10 Smart Parking in Smart City

10 Smart Parking in Smart City

Smart parking is expanding at airports, shopping centers, streets, and universities while the attention of smart city is attracting attention.

Initially, it was a mere search system in the parking area, but it has gradually become more sophisticated due to various environmental changes, such as improving cashless, sensor technology, and image recognition AI technology by camera.

If an autonomous driving car is commonplace, a large parking lot may have a valley parking function that automatically parked or picks up if you get on and off the parking lot.。

In addition, as EVs are becoming more, the charging facilities in the parking lot are being enhanced, and further changes have occurred in a broad perspective, such as reservation management and usage management of charging corners.

We explain the parking situation and compare solutions.

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What is smart parking?

Smart parking in smart city includes a solution that users who want to use a parking lot can easily search for empty space, paid prices in parking, devices that understand the car's full -time status in real time, and even usage status.By visualizing, it provides the information you want to know the parking lot.

Background that requires smart parking

One of the urban issues around the world is that there is not enough parking space for cars.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, as of 2018, the number of cars has a car owned by 78.14 million units, while the number of parking lots is 5.34 million units, which is overwhelmingly small compared to the number of cars.

In particular, many people in urban areas have experienced "searching for empty parking lots".Furthermore, the revision of the Road Traffic Law, which was constructed in 2006, has also been a factor in searching for vacant parking lots.

In response to this situation, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has formulated a "parking lot measures guidelines in cooperation with town development", and flexibly on the street parking lot according to "optimization of parking lot arrangement" and "local land use and traffic conditions.Various measures have been taken, such as "enabling the entrance to and outdown, but private businesses have taken individual measures on this issue.

This is the smart parking solution.

Smart parking mechanism

Smart parking basically consists of the following four.

The low cost by using IoT and AI technology and the ease of installing equipment are one element that attracts attention.

When uploading the obtained data of the IoT sensor to the cloud, when using Bluetooth, a gateway is required because the communication distance is short, but if you do smart parking in a large area like a street parking, many gateway is required. Become.

In such a case, if you use cellular communication such as NB-Iot (narrow band IoT) with a long communication distance, you will not need to install a gateway.

However, in the case of NB-Iot, it is necessary to put a SIM for each sensor, and it is generally more expensive than a communication module that can communicate with Wifi and Bluetooth, so it is necessary to calculate the cost according to the application.。

In addition, as a simple smart parking, there is a service such as a color cone installed in the parking lot, and a service such as managing the entry and exit only with beacon and smartphone, and parking space in your home and your own premises.By providing, "Space Sharing" services such as "AKKIPA", which are smart parking without introducing special equipment, have also appeared.

Advantages of smart parking

Smart parking has the benefits of both the driver and the parking owner.

1. 空き駐車場をスムーズに探せる

Digital devices allow drivers to recognize the parking lot full.This information can be uploaded to the cloud using the gateway equipment installed in the parking lot, so the user can find an empty parking lot through smartphone apps.

2. オンライン決済ができる

In the conventional coin parking, the driver must settle with a settlement when leaving the store, but in a smart parking, cashless payment is completed if you have a smartphone.

3. 設備導入費を削減できる

The advantage of the parking owner is that it can significantly reduce the installation costs of the existing equipment.There is no need to introduce a checker or flap board because the driver's cashless payment is possible.Services that do not cost any equipment costs, such as AKIPPA, are not charged for coin parking just by registering a parking lot.

4. 道路の混雑緩和、違法駐車の削減

With the spread of smart parking, drivers do not need to find a vacant parking lot while driving.As a result, the number of cars searching for parking will be reduced, reducing road congestion.It can also be expected to reduce illegal parking.

Disadvantages of smart parking

1. 導入コスト

It costs the cost of introducing a "smart parking mechanism".

On the other hand, in the case of a coin parking in Japan, the data will be published on the Internet for parking lots that originally have a familiar system, "Check that the sensor was in stock and raise the flap board".If possible, it is possible to go to smart parking, so it seems to contribute to reducing the cost of introduction.

2. 運用保守メンテナンス

In the past, new devices such as communication equipment and sensors, which were not necessary for conservative maintenance, will occur.As a result, new skills are required for maintenance personnel.

Case of smart parking

The introduction of smart parking has also revealed areas with specific effects.


In Barcelona, Spain, which is becoming an IoT of cities, a smart parking meter that covers the entire city is set up in the city, and parking information is provided in real time.

The Mercise Festival is held every year in Barcelona, where 2 million people gather, and is also used to consider which facility to install this information.


In China, Tencents and Alibaba are working to solve parking problems.

Tencent can make use of WeChat, enter a car number in the app while shopping at the shopping center, and pay an electronic payment to make a parking fee.

At the time of the car in the car, the sensor camera and the AI camera also understand the car number, models, and colors, and check them in a complex way to match the registered content in advance.

Alibaba has realized smart parking in Hangzhou.Not only can you make reservations for parking lots using apps, but you can automatically settle by linking car numbers and drivers.


In the United States of the car society, the city of San Francisco is demonstrating large -scale smart parking.It has been announced that a parking sensor has been installed in 20,000 parking spaces, and the time for searching for the driver's parking has been reduced by half.

Points of smart parking comparison

Here, we will tell you the points of comparison of smart parking solutions for parking owners.



The larger the number of parking spaces, the easier it is to park, so it is one criterion of which company services to choose.


It is necessary to confirm whether the facilities installed in the smart parking are "needed for a gateway for short-range communication of WiFi or Bluetooth" or "NB-Iot with long-range communication and does not require gateway."

In the case of a gateway installation, I want to check if it is a solar power generation or a power supply work.Also, check how many batteries have each sensor.


In the case of a smart parking that checks the delivery with a sensor or camera, somehow installation work is required.

If it is difficult to get the installation cost, you may want to choose a type that can be completed only by registering the web or a color cone.


The first point is to check if it costs initial costs and running costs.

On top of that, when lending a parking lot to the driver, the price paid from the company to the parking lot owner is different, so I would like to check each company.


Smart parking does not have physical locks like coin parking, so it may be fraudulent.

In order to prevent such fraud, it is one way to consider services that use AI that can detect parking vehicles and authenticate license plate.


You need to check if the service is spreading in the area you want to develop.

Domestic and overseas recommended smart parking (empty space share)

In the first half, we will introduce the sharing service of empty space that can be completed only by the app alone.Space sharing can be said to be a very easy service for the owner to start lending an empty parking space.

Akippa (Akippa)

AKIPPA, a sharing service of a parking lot that offers a total of more than 2.2 million users and more than 44,000 parking lots.It is developed nationwide around the Tokyo metropolitan area, Kansai, and popular dome.

"AKIPPA" is a person (owner) who has vacant space such as private homes, condominiums, and offices (owners), registered and posted in akippa to provide people (users) to use the parking lot (users).service.






B (Times)

"B", operated by the largest parking lot Park 24 (Times), is a space sharing service that connects the person you want to lend and the person you want to borrow on the web.

Approximately 4,000 parking spaces are available in 44 prefectures, mainly in Kanto.The Times Club has about 8.5 million members nationwide, an overwhelming number of car sharing services than other companies.

The difference from the time rental parking lot is as follows.







Eaves parking

The eaves parking, which is developed by eaves, is a space sharing service that provides 120,000 members and 3,500 parking spaces.It is deployed nationwide mainly in Kanto.





駐車場オーナーが支払う費用はnone。駐車場オーナーには、駐車場利用の61.5 % will be paid as a offer fee.

Toppi!(Mitsui Fudosan Realty)

The Mitsui Fudosan Realty Space Shareing Service "Toppi!", And about 500 metropolitan areas, which develops "Mitsui Repark (the number of parking lot operations is 200,000 units)", which is the second largest parking lot share.It is deployed in three prefectures.

Until now, even if the landowner received consultation on the effective use of Mitsui's repark, the contract may be difficult due to conditions such as land location, area, and period.

However, "TOPPI!" Has no initial costs such as pavement or machine installation, so it can be used as effective use of land owners' land owners.

The service uses ECOPA, a parking reservation and payment system provided by Escubism Co., Ltd.






Tomeleta (NTT DOCOMO)

Tomeleta, a space sharing service originally developed by sharing service Co., Ltd., was transferred to NTT DOCOMO in 2018.

Since the sharing service company develops a time -rental parking lot coin park, it has operability that makes use of the experience in the group, but has the challenge that it is difficult to secure the neutrality of the service.

We will optimize the operation formation by the transfer of assets between the "Docomo Smart Parking System", which has service operating power but does not directly develop the parking lot site.The service is not integrated.

"Tomeleta" develops mainly in the Kanto region and offers about 1,500 parking spaces.





駐車場オーナーが支払う費用はnone。駐車場オーナーには、駐車場利用の65 % will be paid as a offer fee.

Recommended Smart Parking in Japan and overseas (utilization of sensors, beacon)

In the second half, we will introduce a type of smart parking that uses sensors and beacons to check the entry and exit.


"Smart Parking PeaSy" is a smart parking that connects a driver who wants to secure an empty parking lot smoothly and a parking lot that you want to attract customers easily.The introduction parking space is 1,100.

From January 2021, "SMART PARKING PEASY" has become available at the existing coin parking (about 500 rooms) of ITEC Co., Ltd., which manufactures and sells parking equipment equipment.


This system is an IoT device "Smart Parking Sensor", "Gateway" connecting sensors and servers, "parking lot management server" and drivers used when using parking lots.It consists of four PARKING PEASY.


No power is required, but it is necessary to embed the sensor in the parking lot and install a gateway.


We had an interview with IOTNEWS before, so please see the following article.



When opening a parking section for one car in the parking lot

Bluu Smart Parking (SoftBank Z Corporation JXTG Innovation Partners)

Bluu Smart Parking is operated by SoftBank Co., Ltd. and OpenStreet Co., Ltd., which is invested by Z Corporation and JXTG Innovation Partners.

OpenStreet is a startup company that develops and provides mobility share services and IoT devices.

Bluu Smart Parking is a service for drivers that can be easily made with a single smartphone from securing to payment to payment, Narita International Airport, Kansai International Airport, Osaka Airport (Itami Airport), Chubu International Airport (Storea), Fukuoka Airport,Can be used in Odaiba.

The parking lot owner has little initial capital investment, and can start smart parking simply by attaching a pole of the camera oral organs or embedding a magnetic sensor in the ground.



It is necessary to install a pole with a built -in camera.



Smart Parking

"Smart Parking" is a matching service that connects those who seek the effect of land and those who seek the parking space. The parking lot owner can immediately start the parking lot business just by placing a color cone with built -in beacon.。It is deployed for about 700 units in Tokyo and Osaka, mainly in Nagoya.

The user searches for space on the MAP of the app before parking.Then turn on the GPS and Bluetooth, and when you arrive at the parking lot, move the color cone to the back of the car and park.After setting the app, bring the smartphone closer to the color cone and display "Really in stock?






Smart Parking Meter System

SMART PARKING METER SYSTEM, a service provided by Acer subsidiary Acer ITS, is a driver and parking space manager that combines parking meters, cars, license plate recognition, cloud services, and pay technologies.A smart parking solution for.

Acer ITS has an electronic ticket service platform as an automatic fee collection system supplier for Taiwan's largest bus.Against that technology, the SMART PARKING METER SYSTEM service is being developed.

At present, the service is being developed in Taiwan.The driver provides search for vacant parking and pay functions through a dedicated app.From the introduction of the Smart Parking Meter System so far, the parking turnover rate has been dramatically improved.



Parking meter installation work is required.


Of the parking spaces on the street in Tainan City, SMART PARKING METER SYSTEM has already been introduced to 2,000 units, but in addition to this, in March 2021, as a result of bidding, 2,000 additional 2,000 units were added to Tainan City in Taiwan.The introduction of Smart Parking Meter System has been decided.

With the bid of the transfer method after the batch business contract (Bot method), the SMART PARKING METER SYSTEM will be introduced to Tainan City for the next 20 years.These 4,000 units are about half of the 8,600 parking spaces on the street in Tainan City.

Furthermore, in April 2021, 600 Smart Parking Meter System System will be introduced over the next 10 years.


System introduction costs are private, but you can use apps for parking space users for free.

Cisco Kinetic for Cities Parking (Cisco)

Cisco's solution provides intelligent parking services by public Wi-Fi, video camera, video analysis, and sensor-compatible parking lot management.Reduce traffic congestion and build more effective partnership between cities, citizens, local companies, and parking generations.



It may be necessary to install a sensor or gateway.Confirm.


As a case of smart parking conducted in Barcelona, the following effects were obtained by providing the availability of the parking lot via wifi with a small power radio sensor.

In addition, smart parking is also performed on the Sunshine Coast in Australia.



Summary / comparison table

The following smart parking is as follows.

B (Times)4,000台none駐車場料金の60%関東中心
Eaves parking3,500台none駐車場料金の61.5%関東中心
Smart Parking700台none駐車場料金の50%名古屋・東京

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