Protect children during summer vacation with free filtering!How to use "Open DNS Family Shield" in IPv6 environment

Protect children during summer vacation with free filtering!How to use "Open DNS Family Shield" in IPv6 environment

Filter "OpenDns" on a summer vacation homework PC

 OpenDns, a subsidiary of Cisco a few years ago.This is a so -called public DNS service, but Google's "8.8.8.Compared to "8", it is not popular in Japan.

無料フィルタリングで夏休みの子どもを守る! IPv6環境で「Open DNS Family Shield」を使う方法

 It may be a major factor that there is no Japanese web page, but the "Opendns Family Shield", which can be used for free, can be used more because it can filter content that is not suitable for minors just by replacing DNS.I personally think it looks good.

「OpenDNS Family Shield」は、無料で使えるフィルタリングサービス。日本国内のサイトに対応している

 At the time of this article, it would be convenient to use it for temporarily lending a PC to a child, such as free summer vacation research, which is already in the middle except for some areas.You only need to rewrite the DNS quickly in the network settings, so you can tailor a safe PC environment even if you use it freely in 5 minutes.

 Of course, if you want to ensure safety permanently or manage the use time, it is more efficient to use the Windows 10 "family group" functions.However, these services take some time to set up, and if you are not used to it, you will have a hard time managing it.

 If you want to prepare a safe Internet connection environment for a limited period of summer vacation, etc., OpenDns Family Shield is a very convenient service.