[PC game pole ☆ Road] The 110th "Arctico" Survival game that follows what is left in extreme places with his dogs

[PC game pole ☆ Road] The 110th "Arctico" Survival game that follows what is left in extreme places with his dogs

It's a very cold day, but is it okay?If it's just cold, it's pretty much, but in some places, heavy snow seems to be difficult and you are worried.After all, cold is a major obstacle of mankind.I can't despise winter.

By the way, the cold, which has been standing as a obstacle since the birth of this earth, often appear in games.The prosperity of a survival game (not to shoot airguns), which is about to be 10 years old, is no longer one of the classic games.

However, drawing the cold as a system is not a way to express the game.So, "PC Game Extra Road" introduces the world of PC games that you don't even know.This time, I will introduce the survival game "ARCTICO" that indirectly draws the horror of cold.

ARCTICO is a work released on February 16, 2022 by personal game developer Claudio Norori and Antonio Vargas.However, this work is a game that has been developed in early access, and the real release is a game that was previously released at the end of 2014 (the title at that time was "Eternal Winter").It is a game that has been completed over a long and long period of less than seven years.This is not a good idea to have such a long -term development.There are problems with personal development funding and motivation, and this long -term project will be difficult for corporate bodies.No, it's amazing.

The two developers seem to have been in Nicaragua, and it may be quite interesting to have a cold (or rather hot) cold game in Central America.

Dr. Garcia, the main character, has died.She is a great scientist and inventor, and has many impacts on her world.She was conducting research and experiments in polar land, and many research materials are left on the island.This is lost in human loss.

That's your turn.You came to the extreme to regain her research.

In this game, which starts from the beginning, the protagonist will take over her research while searching for his teacher's research materials on the extreme island (probably Antarctica will be the motif) and live in this polar land.The island has a widespread silver world and is cold as you can see.Besides the protagonist and their dogs, there are almost no movement of birds flying.It is a place that is exactly the extreme area that exceeds the limit.

As described earlier, this work is a so -called survival game, so you have to procure various resources and ingredients on this island and live.

Naturally, what is needed is collecting.The protagonists must collect food to live, ore, crystals for building research facilities, and samples to be researched.This work adopts an open world, and you can experience the stage of the stage where the stage is the stage as a large stage.The island is reasonably large, and it is not very possible to collect and collect.

The important thing is the dog sled, which is also an iconic element of this work.Ride this dog and explore this wide and pure white world and collect the necessary materials.Even if you walk for an hour, you can get tens of minutes with the help of dogs!Their existence is indispensable for extreme areas.By the way, it is good that you can give each of the names of four dogs.Although the animation is simple, it is also a good impression that it can be stroked.

Of course, food procurement is urgently needed because dogs who draw sleds need rice.Let's prepare food, collect materials around the island, and strengthen the equipment.

However, the characteristic part of this work is that this survival element is insanely simple.This work seems to be very cold, but the surprising cold does not exist as a system.You do not need to play in other survival games, such as manage body temperature and connect your life.That alone is the simplicity of being surprised, "What? Is that so?"

However, the simplicity of this work is not limited to that, and even if the hungry is expired, the game will not be over.Although the satiety exists for both the protagonist and dog, it does not die even if it is 0, the hero has a slow movement speed, and the dog can only be able to get on a dog sledge.There is no problem if you leave the satiety at zero, and if you give the dog automatically generated at the base, you will be able to recover a little satiety, so you can move from the gauge zero if it is about food procurement points.There are no more survival game elements, "Survival ...?"

【PCゲーム極☆道】第110回『Arctico』 愛犬たちとともに極限の地に残されたものを追うサバイバルゲーム

However, if the gauge runs out, you only want to die, so this simple is naturally aimed.

Because it is a game that can be done without stress when this work is done, you can enjoy the scenery of this polar land with a comfortable feeling.The unprecedented silver world is very beautiful, and ambient music calms the player's heart.It is a calm and healing game that is the opposite of a harsh survival game.This work does not place a UI on the game screen, trying to get the charm.Both maps and hungry are all checked on the tablet of the protagonist.It is a bold specification that is quite particular about the appearance of the game.

And this work still has a device.This work is certainly easy and difficult to die.However, it has been devised to draw the harshness and spiciness of the cold.

This is because a number of drifting and abandoned buildings are left on this island.A wreckage of a broken ship that drifted long ago, an unusual airplane, a discarded research facility, and a tomb where someone mourn his friends.These are all things left by someone who collapsed in the middle of the road in this harsh environment.I wanted to return to the original place.I wanted to achieve my research.But the harsh environment of this island did not allow it.The middle of the road is still overflowing on this island.

The remaining things always have the original owners' note, and you can see their thoughts.Although it is not drawn in the game graphic, it is certain that it is certain that the corpse is rolling next to the note, which is quite heavy.

In this work, it is a big point that it is a system that must be visited by this remaining thing!In the first place, the main character's purpose is to find out what his teacher, Dr. Garcia, left.Of course, the protagonist needs to investigate the remaining things.

It is worthwhile to investigate in terms of games, and the remaining research facilities have a hidden design drawing of her, and finding this will make the game more advantageous.It is like that.

For example, in this work, the basic cycle is to take the collected materials and samples to the base, and to convert it to a research data to be exchanged for the power accumulated at the base and the research data to be exchanged for money.The power is charged and accumulated with the solar panel, but it is naturally not stored at night.However, if you proceed with the search, you will be able to build a wind turbine that can be charged at night.

In addition, resources, such as ore, money, and seeds based on food, are left, even if they are not research facilities, and it is quite advantageous to collect them.In addition, if you find the shelves and desks installed in the leftovers, the decoration elements that can be built at your base will also be enriched with this remaining thing.

In other words, the player needs to look around the remaining things.Then look at the message left there, and touch the thoughts of falling down in the middle of this polar land.It is a structure in which this polar land is cold and a painful place is left from a message.

Of course, I want to investigate something that can be seen in the distance of the pure white world.Look into the telescope and leave for the remaining items that can be seen earlier.This work focuses on this survey and draws the harshness and spiciness of the cold with the flavored text waiting ahead.

The beautiful silver world with nothing has enhanced the sorrow of this remaining thing.Sadness and Wabi are the real pleasure of this work created by the developer over eight years.Although it is a healing game playing, it is quite heavy!

As expected, the game system has become old due to the 8 -year development period, and when the system and the flavor are separated, when I start making money, there is no reason to go around the island, so I will leave the goodness of this game.It is a wasteful part of the place where it is broken.It is also a game that is disappointing if you take a survival game and pick it up.So it's not a game that everyone recommends.However, it is a game that stabs stuck for the stab.

A polar land with only the remaining things.As you can imagine, the note left by his teacher, Dr. Garcia, is also left here.If you want to feel the harshness of the frozen, please play.Let's experience the weight of the polar land made over eight years.