Safe for the first Android smartphone!How to install and update apps in the GooglePlay store

Safe for the first Android smartphone!How to install and update apps in the GooglePlay store

For those who have been using feature phones (Garakae) or using iPhone, they may be new to Android smartphones and may not know how to use them.

So this time is one of the basic usage.Introducing how to install the app and update in the Google Play Store.

How to install and update apps in Google Play Store

The smartphone used for this explanation is a model called Galaxy S20 (Android 11), but basically, the screen of the Google Play Store is almost the same with another Android smartphone, so please refer to it.

First of all, we will introduce how to install (install) the app, followed by the update (update) app.

How to install an app on the Google Play Store

Installing the app in the Google Play Store is very easy.You can do it in just 3 steps.

1: Open the Google Play store.2: Tap the search bar at the top of the screen and enter the name of the app you want to install.

3: Tap "Install".

that's all.In addition, a large amount of data communication may be performed when installing.Depending on the smartphone communication plan, it is recommended to operate it in a Wi-Fi environment as much as possible, as data is applied.

Google Play ストアでアプリのインストールができない時の対処法

When the app cannot be installed in the Google Play Store, the main causes and solutions are as follows.

◯ The communication environment is unstable, such as in the subway → Move to a place where the communication environment is stable ◯ Data restrictions are applied → Switching to Wi-Fi ◯ Temporary problem of smartphone → re-smartphoneStarting ◯ “Automatic update” (I will explain later), the update is given priority ◯ The storage of the smartphone is not enough for the storage of the smartphone → Delete unnecessary applications, or for cloud storage.Save data such as photos to give room for smartphone storage

[See] Start, read, and download issues on Play Store


The Google Play Store allows you to check a list of apps uninstalled (deleted) from your smartphone.

Check the list of reinstalled apps, and if you want to install it again, operate it in the following steps.


1: Open the Google Play store.2: Tap the account icon at the top right of the screen.

3: Tap "Manage apps and devices".

4: Tap "Management".

5: Tap "Installed" and select "Not Installed".

6: A list of apps that have been uninstalled from your smartphone is displayed.If you want to install it again, tap the check box and tap the download icon at the top of the screen.

This is the start of the installation.

How to update the app on the Google Play Store

Installed apps may improve defects or add new features by updating (updates).So, here are some ways to update the app on the Google Play Store.

1: Open the Google Play store.2: Tap the account icon at the top right of the screen.

3: Tap "Manage apps and devices".

4: Tap "There is an available update".

5: Tap "Update" of the app you want to update (update).If you want to update all apps, tap "Update all".

The update starts with the above operations.Please note that a large amount of data communication may be performed during the update, as in the case of installation.


Enabling updating updates on the Google Play Store will save you the trouble of updating manually.

1: Open the Google Play store.2: Tap the account icon at the top right of the screen.

3: Tap "Settings".

4: Tap "Network Settings".

5: Tap "Autable update of the app".

6: Select "Only via Wi-Fi" or "No network specification".If you select no network specification, you will be updated in mobile data communication.

Finally, tap "Finish" and it's OK.

The Google Play store has disappeared from your smartphone!?

Even if the Google Play store disappears from the home screen, the Google Play Store should be displayed in the app list.If you can't find the Google Play store in the app list, enter "Play" to the search bar on the app list page.

If you still can't find the Google Play store, try restarting your smartphone.

* Data was examined as of late September 2021.* The information is made thorough, but it does not guarantee the complete and accuracy of the content.* Please use and operate the product at your own risk.

Sentence / Ko Takamizawa