[2019 version] After purchasing the iPhone 11 series, 50 standard apps that you want to get in haste

[2019 version] After purchasing the iPhone 11 series, 50 standard apps that you want to get in haste

iPhoneの醍醐味といえばアプリ!今回はiPhone11、iPhone11 ProやiPhone11 Pro Maxを購入したら、すぐに入れたいアプリを、ジャンルごとに分類して50個紹介します! すでにiPhoneを使っている方から、Androidから乗り換える方、初めてのスマホにiPhoneを選ぶ方も、最初にインストールするアプリの参考にしてくださいね。 目次▼ Utility▼ Communication▼ Business▼ Finance▼ニュース・天気・災害情報▼ Schedule▼カメラ・画像編集▼ Investigate▼おでかけ▼ Entertainment

▼ Utility



It is an application that shows the battery level of the iPhone and the time until the charge is completed.You can see how much charging will be available according to the situation, such as when you make a call.In addition, you can also know how the battery deteriorates, so we do not miss the timing of replacing the battery.

■ 関連記事 ■バッテリーライフの使い方解説!

  • iPhoneのバッテリーの寿命がわかるアプリ「バッテリー・ライフ」の使い方
  • My Data Manager

    An application that manages the traffic volume.You can get information about the amount of communication, how much communication you used this month, and how much communication you used this month.The method of saving the amount of communication and the alarm function to prevent overuse is also useful.

    ■ 関連記事 ■シンプルな通信量チェッカーも紹介

  • iPhoneの帯域制限7GBも怖くない!「通信量チェッカー」が使える
  • If you use too much communication, it will be like this ...

  • iPhoneで7GB/月の制限を越えたらどうなるか?やってみた!
  • You can manage your monthly traffic without an app.

  • 速度制限対策!毎月1日からはじめるデータ通信量の管理テクニック
  • タウンWiFi

    If you are using a free Wi-Fi spot, this is an app you want to keep.You can automatically connect by selecting only a function to automatically connect to a free Wi-Fi spot or Wi-Fi with a fast communication speed.In addition, town WiFi negotiates in a spot with many requests, which can be requested for the spots you want to add.


    It is an application that can read the QR code.Currently, you can read the QR code with the iPhone standard camera application, but this app can also use the convenient features such as half -width katakana conversions and flashlights.

    ■ 関連記事 ■iPhone標準カメラアプリでも読み取れます

  • 【iOS11】標準カメラアプリでQRコードを読み取る方法
  • Use of QR code 10 Selections

  • iOS11の標準カメラ対応!QRコード活用例10選
  • Dropbox

    This is an application version of an online storage service that can store and share files on the server.It is convenient when you want to move a file between the devices and create a backup.More and more apps that can automatically take backup in cooperation with Dropbox are increasing.You can also access files even offline.

    ■ 関連記事 ■現在もアップデートやサービスの向上により、使いやすさがUPしています

  • Dropbox、一部プランの容量を1TB追加!料金は据え置き
  • Googleドライブ

    This is an online storage service app version with the same function as Dropbox.It is also characterized by its good compatibility with other services provided by Google, and has a large capacity that can be used for free.

    ■ 関連記事 ■全世界で愛用されています

  • 「Googleドライブ」のユーザー数がまもなく10億人を突破
  • ▼ Communication


    Microsoft Outlook

    It is a mailer application that can simultaneously send and receive email and schedule management.The function that automatically distributes high -priority mail to the priority box is convenient, and it is possible to set multiple email accounts and use them properly.

    ■ 関連記事 ■iOS標準の「メール」アプリの使い方

  • 「メール」アプリで受信したメールの見方・操作方法
  • Chrome

    This is an iOS version of the browser application "CHOROME" provided by Google.The page is quickly loaded and the functions are abundant.If you use CHOROME on a PC or another device, you can synchronize history, bookmarks, open tabs, etc.

    Smooz (スムーズ) ブラウザ

    A browser app that sells that can be operated smoothly with one hand.Many operations such as tab switching can be operated with gestures that swipe your finger in a specific shape.The function to see other people's reactions on the open page is convenient, especially recommended for browsing news sites.

    ■ 関連記事 ■Smoozの使い方解説

  • サクサク操作&独自機能!iPhone向けブラウザ「Smooz」
  • Skype for iPhone

    It is an iOS version app of Skype, a representative voice call service that can be used for free, so it can be used not only as a call but also as a chat tool.Suitable for group calls and group chat, it is convenient when you want to talk with a large number of people.


    A typical communication tool that allows you to use group chat and voice calls for free.It also features a wide range of LINE stamps, LINE dressing, LINE games, LINE wallets, etc.

    ■ 関連記事 ■機種変更前のiPhoneからアカウントを引き継ぐ方法


  • LINEアカウントを新しいiPhoneに引き継ぐ方法
  • Facebook


    ■ 関連記事 ■22歳以下なら、「Lifestage」がオススメ!

  • 22歳以上はお断り〜Facebook、若者専用アプリ「Lifestage」
  • +メッセージ

    An application for SMS (short message service) provided by three major carriers of SoftBank, KDDI (au), and NTT DOCOMO.The difference from the standard iOS message app is that there is a stamp that can be used for free.In addition, it is a packet fee to send it, so if you subscribe to the packet flat -rate plan, it may be better to use " + message".

    ■ 関連記事 ■+メッセージの使い方解説

  • iOS版「+メッセージ」初期設定手順を徹底解説!
  • 利用前に一読を!iOS版「+メッセージ」のよくある質問まとめ
  • Messenger

    The message function on Facebook is independent as one app.Since June 2015, it has been available without having a Facebook account.


    Popular SNS, Twitter official client app.There are many third -party client apps, but you can also use the basic functions such as tweets, seeing trends, exchanging direct messages, but also official functions such as bookmarks.


    This is the official app of SNS, Instagram specialized in photo sharing.It is a popular app as a camera with a fashionable filter and an SNS that shows photos.

    Tik Tok ティックトック – 動画ソーシャルアプリ

    It is a short video community service app mainly popular among young people.You can use a wealth of BGM to make unique videos, post, or watch videos posted by other users.

    ▼ Business



    It is an excellent contact grouping application for both design and ease of use.It is characterized by its simple group classification, and is very popular despite the paid app.


    It is an iOS version app of text service that can be used as a workspace.If you make good use of it, such as using it instead of a memo, creating a task list, creating a slide, you can use it for business.

    CamScanner Free

    It is a high -performance scanner app that boasts a strong popularity.You can scan the document at hand and save it in a PDF file, or add it into an electronic data.After iOS11, document scanning is also possible with standard memo apps, but Camscanner is popular because of the speed of speed and ease of correction.

    ■ 関連記事 ■こちらのスキャナーアプリもあわせてオススメ!

  • iPhoneを高機能スキャナーにする無料アプリ「Scannable」
  • In iOS11, it is now possible to scan the standard memo app

  • 【iOS11】iPhoneのメモアプリで書類をスキャンする方法
  • 1Password

    This is an iOS version app that can centrally manage passwords such as web services.By using a built -in browser, you can automatically enter your password and address.Also, if you use Safari's shared function, you will automatically enter your ID and password without opening the app.Download is free, but the use of the app is charged.Strong security is popular and many users use it despite the fee.

    ■ 関連記事 ■無料トライアルも可能です

  • 【解説】アプリの定期利用プランの無料トライアルを試す方法
  • ▼ Finance

    Here are the most used apps from the money -related apps, such as the flea market app and the smartphone payment app.


    It is a flea market (flea market) application that can be used easily from auction.The money exchange is not directly between the seller and the buyer, but the Mercari Secretariat brokers, so you can trade safely with less trouble.A payment service called smartphone payment Melpei is also available.

    ■ 関連記事 ■中古スマホ売買も可能なので、これまで使っていた端末の販売を検討している人にもオススメ

  • メルカリ、中古スマホ売買の不安を解消する「あんしんスマホサポート」を開始
  • PayPay-ペイペイ

    It is an application that makes it easy to make a smartphone payment using the QR code.Of the payments, a certain amount will return as a bonus, so everyday shopping is a great deal.In addition to some convenience stores and restaurants, available stores are expanding one after another.

    ■ 関連記事 ■還元率がUPするキャンペーンが随時開催されています。公共料金支払いにも対応!

  • PayPay、10月5日に20%還元される1周年記念キャンペーン
  • PayPayが公共料金支払いに対応、0.5%のポイントも付与
  • ▼ News, weather, disaster information



    It is a learning -type news app that will display your favorite news as you use it.The news for each genre is classified, so you can check only the news you care about.When a serious news comes in, it will be reported by push notification.In addition, a coupon tab is implemented and you can get a coupon.


    It is a news app that is categorized for each topics and is easy to find interesting news.There is a "coupon" channel where "coupon" is distributed every day.


    ニュースなど、様々な情報やサイトを「あとで読む」ために保存しておくことのできるアプリです。iPhone Maniaの記事も、ボタン1つで登録できます。iOS10以降では、ウィジェットにも対応しています。


    It is an application that distributes weather and disaster information in various places.Not only the weather forecast but also the Earthquake Bulletin can be received, which is useful for disaster countermeasures.

    ■ 関連記事 ■天気予報アプリも種類が豊富です。何日後まで予想できるか……など、機能別にまとめた記事はこちら。

  • 決定版!iPhoneで天気がチェックできる「天気予報アプリ」徹底比較
  • 特務機関NERV防災

    It is an application that allows you to obtain disaster prevention information at the fastest level in Japan.Originally, bulletin was distributed on Twitter, but it became an application with various functions such as weather maps and detailed information on disasters.

    ■ 関連記事 ■リリース時にも話題になりました。

  • 防災情報を国内最速レベルで提供するアプリ「特務機関NERV防災アプリ」配信開始
  • Yahoo!防災速報

    It is an app that can be used as an alarm alert in the event of a disaster, such as earthquakes and heavy rain.You can also check disaster information and shelter maps, so be sure to put it in case of emergency.

    ■ 関連記事 ■防災アプリはいくつ入れておいても損はありません

  • 3.11から3年。入れておいて損はしない防災・避難情報iPhoneアプリ
  • 台風の情報を得ることのできるサイト・使える防災アプリまとめ
  • 緊急時に安否情報を登録!キャリア提供の「災害用伝言板」
  • 災害時の速報通知「緊急速報」を受信する設定
  • 災害時、自分や家族の命を守る119アプリ「Coaido119」
  • ▼ Schedule



    A multifunctional scheduler, a calendar app.Equipped with all the functions of the electronic notebook, the TODO management is perfect.A notebook that allows you to fill out notes is also included.


    It is an iOS application of TODO reminder service that manages daily tasks.From project management to shopping notes, you can easily manage with easy -to -use classification functions.

    ■ 関連記事 ■Wunderlist以外にも使いやすいToDoアプリを紹介しています

  • iPhoneがあなただけの秘書になる!ToDo管理アプリ
  • TimeTree

    This is a shared calendar app that allows you to share your schedule with multiple people or adjust the date while consulting.With the "keep" function, you can also manage schedules that have not yet been scheduled.You can share your planned iMessage and use widgets.

    ■ 関連記事 ■詳しい使い方、レビューはこちら!

  • これは使える!iPhoneの無料カレンダーアプリ「TimeTree」
  • ▼ Camera, image editing


    スノー SNOW

    It is a popular self -portrait app for young people.You can make interesting self -portrait photos with stamps, filters, and synthesis.It is also possible to exchange photos in the app.


    It is an image editing / markup app in cooperation with Evernote.You can add arrows, letters, and symbols to images with simple operations.Recommended for those who are not enough for the markup of the standard photo application.


    A high -performance retouching app.Various image editing is possible, such as fine -tuning such as changes in color tones, changing the size, and removing dust.

    ■ 関連記事 ■有料ですが、Photoshopも顔負けの人気レタッチアプリを紹介

  • Photoshopより凄くて安いと評判の「Pixelmator」、ついにiPhoneにも登場!
  • ▼ Investigate



    It is an iOS version application of a web service that translates words and sentences in real time.You can read the letters with a camera even if you don't understand the reading, or translate it with voice or handwritten input.

    ■ 関連記事 ■詳しい説明や便利な機能の紹介はこちら!

  • 圏外でも大丈夫!オフライン翻訳対応のアプリ「Google翻訳」
  • クックパッド

    This is the official app of the recipe posting site "Cookpad".In addition to recipe search, there is also a function that displays sales information in nearby shops and recipes using sale items.

    ■ 関連記事 ■料理に役立つアプリは他にもたくさんありますよ!

  • iPhoneが料理の教科書になる!初心者向けお料理アプリ3選
  • iPhoneがキッチンツールに早変わり!超便利なキッチンアプリ10選
  • ▼ Going out



    This is a map app provided by Google.It can be used as a navigation application because it navigates by voice while moving the route to the destination.

    ■ 関連記事 ■カーナビ代わりにも使えます!

  • カーナビでお馴染み「ナイト・モード」がGoogleマップに追加!

    It is a map application with a substantial navigation function.In addition to basic functions as a navigation application, such as transfer guidance and spot search, information such as typhoons, snow, pollen, etc. can be found in the app.


    This is the transfer guide app in Jordan.In addition to the route search, there are also airplanes and Shinkansen reservations.There is also an alarm function for preventing passing and delays.

    ■ 関連記事 ■ちなみに、乗り越し対策にはこんなアプリも・・・・・・!?

  • なぜか乗り過ごし防止機能まで!進化するiPhoneの「鏡」アプリ4選
  • ▼ Entertainment



    This is an official app for playing YouTube videos.You can search for another video while using the list to watch later and playing the video.

    ■ 関連記事 ■YouTubeはアプリのアップデートも精力的に行っており、現在も進化中です!

  • YouTube、動画の説明欄でタイトルやアーティスト名が確認可能に
  • YouTubeのiOS版アプリで「ダークテーマ」が利用可能に
  • niconico

    This is the official app of Nico Nico Douga.In addition to video playback and search, you can use Nico Nico's functions such as My List and comments.It also supports background playback.


    It is a hot Internet TV station app.We offer all various channels and programs such as animation, dramas, and sports for free.

    Amazon プライム・ビデオ

    You can purchase and rent new movies and TVs, or download and watch offline.Amazon Prime Members can watch many movies and TV programs as much as you like as a member benefit, so it is a very recommended application for members.

    ■ 関連記事 ■プライム会員向けに、ビデオだけではなくミュージックなども提供されています。

  • Amazon、プライム会員向けサービス「Prime Music」を日本で提供開始
  • TVer(ティーバー)

    It is an official application of video distribution service that allows you to watch commercial TV programs completely free.You can watch it as many times as you like within one week from the broadcast of the program.Because there are functions such as My List, you can manage your favorite dramas.


    This is the official app of music streaming service Spotify, where you can enjoy 40 million songs.In addition to the shuffle playback function, you can also check and watch popular songs from top charts.


    This is an e -book leader app that you can enjoy reading anywhere.This is an application for reading e -books purchased at the Kindle shop, and if you use it on other terminals, you can synchronize your reading status in real time.

    ■ 関連記事 ■iPhone標準の電子書籍リーダーiBooksでも本や漫画が楽しめます

  • 電子書籍専用ストア「iBooks Store」でブック・マンガを入手する
  • ▼ iPhone customization



    It is an application that supports the input of emoticons.There are a variety of emoticons, and you can use the emoticon registered by other users by using the cloud function.

    ■ 関連記事 ■自力で顔文字を登録したい!という人には、この記事がオススメ!

  • 【使い方】オリジナル顔文字を簡単登録する方法♪
  • 簡単!iPhoneで「自分だけのオリジナル顔文字」を作る方法
  • iPhoneで1番簡単に顔文字を登録できるアプリ「emoty」の使い方
  • In addition to other useful keyboard apps

  • 【使い方】類語辞書を内蔵!キーボードアプリ「ワードライト」
  • キーボードから直接検索が可能に!GoogleがiOS端末向けにリリース
  • コーヒーを飲むユニコーン?スターバックスのユニークなキーボードアプリ
  • Simeji

    It is a keyboard application that allows you to input various emoticons and customize keyboard design.You can set your favorite photos and images in the background image of the keyboard.There is also a function to convert the entered characters into stamps.


    It is an application that allows you to download 40,000 wallpaper images for free.There are many high -quality images, and all are copyright -free images.The genre, such as cool and cute, makes it easier to find your favorite images.

    ■ 関連記事 ■壁紙の変更方法解説

  • iPhoneホーム画面・ロック画面の壁紙(背景画像)を変更する
  • in conclusion

    iPhone11やiPhone11 Pro/Pro Maxに買い換えたらすぐに入れたいアプリ50選、いかがでしたか?愛用しているアプリがなかった!ボリュームが物足りない!という方は、読了まで約81分で話題になったiPhoneアプリ200連発!初心者が購入後に入れたい定番神アプリをご覧ください。 また、51個めのアプリとして、iPhoneManiaのアプリも是非ダウンロードしてみてください。

    In addition to reading the latest news about the iPhone, you can easily view all articles on iPhone Mania, including explanations on the basic functions of the iPhone and the introduction of the techniques you know.Then send a fun and comfortable iPhone life!(Kaede)

  • [2014年版]iPhoneアプリ200連発!初心者が購入後に入れたい定番神アプリ
  • [2015年版]これだけは入れておきたいiPhone神アプリ50連発!
  • [2016年版]iPhone7を買ったらすぐにいれたい神アプリ50連発
  • [2018年版]iPhoneを購入したら、すぐに入れたい定番アプリ50連発
  • あわせて読みたいiPhone11/11 Pro/11 Pro Max 関連特集
  • 【総力特集】iPhone11/Pro/Pro Maxの料金、性能を徹底比較!
  • 【速攻予約】iPhone11/Pro/Pro Maxを予約!オンラインでいち早く購入する方法まとめ