. Supporting Daddy, who will continue to communicate about her husband's childcare leave and get lost.I want to do it happily to keep my son's cuteness and growth as a childcare manga in the future! "

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