Added 5 types of housing products limited to Jibun House and Hokkaido -limited specifications.A full -scale development of "Smart Custom Housing" that allows you to consider while customizing the house like choosing a car.

Added 5 types of housing products limited to Jibun House and Hokkaido -limited specifications.A full -scale development of "Smart Custom Housing" that allows you to consider while customizing the house like choosing a car.

Jibun House, a housing brand that sells standard houses according to the environment in each region, supports Hokkaido -specific products that correspond to severe colds to smart custom housing, and the number of products exclusively for Hokkaido is one to six.I have increased it.You can also equip a storage that can store snow shoveling tools casually at the entrance.

VRでは、北海道らしい雪の季節だけでなく四季折々の風景を映し出せるため、住宅を周囲の環境と照らし合わせながら選ぶことができます。北海道や沖縄などで地域事情を踏まえた商品開発を行ってきたジブンハウスは、デザインとテクノロジーの技術を生かして、今後も各地域に特化した商品を展開していきます。▶️北海道限定仕様の特設ページはこちら■北海道限定仕様の住宅商品「Concept White」を1→6種類にリニューアル

What comes to mind when living in Hokkaido is the harsh cold, and the people who wake up in the morning and remove the snow in the snow in front of the entrance.I want to make such a life even more comfortable and fun.In October of last year, we started selling the Hokkaido -only housing product "Concept White HD"."HD" is "H and D" in the Roman character "HOKKAIDO" in Hokkaido.At the beginning of the sale, there was only one product of "79AHD SCANDIA", but this month, five products have been added as a lineup.The newly added products are as follows."710ahd Scandia", "88ahd Antico", "1210FHD JAPONE (Japone)", "1211FHD Antico", and "810ahd Antico" Of these, we will introduce the three characteristic products.① 710Ahd scandia

710Ahd scandia

② 810Ahd Antico

810Ahd Antico




■ Highly insulated and stylish storage is also achieved high heat insulation and stylish storage "Concept White HD" is an excellent cost performance and high design that has been updated to Hokkaido -only specifications that have been developed by the housing brand "Jibun House".With the same gender as it is, a special panel is used on the walls and floors of the house as a standard equipment to achieve very high insulation.The highest level of energy saving in Hokkaido is cleared, so you can spend your time in the house even in the cold winter.In addition, a "house -integrated storage (warehouse)" that can store snow shoveling tools and bicycles right off the entrance can be equipped with additional equipment in houses.This storage is a stylish design with a wide inner stress in the room just after entering the entrance.These are also realized with the five new products added this time.

With storage without storage

The left is the door of the entrance.The storage is a black door on the right.You can move each under the same roof.

■ Smart custom housing, complex and time -consuming houses fun and simple

▶ ️ Experience the smart custom of Jibun House https: // jibunhouse.JP/CUSTOM "Smart Custom Housing" is a view of the completed image of high -definition VR at home, selecting the desired options on the screen, and simulating an estimate, everyone can easily make your ideal.This is a process of buying a new house that allows you to get a lifestyle.When purchasing a house, it was necessary to hear from a sales representative at a model house at the housing exhibition hall on a holiday.In addition, there were issues such as having to match their lifestyle to the manufacturer's proposal, and it took time and effort to confirm the estimate.As a result, it was happening that the ideal way of life of myself and my family could not be fully reflected in the building.Even in the tendency to refrain from contacting face -to -face due to corona, it is becoming more and more difficult to choose a house like a house.Smart custom housing proposed by Jibun House has a smartphone or tablet anytime, anywhere, so you can see the VR and estimate it, so you do not need to go to the housing exhibition hall, and check the quote every time you add an option.can.In addition, the preview in VR is assumed to change the life stage.You can continue to simulate your ideal life while browsing VR even after purchase.

■ High -definition VR that reflects the four seasons that leads to the ideal house selection

Please experience high -definition VR.Proceed to the special page from the URL below, select your favorite housing product from the "Concept White Compatible Plan" and click "View the Room in VR" to display the VR screen.▶ ️ Click here for a special page of Hokkaido limited specification https: // jibunhouse.JP/Concept_white Jibun House wants to deliver not only houses but also "enjoying living" to everyone who builds a house.For this reason, we have prepared a VR that blends into the surrounding environment and imagine the integrated atmosphere.In VR, you can prove not only the snowy season of Hokkaido but also the seasonal scenery, so you can choose the house in light of the surrounding environment, leading you to choosing your ideal house.

■テクノロジーで「自分らしい暮らし」。自分の住む地域が身近になる住宅をジブンハウスは、スマホやVRなどのテクノロジーを活用した家づくり体験を通じて「自分らしい暮らし」を提案しています。「自分らしい」とは、お客様の好みだけでなく、その人が暮らす地域の気象条件をも踏まえた家づくりのことです。「Concept White HD」のシリーズはそうした考えのもと生まれています。ジブンハウスは昨年4月に、北海道の「HD」に先立ち、沖縄県で台風災害に対応した住宅「Wind & Sun Concept」の販売を開始しています。これらの住宅は、北海道や沖縄だけでなく、全国のどの地域の暮らしにも適用することができると考え、全国展開できるようさらに改良を進めていく予定です。また今後は、地域ごとに伝統的な産業とコラボレーションした住宅商品の販売も検討しています。全国47都道府県で展開することを視野に、自分が住む地域をより身近に感じて暮らしの豊かさを追求していけるよう、住宅開発を進めていきます。■住宅ブランド「ジブンハウス」とはhttps://jibunhouse.JP/Jibun House aims to create a house where families can become more families, and to convey the richness of living and the joy of building a house through the process of building a house with families.After returning home, after returning home, buying a house simply buys a house, such as talking about the ideal lifestyle and values while watching a smartphone or tablet, or talking about his dreams by participating in a house building in VR.I believe that it is not an experience, but also a chance for families to know each other deeply.With the spread of how to buy a new house called "Smart Custom Housing", we have supported all models of Jibun House this time in order for more people to feel the richness of living.■ Jibun Hauss.What is JIBUN HAUS?.In order to realize the vision of "changing living and creating the future", a corporation is a mission to make use of technology to find a person's own life and way of life using technology.It is a housing tech company that we offer.In the "Jibun House" business, through VR previews, real -time estimates, and clear accounting, everyone can realize their ideals more smartly, and develop a new home buying "Smart Custom Housing", and merchants.The number is about 140 or more nationwide from Hokkaido to Okinawa.In the "My Home Market" business, we have a virtual housing exhibition platform with Nippon Unisis Co., Ltd.In addition, we are conducting a "Warp Home" business that conveys the charm of local construction shops, and a new experience to create a new process of choosing a house and home through these businesses.We are challenging to deliver to every corner of society.