Amazon Alexa app for iOS / Android, hands -free operation

Amazon Alexa app for iOS / Android, hands -free operation

 Amazon announced on July 8 that Alexa has now been used on the Amazon Alexa app for iOS and Android.


 While the Alexa app is open, users can call Alexa to play music, create shopping lists, and operate smart home -compatible products.

iOS/Android向けAmazon Alexaアプリ、ハンズフリーで操作可能に

 When Alexa recognizes the wakeword on the app, the blue line is lit below the screen of the mobile terminal used, and it is possible to confirm that Alexa is sending user requests to the Amazon cloud.Switching the hands -free function on / off can be changed from the setting screen of the mobile app.

 The setting method is as follows.

  1. Alexaアプリを開く
  2. 設定メニューに移動します
  3. 設定を選択する
  4. このスマートフォンのAlexaを選択する
  5. ハンズフリーのオンとオフを切り替える
  6. 画面の指示に従い、マイクと位置情報のアクセス権限を許可する
  7. Alexaがウェイクワードを認識すると、モバイル端末の画面下に青い線が点灯する

 The following examples of calling Alexa for hands -free are as follows.

 This feature will be available in areas where the Alexa app is provided over the next few weeks.To use Alexa in a hands -free manner, you need to update the Alexa app in advance or download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

