[Pazdora] "Shadow -up dragon contractor, Mill" will be added to the reward! The latest information about Pazdora Pass!

[Pazdora] "Shadow -up dragon contractor, Mill" will be added to the reward! The latest information about Pazdora Pass!

2022/03/03 (Thursday) An additional reward has been decided for the "3 -day dungeon" of the "Pazdora Pass" bonus!

Additional reward for Pazdora Pass limited

Additional rewards have been decided on Pazpass.This time, you can get "Magimil", which has been widened by evolution, and "event medal [black]", which is increasing in demand at collaboration events, etc.!

[Clear reward] ・ "Shadow -up dragon contractor, mill" ・ Event medal [black] × 10

【パズドラ】『Mil, a dragon, a dragon, a shadow』が報酬に追加決定! パズドラパスに関して嬉しい最新情報!

Mil, a dragon, a dragon, a shadow

* The published picture book is the maximum level, the maximum skill Lv, and the full awakening image.* Please note that the parameters of awakening skills are not reflected.

Confirmation of "Puzzle Pass" is effective

You can check it on the shop screen.[Viewing Verified] ・ "Puzzle Pass" icon: Display on the upper right of the screen, "Pazdora Pass" button: Display the validity period

* Includes the free trial period during the validity period of "Pazdora Pass".* Even if you purchase "Puzzle Pass", it may take some time to reflect the valid state.Access may be concentrated just before the end of the period, so please purchase with plenty of time when purchasing.* If it is not reflected during the validity period, sign out from the platform (AppStore or GooglePlay), sign in again, and then "Puzzle Pass" in the app.Restore, please restore the purchase.* If you do not clear it by 23:59 the day after the dungeon distribution is completed, you will not be able to receive a clear reward.* If the number of mail stored on the app has reached the upper limit, in -game emails may not be received properly.please note.* There is a deadline for receiving the email.Please note that after the receipt deadline, you will not be able to receive monsters, magic stones, dungeons, coins, friendship points, gacha, etc. in the email.

(Quoted source: https: // pad.Gungho.JP/Member/)

"Magimil" evolutionary performance

Light dragons, Mill, Mill

Assist evolution

Tree -engraved dragon contractor, mill

Assist evolution

Temperate when dragons, Mill

Assist evolution

By all means this article!

ダンジョン配信期間:03/01(火)00:00~03/31(木)23:593月のクエストダンジョンは「カラフルパレット」のAssist evolution「幻画図」の入手を応援。ダンジョンは「初級者向け」「上級者向け」に分かれており、それぞれ10フロア構成となっていますよ!期間内にダンジョンをクリアすると、各色の……

It is read!

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