"5G" data is expanded at explosive speed What is the problem that this is the world?: Mobile applications and large -capacity data rapidly increase

"5G" data is expanded at explosive speed What is the problem that this is the world?: Mobile applications and large -capacity data rapidly increase

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 In the five years from 2021 to 2026, the 5G market grows rapidly.The world's 5G market size was about $ 20 billion in 2020, but it reached $ 73 billion at the end of 2021, and the report predicts that it will exceed $ 600 billion in 2026.The 5G -related service business operators are pursuing returns from the investment, and by the end of 2021, the sales of such businesses 8.It is said that about 5 % will be related to 5G.

 In particular, 5G promotes the fields such as mobile games and immersive virtual reality (VR).These services may increase rapidly in the five years from 2021 to 2026 as the 5G service area is expanded and the number of corresponding devices increases.On the other hand, 5G service operators must prepare a network that meets the request.

「5G」データが爆速で拡大 これが世界に突きつける問題とは?:モバイル用途、大容量データが急増

 With the increase in the use of 5G services, the report has made a certain proposal to the business operator.One of them is the virtualization of a 5G core network.The report has pointed out that this can reduce the load on the network caused by an increase in traffic (data flowing through the network).

 Increasing the amount of mobile communication data is a major challenge faced by businesses.According to the report, the amount of data generated by the mobile phone connected to 5G will be about 1.5 million p (peta) B worldwide in 2026.In particular, the streaming playback time of 4K (resolution around 4000 x 2000 pixels) that produces large amounts of data will be 214 million hours worldwide in 2026.

 With the increase in 5G communication by mobile phones, businesses must take measures to eliminate traffic congestion.For example, the report recommends the following measures.

 Dave Bowie, who wrote the report, points out that orchestration is particularly important."In order to provide services that satisfy the demands of users as the 5G application changes, an orchestration tool that enables real -time management of the network is extremely important. As a result, network operators 5G services.You can maximize your sales "(Bowie)

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