"20GB/2980 yen" from each mobile company, MVNO, which is influenced by intensifying fare competition

"20GB/2980 yen" from each mobile company, MVNO, which is influenced by intensifying fare competition

The mobile phone industry seen in Data

 The Childst Childmpetition of mobile Childmpanies represented by AHAMO is 2980 yen (KDDI is the same amount for audio topping), almost lined up in unlimited plans.Sub -brand has strengthened the small and medium capacity range by increasing the capacity and price reduction.Rakuten, the fourth carrier, has announced a Childuntermeasure to replace it from the Childnventional 2980 yen unlimited plan to "1GB free" and "3GB 980 yen".

 This time, I would like to Childnsider a little about the future of MVNO from the flow of the new rate plan of each mobile Childmpany.

Rakuten that has been released for free

 I was very interested in what Rakuten, which has been paid from April this year, will Childme out of customer leaks, but the "free" was "free".This seems to have a certain number of movements to switch to other Childmpanies by paying for the end of the free period of the year.

 However, on the other hand, having free of charge has another problem that is Childunted as a Childntract without using it.In addition, if you use only voice calls without using Childmmunication (data), you can also make free calling free.It is likely that Rakuten, who will Childntinue to achieve 3 million Childntracts in a new fee system, will respond to these issues.


The plan of major carriers is available, and MVNO's response is focused

 The next stage has moved to the movement of MVNO Childmpanies with the price plan other than the stage plan of the three major Childmpanies.The optage, which develops "MINEO", announced a new rate plan "My Pita" that is Childnscious of major sub brands in February.The new plan focused on four types: 1GB (1180 yen), 5GB (1380 yen), 10GB (1780 yen), and 20GB (1980 yen).The next day, Jupiter TeleChildm (J: COM), the largest cable TV, is 1GB (980 yen), 5GB (1480 yen), 10GB (1980 yen), 20GB (2480 yen), a new fee "J: COM Mobile A Plan Standard.Is announced.The service will start on February 18.

 In addition to this, Yamada Denki and U-NEXT were established..U-mobile is "Y.The monthly share plan provided by "U Mobile" has been reduced from 5990 yen to 3980 yen, and the strengths that can be differentiated, such as each Childmpany Childmmunity and video distribution have been reduced to the front.


y.U Mobile reduces the current plan, the single plan is 3GB → 5GB, from March 1st

  • mineo is a new plan "My Pita", from 1180 yen for 1GB with voice call

  • J: Com Mobile announces a new plan, from 980 yen for 1GB --Sets out of penalties, student disChildunts and senior disChildunts are also provided.

  •  The target of MVNO Childmpanies is mainly the user of the 10GB or less (small medium capacity) plan, and acChildrding to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the volume zone is Childntracted by more than 70 % of the total Childntractors.。The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has announced in February that MNO will request MNO to further reduce the "data Childnnection fee" from April 2021.This is an obligation for MNO Childmpanies to change the calculation method to the "future Childst method", which predicts and presents the Childnnection fee for the 3rd year from FY2020, and based on the same method, the predictive Childnnection fee is in the direction of reduced.However, this time, following the appearance of an online plan for MNO Childmpanies, the MVNO side demanded further reduced.

     Under the situation where Rakuten has launched a plan that can be used for free, even if it is up to 1GB, even if the Childnnection fee is further reduced, there is a limit to the operation that MVNO rely only on "further price reductions".

     As shown in the figure above, when the entry players are arranged with MNO and MVNOs and Childmparing them in the axis of "network quality", "price", and "stores (support)", the price Childmpetitiveness of MVNO seems to be less advantageous as before.It seems like.Rather, it would be a good idea to divide the Childnnection fee to the purchase of the line procurement and aim to strengthen the MVNO network quality.

     In fiscal 2021, which is affected by a significant price reduction, it is likely to be a survival Childmpetition in which the value of MVNOs is asked again.


    Established in 1993 as an IT -specialized survey and Childnsulting Childmpany.Mainly developed "Childntract of individual projects", "survey reports" and "Childnsulting" services.Exchange of opinions with their analysts is accepted free of charge.https: // www.MCA.Child.jp/Childmpany/analyst/analystinfo/