[Questionnaire results] Utilization status of digital terminals in home learning

[Questionnaire results] Utilization status of digital terminals in home learning

Survey name: “Utilization of digital terminals in home learning” Target: Parents of children and students attending public elementary and junior high schools (nationwide) Survey method: Internet survey Survey period: 2021.5.30-6.1 Number of valid responses: 500 (265 males and 235 females) I answered "yes" that I used it. ●Nearly 70% (67.1%) of children/students who have used digital terminals used them several times a week or more. ●With regard to the use of digital devices, the total of 63.0% answered "I think it's good" (26.0%) and "I think it's rather good" (37.0%), showing a high percentage of parents positive. ●As for the good points of home learning using digital terminals, many people rated efficiency and convenience, such as "studying is efficient" (38.2%) and "studying anytime, anywhere" (38.0%). The percentage of respondents who answered that "learning is efficient" increased as the grade increased, from 1st to 3rd elementary school (36.3%), 4th to 6th elementary school (37.7%), and 1st to 3rd junior high school (40.6%). There was a tendency to increase, and it was the most common answer among upper grades and junior high school students. ● When it comes to learning at home using digital devices, 32.6% of respondents said that they were “concerned about their child’s health” as a point of dissatisfaction and anxiety. I heard. ●The percentage of parents who answered that they “know” the QR code content was low at 26.6%. 52.8%, and 31.0% said, ``It deepens my learning and understanding.'' ●By grade level, first graders are the ones who use QR code content the most in home learning, and 26.8% answered that they have used it. Q1. Has your child ever used a digital device such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone for home study*? (Single answer) * What is home learning? Almost 2 out of 3 people (64.4%) answered that they have used a digital terminal for home study. On the other hand, about 30% of the respondents (29.2%) said they had never used a digital device for home study. No significant trends were observed by school year.

*This question is for those who answered “yes” to Q1.

Q2. How often have you used digital devices at home since April this year? (Study use only) (Single answer) The frequency of use was "several times a week" (38.8%), followed by "every day" (28.3%). Nearly 70% of those who answered "I have used digital terminals for home study" in Q1 frequently used digital terminals.

Q3.Which subjects did you study in home study using digital terminals? (Multiple answers allowed)

“Arithmetic/Mathematics” (73.3%) followed by “Japanese language” (62.1%), in that order, the percentage of respondents who used digital terminals was high. As for "English", 50.0% of those in the 3rd grade and above who start foreign language activities at school, and 58.3% of those in junior high school and above, use English more as the grade increases. rice field.

[Questionnaire results] Digital in home learning Usage status of terminals

Q4. Which digital devices have you used for studying at home? (Multiple answers allowed)

"Tablet" (75.5%) was the most common, showing more than twice as many as other digital terminals such as "PC".

Q5. In what situations did you use the digital terminal? (Multiple answers allowed)

“Used for distance learning” (37.9%) was the highest, followed by “Solved problems with learning apps” (32.0%). By grade, 10% of elementary school students said, "I searched the Internet for things I didn't understand in my studies."

Q6. As a parent, do you think it would be better to use digital devices more actively for home learning in the future? (single answer)

63.0% of respondents answered that they were positive about the use of digital devices (26.0%) and that they were somewhat positive (37.0%), and that they were "relatively unsatisfied." (6.4%) and "Not good" (2.0%), 8.4% combined. On the other hand, 28.6% of the respondents answered that they could not say either way, indicating that many parents are still undecided about using digital devices for home learning. No significant trends were observed by school year. Q7. What do you think is good about home learning using digital devices? (Multiple answers allowed) “Learning is efficient” (38.2%) and “Able to study anytime, anywhere” (38.0%). .

By grade level, the percentage of respondents who answered that "learning is efficient" was 1st to 3rd elementary school (36.3%), 4th to 6th elementary school (37.7%), 1st to 3rd middle school (40.6%). .

Q8. What are your dissatisfactions and concerns about home learning on digital devices? (Multiple answers allowed)

The highest percentage of respondents, 32.6%, were concerned about their children's health, followed by 29.6%, who said they did not want their children to be exposed to digital devices for long periods of time. Anxiety was the most common answer. On the other hand, "Children are not used to digital terminals" (9.4%), "Parents are not used to operating terminals, so they cannot answer children's questions" (6.2%), "Communication environment is not ready" ( 4.4%).

By grade, the most common response among elementary school students was ``I'm worried about my child's health.'' 30.5%), middle 1 to middle 3 (26.7%), and there was a tendency to decrease as the grade went up.