"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
Four commercial stations based in Miyagi Prefecture, Tohoku Broadcasting, Sendai Broadcasting, Sendai Broadcasting, Miyagi Television Broadcasting, and East Japan Broadcasting will jointly launch an event "Live Miyagi" on February 14-28.In fact, local programs that are actually broadcast in Miyagi Prefecture will be distributed to smartphones, tablets and personal computers at the same time.
Originally, the four competitors, the four companies, were implemented as part of the "local content distribution efficiency business using regional IX / CDN, etc.", which is being carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.From.
Originally, we conduct demonstration experiments to distribute video content produced by local stations on the Internet in each region, and check the local Internet base in the time of the Internet Simal (simultaneous distribution online) and prepare it.
However, the purpose of Live Miyagi is not just a confirmation of net infrastructure.Is it possible to expand the profits beyond the barriers of local governments, mainly for broadcasting stations that are doing business with advertising revenue?It was also an experiment to find the possibility of surviving.
In Live Miyagi, all local commercial broadcasting has delivered online -selling using the event -participating live distribution app "LivePark".The program itself is just a streaming distribution, but if you access from outside the prefecture, the CM frame will automatically change to an interactive commercial.
楽天イーグルスオンラインショップのクーポンが表示された(写真:LivePark)It includes a mechanism that allows you to acquire coupons for commercials related to commercials if you take action while watching commercials in LivePark, and this time Rakuten, which has a team in Miyagi Prefecture, cooperate, and mail order for local specialty products, etc.An electronic coupon that can be purchased has been issued.
Mr. Kazuhiko Abe, director of the Miyagi Television Broadcasting and General Affairs Bureau Technology Promotion Division, who has been promoting this project, said, "The local station is producing programs that provide information related to Miyagi Prefecture, if we are in the region, but nationwide.There are also many people from Miyagi prefecture. In addition, information transmission to fans of the Rakuten team is not limited to the region, and it is local outside the region, such as disseminating information on order gourmets that are increasing due to corona.There is a possibility of many undeveloped information to dissemination of information. "