The back of the stage of the "68th NHK Kouhaku Singing Battle" created a variety of scenes on a huge LED screen

The back of the stage of the "68th NHK Kouhaku Singing Battle" created a variety of scenes on a huge LED screen


Daisuke Moriuchi (NHK Design Center Video Design Department Chief Producer)


▲ The 68th NHK Red and White Singing Battle is a live broadcast on December 31, 2017 19: 15-23: 45 General TV.The photo shows the stage of AKB48.* The photo is at rehearsal


─ stomachn the Red and White Singing Battle, elaborate productions are talked about every year, but what is the role in the art section?

More than 3,000 staff members are involved in the Moriuchi Red and White Singing Battle, but in the program production work reflected on the TV screen, the production section that leads the composition, negotiations, and the production on stage production, shooting, lighting, audio, and audio.stomacht is divided into technical sections in charge of video adjustments, and art sections in charge of design and production of stage art and video productions.

As you know, the Red and White Singing Battle is a program that allows you to bring various songs from various artists who are active in Japan, from rock to pop, enka, and folk songs, on New Year's Eve.The age groups and tastes of each customer who can see are different, and in order to maximize the appeal of about 50 groups and songs, various stages are required.

And in the four and a half hours of live broadcasting, it is very important to change each scene safely on time.stomacht is a converter between the moderator's MC and the relay corner, but the radios and band sets that go out on the stage are on the stage sleeves and abyss, so even narrow backyards are always crowded.stomach am.How to create a variety of scenes in such time and spatial constraints is the most required job in art.

で す か What was a new work as an art section this time?

Moriuchi: A designer in charge of red and white art is giving answers in various ways, but this time stomach thought about the world of songs using LED screens.stomacht is to make each scene as varied as possible while snuggling up.The LED screen is a familiar method for music live and TV programs, but last year's red and white use it as one of the textures that make up the design of the space beyond just visual equipment.

Normal LED screens only display flat images and graphics as they are, but in this set, the screen looks like a building wall by giving a sense of depth of the image.At one point, the image reflected on the screen transforms the space itself in the screen, such as instantly in the forest, and makes a three -dimensional design.The stage changes in an instant along the song that changes one after another.stomach tried that attempt.

▲ Takako Matsu's "Where is tomorrow?" The image of the forest spread on the main stage and flower path.* The photo is at rehearsal

▲ Elephant Kashimashi Koji Miyamoto sang the representative song "Like Tonight's Moon" in the background with the full moon night sky.* The photo is at rehearsal

▲ stomachmage perspective for each scene

で す か Will you be in charge of the art section for the video?

Moriuchi: Which songs are used for what kind of video to play with the director of each scene is packed with the director of each scene, but what kind of video equipment to use and what kind of operation to use is our role.stomacht is our director who is in charge of the director who is in charge of the director, and how to combine what kind of performance to sing, what kind of performance will be combined, and how to actually concrete it.stomacht will be a designer job.

Where did the idea of configuring a space with a LED screen and video come from?

Moriuchi: stomach've been a design chief of the Red and White Singing Battle twice so far, and last time it was 2009.At that time, stomach used a large screen, but the main focus was to reflect a flat thing.There was a time when stomach was seconded to NHK Enterprise from 2010 to 2014 and developed new video content, but at that time stomach met projection mapping led to this attempt.

At the time of 2010, projection mapping was rarely known in Japan, but from the Tokyo Station Marunouchi station building, stomach was involved in some projection mapping, including Tokyo Sky Tree and Aizuwakamatsu Tsuruga Castle.。

As you know, projection mapping creates images according to the three -dimensional shape of the projected building, shows a flat image in a three -dimensional image with light and shadow production, and shows as if the building starts to move.stomacht is a method to do.The LED screen was decided to create a space with video by feedback from the experience, knowledge, technical know -how, etc. gained there.

The screen was set up on the entire stage from the left and right flower paths to the main stage, but if you just reflect it on the stopped screen, you will not be able to create so many variations for the scene development.Therefore, the screen of the main stage was made into a two -layer structure, and a large screen equivalent to 4K was arranged in the back, and 21 strip -shaped screens were arranged in the foreground, and the mechanism was used independently.

stomach think that the variety of scenes has become extremely abundant due to the mechanism that deforms the screen itself.

▲ The state of the main stage screen.A little strip -shaped screen is visible at the top of the front, and you can see a large screen in the back.

▲ List of screen deformation patterns.The shape changes when 21 striped screens move up and down each


─ stomach think the mechanism of deforming the screen is very novel, but wouldn't it have been quite difficult to realize?

The basic design of the mechanism driven by the Moriuchi motor was decided by the end of October, but it was around mid -November that the detailed specifications of the implementation design were decided.

As with any venue, NHK Hall has a baton that hangs lighting and art sets, and the height of the flying (top) is determined.More than that, the strip screen doesn't go up.The position of the motor for hanging a strip and where the truss for hanging the motor is, depends on how many screens deformed patterns can be created, so adjusting to determine the specifications of this hardware.stomacht took a lot of time.

stomachf this adjustment is not perfect, the template of the video to be displayed will not be decided, and if you leave it, you will have to redo the work when making a video with CG or live action, resulting in the quality.As it would go down, stomach considered it as carefully as possible.This area is the result of each person in charge of NHK Art, which is the core of the set and CG production.

▲ The template of the main stage screen.The resolution, etc. according to the position of the movable screen is described


▲ Templates on the screens on the back of the main stage and the flower path screen

stomacht is important to see what the screen works on the stage and what it looks like when you take it with a camera, so plotting the camera in the planned view and which camera is the position of the artist or dancer.stomach also verified how it looks like.

Vectorworks has a drafting software that allows you to simulate cameras, but on the 3D model, you can add parameters such as the position of the camera, the viewing angle of the lens, and the size of the image sensor, and make a simulation almost the same.stomach am.Based on the data, we created a VR simulator using head -mounted displays to share the images and issues that were completed among stakeholders.stomach ask Digi Delic to implement the simulator.

▲ Three -dimensional model of the main stage

▲ VR simulator screen.Enter the camera position, focal length, etc. to check in full size of how the actual stage looks.

▲ The VR simulator was created for the head -mounted display

か Did you test in advance at the actual venue?

A test with only five LED screens in Moriuchi -shaped LED screen was performed at the NHK Hall.stomachn music live tours, there are 10 times and 20 performances, so you can change the lighting settings for the second half of the tour and update the contents of the video to increase the quality more and more.However, the Red and White Singing Battle is once only a few days before the actual performance, so it is not possible to assemble the whole set, so instantaneous power is required.

So there are only 5 sheets, but it is hung with a truss or motor with exactly the same conditions as the actual performance, and the other sets are made in 1/1 size, checking the lifting speed, or taking a picture with an actual broadcast camera.The stomachris and the dynamic range were fully verified in the same state as in the actual performance.

Actually, stomach was wondering if stomach could do the same with a projector instead of LED at first.However, the lighting to be applied to the person for broadcasting is strong, and bouncing makes the screen brighter.The projection type projector would be conditionally strict, so we have adopted a LED screen that emits light.

However, LEDs also had an issue to be solved.The normal LED screen has a lot of elements that emit light on the black surface, so you can see the dots, and if you shoot the displayed video with the camera, you will get moire.stomacht was also a problem that if the element was not lit, it turned black and became the appearance of the equipment.

Therefore, by applying a translucent white sheet to the front of the screen, the led dot is eliminated so that the moirare can be reduced.The surface of the screen is a white sheet, so it looks like a white wall when it is not lit.This makes it possible to use it as a structure texture.

▲ The photo was just stopped at the LED screen.You can see that there is a white sheet on the surface

─ By setting the basic configuration of the stage to the LED screen, the main stage has become more clean than before.

stomachn the Moriuchi Red and White Singing Battle, there are so many situations where many performers go up to the stage at once, so there are always large stairs on the stage, but indirect lighting is equipped so that the stairs are not shown to the stairs as much as possible.stomach made it a skeleton design.That's why it's a simple and simple stage this time.

The aim of a simple design is to make a variety of scenes in the video so that you can switch in a short time.Furthermore, if Kiyoshi Hikawa's large treasure ship is included, and festivals all over Japan are gathered on the stage of Fuyumi Sakamoto, the change may be easy to understand.The props on the stage are always simplified, and the plan is to make each scene vividly drawn by making it stand out.

▲ Kiyoshi Hikawa's "Kiyoshi no Zundoko" set up a large treasure ship set and a large number of back dancers.* The photo is at rehearsal


─ How much art section is involved in the video reflected on the screen?

Moriuchi: This broadcast began with a musical -style grand opening video, but the concept and key visuals are based on the comprehensive production, and the actual production is mainly the directors and junior designers.And p.stomach.C.S.Kazuma Ikeda, who belongs, was in charge of the director.


In addition, various creators made images.Ringo Shiina and Tortoise Matsumoto's "Mandarin Street" is a video director Yuichi Kodama, "Miura Daichi Red and White Special" and "Arashi x Red and White Special Medley" are A4A's Atsunori Higashiichi, Superfly's "Bouquet with love.Is a representative of VFX artist Takayuki Sato.On the broadcast of Perfume, everyone at Rhizomatiks Research was taken care of this year.

Another famous artist is Sayuri Ishikawa's "Tsugaru Strait and Winter Scenery".Among the staff, there was a joke that "Kanagawa off the sea" was OK (laughs).

▲ SUPERFLY, who returned in the Red and White Singing Battle, sang "Bouquet with love."* The photo is at rehearsal

▲ The stage of Red Gumi's bird, Sayuri Ishikawa.I sang "Tsugaru Strait / Winter Scenery" in the background of Katsushika Hokusai's "Kanagawa off the coast".* The photo is at rehearsal

─ The appearance of the stage changes a lot depending on the content of the video.

In order to share how the Moriuchi stage looks like and how the conversion of the props is performed, we create a blueprint called a scene table. This is an art designer.It will be a job.Considering the arrangement of songs, we will consider what the first look of the video is appropriate.

The configuration will be updated many times until just before the order of the song is announced.When the order of the song is changed, the time that can be used for the conversion of the props will change, and the front and rear scenes may not work well, so adjust the last minute.About 80 % of our jobs are coordinating.

─ It seems that the LED screen developed this time can be applied to various situations.

Moriuchi That's right.There was quite a response, such as receiving inquiries from those who are doing music live.It seems that the LED screen will become black if you do not keep out the video, or if you use a package software, you will be worried about the feeling of the element, and everyone is struggling.I hope this technique will spread more, so I tried to answer questions about the mechanism as much as possible.

で す か Do you plan to use the screen you made this time on other programs?

Moriuchi Red and White is about 5 days from the setting of the stage to the actual performance, and the set is only for 5 days, so this time it is limited.If you think about diversion, you have to make it more and more carefully, and then it takes time to play.It is also an important factor in TV art, including decorations and varieties, how short you can set in a short time.It's a waste, but that's it.

─ If you think so, the Red and White Singing Battle is a really luxurious program.

Moriuchi: In that sense, I think the Red and White Singing Battle is a program supported by the instant art of various people.Not only art, but also directing and technology, we aim to deliver the best things in a limited time and space.Every time I take this program, I feel that I can't do this program very much without various experiences and knowledge.

This attempt is based on what I got from the projection mapping I have been involved in in the past.I think it was great that it was possible to absorb various things, such as rules, tone and manners, and engineering with external video creators, such as rules and tone and manners from ordinary broadcast programs by involved in events and exhibition work.。

I would like to continue to support the site that makes programs and video content that are not bound by conventional frames without neglecting daily coverage and training.We are also looking forward to the young staff and new partners who will polish red and white steadily and evolve in accordance with the times.

Shooting (photo at the time of rehearsal): Toshihiko Sakagami

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