Cross the road in conjunction with the signal.Delivered to another floor by elevator.Delivery robot demonstration experiment on Takeshiba

Cross the road in conjunction with the signal.Delivered to another floor by elevator.Delivery robot demonstration experiment on Takeshiba

In the Takeshiba area, where the SoftBank headquarters is located, there are various efforts on robots using cutting -edge technology to realize smart city.

This time, we will introduce the demonstration experiments for robots that deliver luggage outdoors in collaboration with traffic light information, and robots that deliver convenience stores in cooperation with the elevator system indoors.

The first success is that robots cross the pedestrian crossing according to traffic light information

Introducing the demonstration of the automatic driving robot developed by SoftBank in May 2021.

The travel route is about 125m on public roads around the SoftBank headquarters building.I experimented with the robot with luggage departed from the headquarters building, crossed the pedestrian crossing and arrived at the delivery destination.

The robot that left has begun to move smoothly.Since the experiment is conducted on public roads, there are general pedestrians and vehicles on the driving route.

1 from the end of the sidewalk.5m程度の距離を保ちながら、植え込みや点字ブロックを避けて進みます。ロボットにはLiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)※1と呼ばれる自動運転に用いられるセンサーやカメラが複数搭載されていて、歩行者や障害物を検知して減速・停止する、信号機の青、赤のタイミングと連動して進む、停まるが制御されています。

Up to 3 / h.The robot on the sidewalk at 6 km stops in front of the pedestrian crossing.A blue and red light information is sent to the robot from the traffic light, and when it turns blue, the robot progresses.


After successfully crossing the pedestrian crossing, we arrive at the designated destination in advance!Luggage has been delivered.


SoftBank and Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. are as the Takeshiba Area as the "Technical Development Project for Realizing New Delivery Services Using Automatic Driving Robots" by the National R & D Corporation of Energy and Industrial Technology (NEDO).In December 2020, demonstration experiments for outdoor delivery by automatic driving robots have been conducted.

In recent years, it is not face -to -face / non -contact by automatic driving robots to solve issues such as shortage of human resources due to increased courier handling in the logistics industry and to prevent contact opportunities from the perspective of preventing the expansion of new colonovirus infections.We aim to realize delivery service.

Selected for NEDO's "Technical Development Project for Realizing New Delivery Service Using Automatic Driving Robot" -Coat demonstration experiment to realize delivery service by automatic driving robots in the Takeshiba area-

We asked SoftBank representative who was in charge of the demonstration experiment about the results and future initiatives.

Softbank Co., Ltd. Technology Unit

CHIEF SCIENTIST Room AI Robot Development Division Manager

Tomohiko Furuya (Tomohiko Furuta)

"This time, we succeeded in the demonstration experiment in cooperation with the traffic light, but there is room for improvement in the legal system and technical aspects, and it takes a little time for practical use.


Future technical issues are the realization of remote monitoring.In order to provide automatic delivery by robots as a business, a single surveillance monitors multiple robots from remote areas 1: N remote monitoring is essential, stable communication and sufficient bandwidth.Is required.

For telecommunications companies, it is a challenge, but it can also be a business opportunity.The current demonstration and development environment are LTE communication, but it is also a field that has the benefits of 5G wide bands and low delay, and will continue to conduct demonstration experiments using the 5G area of the 5G area. "