About thinking about the area of "Aida"

About thinking about the area of "Aida"

While touching on "Posa", "feeling" or meaningful experience, I tried to delve into "media" three times.The first time (VOL).07) I wrote this.In other words, there is a content such as video expression, a sense of reading after reading them, the meaning of the meaning, and the content and the meaning experience, and there is a media.Apparently, it is not so simple, but if you think of the media more essentially, it may be a level that wraps the entire composition of "Continu Meaning Experience -Reading feeling" and may be at a level that affects the whole.rice field.

To this consideration, the "media" is not regarded as a "organization/company" or "medium (frame)/platform" that transmits information, or not only a device that transmits content.It is better to think that it is a "entire entire environment for our information input", which leads to the meaning of "media" by McLouhan.

The phrase "Media is a message" by McLouhan was that the media, not content, actually gave us a meaningful experience.Message by this media = meaningful experience is the implicit that does not matter from individual content, such as "This movie was interesting" or "this video work is cool".It was the meaning experience of the meaning of each era, which has the information input environment (common to society, basic).

Then, in the current media environment, what is going on is what the message (= meaning experience or "Posa") is going on, but the last time I was aware of it, but in a nutshell, "media message in the smartphone era".I tried to follow.

By the way, in this article, how to input the "meaning experience" (paisa / feeling), how to input it is not only the content such as video expression, but to the environment, that is, everyday information input to us.He has described whether it can be sorted.After this, I intend to dig deeper in each type of "Posa", but I stopped once before that, why I was considering this area, the past of this paper.I'm sorry that the reference part is scattered a little, but I would like to touch on its intentions and backgrounds.

Digital living environment and "meaning"

Although it is a somewhat tid -like story, words such as digital, smart, and DX are swollen in the current world.Above all, artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that changes society and life.By the way, many people know that this AI does not understand the meaning.Avoid deep entry, but the superiority of AI is in numerical operations and not in meaning.In recent years, a considerable evolution tool called GPT-3 has been translated by artificial intelligence, but this does not understand the meaning of individual sentences, and patterns from a huge amount of learning.Translated based on recognition.Most of the dialogue engines are.

I will dig a little more "meaning" described above.For example, when we imagine a grass, "I don't grow, do the wind, have a subtle green color, somehow do this, don't pull it out>.You can float.Furthermore, if you say, "In the evening of late autumn, the grass that flies on the wind on the plateau," a "feeling" with a visual image will be generated in your head.Furthermore, this "feeling" that has been generated for some reason can be shared with the other party to some extent (VOL)..05).

This "feeling" is the most difficult task for artificial intelligence.It would be quite difficult to list five classical songs that look good on the "grass feeling" above.The meaning here refers to this "feeling" and "paisa".It is not an explanation or definition written in the dictionary with the explanation that "grass is such a thing".It is more flexible, and it is hard to do with Kotoba.

To put it simply, such "feelings", "posas", "meaning", "meaning", such as "meaning", it is difficult to measure and calculate, unlike physical properties.Therefore, this part is not data at present, as to how we input information about the monokohito space, including content such as video expression, with information.In other words, the "meaning" area that connects (physical) monokotohito and our emotions is not data in the digital world (VOL)..05).

This situation example is the current marketing data.Since current data handles things that can be returned and measured to numerical values, such as physical phenomena, "results" that can quantify the history of movement, payment, and the number of views in human activities are useful as marketing data.Huh.However, the "cause and motivation area", such as "what kind of motivation you moved, what kind of motivation you made, and what kind of" feeling> did you have in the content you watched? "ing.These are the "meanings" areas that arise in input information, or in the makotohito environment.

As an example, a few years ago, face recognition technology was exciting in the marketing area.Introducing technical introductions at overseas conference, "If there is a large percentage of people with such a face, the content is taken favorably, and conversely, if there are many people with such a face, the content has a problem."When I was introduced, there was such a question from one audience."From the expression, I found out that the content was a problem. So, what kind of content should I use?"In fact, it was an essential question, but of course there was no satisfactory answer.

In many cases, data is collected, the data of the people who saw the content, in the case of the content.However, since the "cause", which is the "cause", is not linked, we do not know why.Therefore, for the production side of the expression content (the planning side of the monokoto, the spatial production side), the satisfaction is halved.

Similar things occur in explanatory principles such as brain wave measurement.Since the area of "meaning" is not linked to the data, it cannot be reached where the content side is analyzed from there.Creators are often said to not trust data, but this is also a structural factor.The creative "meaning" is different from the current "measurement results", which is true.

Quality data

In this article, the "meaning" described above has been replaced with the "meaning experience" (feeling/possi), or simply "experience".As described above, it is different from the "meaning" of drawing a dictionary (meaningful).Whether this area can be handled as data is my major problem setting.If you step a little further, you will be able to understand whether the AI in the future will be able to understand the "posa" and "feeling" that people feel somewhat.

In the above episode, for example, if the meaning experience that arises in content can be classified to some extent, the relationship with the expression (read -reading) is also similar, and at the same time, the relationship with the content (such as aiming for this meaning experience).But he seems to be able to organize and advise a little more.Once you know "Saiga", you can bridge both the video expression (input information) and the after -reading feeling.

In this way, if the data that measures the current dominant "some kind of result" is called measurement data, or phenomena data, the data of "meaning", which is "the cause side", is us.It deals with the "Posa", "feeling", and "meaning experience" area when you receive some information every day, and can be called "qualitative data" (VOL)..06).

"Measurement" is very difficult for this qualitative data.Although there are various attempts such as face recognition, brain wave, pulse, even if such a living body and brain reaction are understood, information on what kind of "feeling" and "meaning" was input content and monokotohito space.Is not there.If the subject is expressionless, it will be quite good.

Rather, paying attention to the input video expression and the monokohito space (input information), it is a big "meaning experience" as the main point of how the "feeling" is likely to be born with us.Sorting the type will be able to categorize "qualitative things" at a better granularity.

At present, it is not.The logic is that it is easier and cheaper to work on the computers that can be measured and "optimize" the information input environment is easier and cheaper.

For example, if you are a content, you can see the top search, you can see the top search, and you will be able to see it again, and you will be watched again.For things and things, safe and inexpensive ones are distributed preferentially.With the support of these information distribution, our living environment, including the information input environment, will become more and more DX, and it will be intelligent (but the "meaning" is unknown).The current appearance looks like this.

Under such circumstances, I would like to divide the type of "meaning experience" that can be shared to some extent, link the meaning data to the numerical data, and transform into a living environment that is somewhat meaningful (somewhat.I want to make more QOL higher DX)..06).

Automation in video expression, questions about

The fact that I began to stick to the "meaning" aspect (meaning experience) in data was, of course, involved in the advertising business related to video expression.The field of advertising video is said to be a business field based on "creation of content on the theme of transforming our consciousness".According to Hidetaka Ishida, these business areas are called "cultural industries."It is an industry that creates everyone's consciousness and mood, and is exactly the meaning of "meaning".Movies, fashion, and TV commercials have played a role as a sized soldier.Meanwhile, the main media of life will accelerate the net shift at the milestone near the millennial.

In the early 2010s, a breakthrough occurred in the deep learning area of artificial intelligence.A well -known example, the topic of deep learning techniques was that AI can determine cat images by autonomous learning without anyone taught by anyone.I have a considerable interest (a little exaggerated) to how much of these technologies will automate the video expression.

Of course, the areas of creative and important "Posa", "feeling", and "meaning experience" are areas that are related to "meaning" that cannot handle the current artificial intelligence.At that time, it was said that "the creative field is a sanctuary that is not deprived of artificial intelligence until the end."However, I had some questions.Is that really true?I felt that I could do it with some pattern.Despite the high hurdles (like the cat), there is a high hurdle, but the mechanical learning that gives teacher's data has been able to learn many patterns.


Pattern and database

For example, the visual of the company guide.Formatting seems to be easier if the company's business is shown in an overview, sampling the voices of the site employees, and showing the future company vision along with big visuals.In other words, if you are recognized and prepare only the materials of each company, you can mass -produce pom pom.

Or what about a commercial for the campaign appeal?If it is a format with a title work that uploads the expression of Odoroki (such as a contract month free or a limited time for a limited time!) And add music to draw an attainment, this is also a machine with a teacher.It seems that the pattern can be recognized by learning.If you store your face material, title, etc., you can make a variety of patterns.

Of course, these examples can be done with some patterns in the analog era, but if they are set to SaaS in the digital & net era, the price can be destructively cheaper and the work can be considerably saved.I will do it.It seems like a good cospa image in the direction that the minimum quality is enough.

If a good cospa advertising video swells the viewing space of the smartphone, its quality of cospa -oriented seems to gradually become the standard quality of the world.The writer thinks that something is different, but the progress of technology cannot be stopped.

So, when the artificial intelligence breakthrough happened, I predicted that inexpensive online services would probably have inexpensive automatic video production (from the technology industry, not from the video industry).At that time, I was laughed at thinking too much, but fortunately or unfortunately, the situation was gradually progressing.

The next idea is to determine what kind of video expression can be patterned and can be automated to some extent, or what is not possible.Exaggeratedly, how far is the human sanctuary and where the border is?

The advertising video was mentioned earlier, "Content creation on the theme of transforming our consciousness", but if so, can "meaning" = a qualitative area, can this be generated automatically?It comes to the essential part.

Starting here, as described in this article, advertising images are classified around the axis (how to change consciousness = "how to go" in the mood of viewers).This is a very important study to analyze the CM group for each experience type from the content production aspect, and determine if there is a stereotype structure that can be patterned there.I felt so.

In other words, if you divide the image of the video expression and the feeling of , which is the title of this article, what kind of common patterns are possible, and it can be automatically generated to some extent. Thing.

What I learned from the type of meaning experience was VOL.02 and VOL.As mentioned in 03, it is possible to collect the stereotypes as the image and story flow, while it is quite difficult to automatically generate images as a complete package.In summary, it turned out that if you put a specific meaningful experience type in the goal and make a rough proposal for a character conte, you could do your best at this time.

VOL.As described in 04, it will expand the subject, and not only the content such as advertising images, but also the meaning experience that arises between the monokotohito space and us, is it a "qualitative data"?I am continuing to verify.Although it is omitted in detail, it is becoming possible to treat the area of quality as data by expressing the distribution of the meaningful experience type as the coordinates map.The stereotype that represents each meaning experience type becomes the core, but we are conducting research to show the "position" for more detailed and subtle meaning experiences.

What I feel recently is that the need for qualitative data from QOL's point of view is increasing, and businesses are being opened in various fields, not only in content but also in the city's space assets and EC products.

From a wider perspective, I feel that for Japan, which has a lot of nuances, the dominant data has only culturally advantageous.

A sense of distance and concentration with "meaning" that changes in the media environment

前回述べた通り、時代はスマホによるデジタルデータのメディア環境となった。マクルーハンの「私たちはバックミラーを見ている」というテーゼ(VOL.Refer to 08), we should have finally seen the analog media era as a back mirror as a different past.Last time, we examined a little bit of what messages we were currently receiving in the media.

If you look at the analog media era and the digital media era, we are probably in the following situations:

The two can be seen by comparing the environment led by television and magazines, and the differences from the smartphone information input.

The meaning experience of television and magazines, especially in the late Showa era, see the "sense elite and roll model to be aimed", and have a relatively relatively different desire and longing (for example, I want to be cool or cool!)There were many.Therefore, we guided us to the acceptance attitude of wanting to get closer to the target, and even more, to be self -equalized.

Here, there is a sense of distance between the subject and us (the sense of distance of being a celebrity or model, the sense of distance of "Tokyo", or a half or foreigner.A sense of distance. There is no handshake event. The psychological game, such as filling the distance with some effort, was somewhat effective.

In addition, the information on TV and magazines ended and ended.If you read a certain number of pages in a magazine, if you watch a certain time for a program, the information input will be over.After finishing, I was able to secure the time for individuals to ruminate and their thoughts.


The caution is distributed, and a fixed longing target (relatively) is hard to be born (relatively).Even if your favorite idols have been confirmed, the context of the information can be replaced one after another, so the dynamic context of idol information → friend SNS → payment notification → game → news, etc. are developed, and the attention is more and more.Spread.Above all, if you search, even more candidates for "longing" will come out more and more.The longing target is also dispersed.

Under these circumstances, it takes a lot of effort and hard work to incorporate the image of the longing target into your head and chew it.It seems to be difficult to enjoy the lack of information about the longing for as a sense of distance.Because smartphones are always there.If you just start searching for information, there's no end to it.If you explore SNS, blog, related information, reviews, surrounding information, etc., that alone is not enough.Rather than chewing information and fermenting the "feeling" into your own "feeling", such information hunting and searching one after another are rather the purpose.

The media environment that keeps a sense of distance and presses the desire clearly, and repeats various desires (or negative mood) by repeating the contact with the contact of zero sense of distance and repeating contextual jumps without interruption.。There, the concentration of desire = meaning and the sense of distance gradually change, which is a big difference between the analog media and the digital media era.Of course, it's not the debate which is better, but that's the reality.

Self -consciousness of "meaning"

In the first place, depending on the analog media era and the digital media era, the meaningful experience type variations, even more, the variations of the desire type (= like the variations of the large desire we have) itself may not change much.unknown.However, the big difference is whether you have time to chew that desire yourself = edit.This is related to the depth of the above and the sense of distance from the meaning.

But if so, you can think exactly the opposite.The smartphone = internet media environment, and the analog media has become relatured and can be seen as a back mirror, making it easier to determine our own desires and variations that have blossomed in the era of analog media.I think there are things.

If you take a step back to the information (for example, Instagram posts, various tweets, and various video content) to us in the smartphone = internet media environment, this information is our "Which of our information)It is easier to make sure that we are coming to push the type of "type" meaning experience.

As McLouhan says, even if the media changes, the content repeats the previous media.Organizing many advertising images created during the analog media era is an excellent material for us to determine the input information meaningful experience type.

The fact that we can check what kind of variations of desires in the first place (can be called a large bureau or meta -awareness) can improve the world's prospects, and only a little different.It is also a big opportunity to notice the desire (= your own "Posa").

I feel that there are many personal transmit content that have blossomed on SNS, including YouTube in recent years, are quite effective to detect such "my own".Such a thing should come to press a subtle position, which is different from the "back mirror" content.

Writer Profile

Jun Sasaki

Scientist / Executive Producer旋律デザイン研究所 代表広告制作会社入社後、CM及びデジタル領域で約20年プロデュースに携わる。各種広告賞受賞。その後事業開発などイノベーション文脈へ転身、新たなパラダイムへ向けた研究開発の必要性を痛感。クリエイティブの暗黙知をAI化するcreative genome projectの研究を経て「コンテンツの意味体験をデータ化、意味体験の旋律を仮説する」ことをミッションに旋律デザイン研究所設立。人工知能学会正会員。http://senritsu-design.com/

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