「ランサムウェア」はスマホにも感染! 端末を人質に取って“罰金”の支払い求める「ポリスランサム」が主流

「ランサムウェア」はスマホにも感染! 端末を人質に取って“罰金”の支払い求める「ポリスランサム」が主流

Intimidation to pay 10,000 yen ransom with "iTunes gift", and the Ministry of Justice!?

 One of the things that attracted attention in May is what is called "Wannacry" in ransomware.Basically, it is aimed at the Windows environment, and in extreme cases, it has nothing to do with Mac.Also, Windows did not have to worry about Windows 10, which applied the latest security update (correction patch).

 Of course, just because the Wannacry turmoil has settled down does not mean that everything is over.Another ransomware similar to Wannacry will be discovered one after another.

「ランサムウェア」はスマホにも感染! 端末を人質に取って“罰金”の支払い求める「ポリスランサム」が主流

 And what I want you to remember at this stage is that "smartphones can also be damaged by ransomware."As Wannacry aims for Windows, "Mobile Ransomware", which aims for a smartphone, is already there.And the Japanese notation is.

 According to a security company trend micro, in Japan, "Androidos_flocker" in March 2016.A "(the name at that time, the name" Androidos_locker ") is detected.This is the first Japanese display mobile ranswear aimed at Android.


 On the screen displayed after infection, the "Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice)" is spoofed, and it looks like it, but the grammar is hungry with "the remaining time pays a fine."In addition, we will request that 10,000 yen ransom (fine) to pay with iTunes gift card.No, no matter how much it is ...


 Not only the Ministry of Justice, but also a law execution organization such as police and FBI, these tricks are called "Police Lan Sam", and many varieties and subspecies are available.There are even cases that claim to be the "Ministry of Land Security Ministry" that does not exist in Japan.

 By the way, Androidos_flocker.Regarding how to take A's hostage, instead of encrypting the data in the terminal, it is locked to the terminal so that it can not be operated other than the ransom payment.It looks like Wannacry, and the details are different.