[Review] What I found out with Apple's polishing cloth in various ways

[Review] What I found out with Apple's polishing cloth in various ways

I bought a polishing cloth

Apple has launched a single -body sale of a cloth that can wipe out various displays, and a polishing cross at the same time as the new MacBook Pro.Apple explains that it conforms to various Apple products with displays as "compatibility" of polishing cloth, listing products that cannot be displayed without scrolling.The author, who was really interested in the display of all Apple products in the polishing cross, decided to buy and wipe off the dirt.

The use of disinfecting alcohol is also OK


It can be used safely on the display and the surface of all Apple products.If you want to remove dirt that is difficult to remove on the nano-texture glass, you can wipe it with a 70 % isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution if it is not too frequent.

70 % isopropyl alcohol (IPA) corresponds to the alcoholic solution for finger disinfection sold at drugstores.In March 2020, when the new Coronavirus was rampant worldwide, Apple guides us that disinfecting alcohol may be used to care for some products.

A solid brushed material

The polishing cloth has a solid thickness and a brushed surface.In the lower right, diameter 1.The Apple logo of about 5 cm is engraved.The size is about 16 cm both vertically and horizontally.When I measured the weight, it was about 10 grams.


I wiped various Apple products

まずは、毎日使用している、2017年モデルのMacBook Proのディスプレイを拭いてみます。賛否両論のバタフライキーボードの隙間にゴミが入って文字入力に支障をきたし、修理期間中に不便な思いをした反省から、キーボードカバーを取り付けていること、最近の空気の乾燥によりハンドクリームをつける機会が増えていることもあり、キーの形に汚れが付着しています。 (ポリッシングクロスで拭けば、たちまちピカピカに…)と思いながら拭いてみます。しかし、一部の汚れは落ちたものの、全体としてはポリッシングクロスに付着したホコリと汚れを塗り広げたような、残念な状態になってしまいました。

ガラスフィルムを貼ったiPhone12 Pro Max

Let's take care and wipe the iPhone12 Pro Max display with a glass film.It is not very noticeable, but it has dirt on the fingerprint.Here, the dirt on the surface has become clean just by wiping it lightly.

裸のApple Watch Series 5

I will also wipe the Apple Watch screen that has nothing to do.If you look closely and look closely, you will find a small scratch on the display surface, along with the dirt, and when you touch it again, the surface is rough due to a small scratch.When wiping, dust from the polishing cloth adhered, resulting in more dirty than before wiping.

樹脂製フィルムを貼ったiPad mini(第6世代)

The iPad mini (6th generation) display with an antibacterial resin film is noticeable around the bezel part to be held.The resin film and the polishing cloth were not compatible, and the result was to spread dirt, so it was more beautiful before wiping.

ガラスフィルム付きのiPad Air(第3世代)

I will also wipe the iPad Air (3rd generation) with a glass film, which has become a 7 -year -old daughter's game terminal.It has a fingerprint like a fish scale.Here, it has become beautiful just by wiping it lightly.

I tried to moisten it with lukewarm water

Apple provides as follows as a way to clean the MacBook series.

糸くずの出ない柔らかい布を水で湿らせて、コンピュータの画面を拭きます。落ちにくい汚れを落とすには、70 パーセントのイソプロピルアルコール (IPA) 溶液で布を湿らせて使ってもかまいません。

So, I tried to moisten the polishing cloth with lukewarm water.With a wet polishing cloth, I re -wiped the MacBook Pro display and it became beautiful.The iPad mini (6th generation) has become so beautiful that it can be mistaken.The Apple Watch, which was unfortunate, has become much more beautiful, but the Apple Watch may be the most cleanlash.

Polishing cloth that power up dramatically when moistened

ポリッシングクロスは、ガラスフィルムのようなツルツルした表面についた汚れは、乾いた状態でもきれいに落とせます。 しかし、ハンドクリームのような油っぽい汚れ、樹脂製フィルムの上についた汚れは、乾いたままだと苦戦する傾向があるようです。 乾いたポリッシングクロスで落ちにくい汚れは、湿らせた状態で拭くだけで簡単に落とせることもわかりました。さらに落ちにくい汚れは、消毒用アルコールで湿らせて拭くと良さそうです。 ちなみに、濡らすとAppleロゴがやや見えにくくなります。Appleは、ポリッシングクロスのお手入れについて、食器用洗剤と水で手洗いしてよくすすぎ、24時間以上自然乾燥させるよう案内しています。

Click here for review videos

A video that briefly summarizes the opening of the polishing cloth to the wiping state is also released.Please take a look.Polishing cloth is sold for 1,980 yen (tax included) at Apple's online store, and shipping is free even for single purchases.Probably the lowest price for the Apple logo sold on the Apple Store.At the time of writing this article, the Apple Online Store is guided to be delivered in January 2022.See: Apple polishing cloth, how to care for products, care for polishing cloth (HATO)

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