What is "IoT platform" and explains its functions and benefits in detail?

What is "IoT platform" and explains its functions and benefits in detail?

What is an IoT platform?

The IoT platform is simply a system base for collecting large amounts of data from IoT devices connected to the network, visualizing, analyzing, and controlling.However, many people are not sure about the fact that they specifically refer to what roles and functions.

In general IoT systems, data collected from various industrial equipment and sensors is first integrated into a gateway.The data is collected and accumulated in the cloud on a more secure network.Applications such as visualization, analysis, and equipment control can be performed using that data.

Currently, many companies offer the IoT platform as a foundation for building these IoT systems.It is diverse depending on the central function and the characteristics of the vendor, and can be largely classified as the following three.

Basically, the business operator will build a unique IoT system by selecting or combining one of these three categories.

  1. Cloud type:さまざまなアプリケーションを開発するクラウド環境を提供している(IaaS、PaaS)
  2. Industrial specialization:各産業・業界の業務に特化したアプリケーションなどを提供している
  3. Network linked type:ネットワーク環境と合わせて提供している

Cloud type

The first cloud type provides a server (cloud service) and an application development environment, and you can build an IoT system independently.Also called IAAS and PaaS.Examples include Amazon Web Services's "AWS IoT" and Microsoft's "Azure IoT".

Industrial specialization

The second is a comprehensive type of data collection base and applications specializing in duties in various fields such as manufacturing, smart home, and civil engineering and construction, and is called an industrial IoT platform.Many.

Network linked type

The third is a type of IoT platform provided by carriers and MVNOs that are set with network environments and SIMs.As the number and types of terminals connected to the network are migrated from POC and the number of terminals to be connected to the network increases, the connectivity (network connection) of the IoT system becomes an important point.

Therefore, in this article, we will focus on the network -linked IoT platform (the yellow part in the figure above is equivalent to this), and explain the required functions and the advantages of utilizing it.

Functions required for IoT platforms

The main functions required for the network -linked IoT platform are shown in the figure below.First, the core is a function related to connectivity (network connection) such as "closed network connection" and "SIM line authentication".And "device management" and "device control" connected to the network are indispensable.

In addition to the management and control of the device in the IoT system, "data accumulation" and "data processing".

It is important that the IoT platform can receive, accumulate and process data at the same time and large amounts from a large number of devices, and it is necessary to examine specialized system arccocchats, such as "asynchronous processing", "messaging", and "distributed processing".There is.

In this article, we do not step into the content that is too professional, but we will focus on basics, such as the accumulation of data that is essential for the understanding of the IoT platform and the secure data transfer to the cloud.

Connectivity (network connection)

By sending data collected from many devices and sensors to the cloud, analysis, visualization, and remote control can be performed.

However, at this time, if the terminal is connected to the Internet (the figure below), there is a concern about security issues.As will be described later, it is necessary to consider various points such as increasing network communication amount and terminal battery consumption by encryption communication.

On the other hand, by directly connecting sensors, gateway devices, and network devices that provide VPN/WAN connections, you can safely collect data with "closed network connection" that does not go through the Internet.(Figure below).

At this time, some IoT platforms can be automatically performed by the "SIM line authentication", and in that case, the business operator can start using it simply by inserting the SIM into the terminal.

On the other hand, when connecting a terminal to the cloud via the Internet, it is necessary to place ID/key information on the device according to the cloud -side authentication mechanism, or install a unique agent provided by the cloud environment on the terminal side.。

Even with the same closing network connection, it is a network environment that matches the company's business, purpose, and base from among various communication means, such as local 5G, LTE/LTE-M, LPWA, WAN/VPN (wired network).It is important to be able to select.

For example, data output by network cameras and factory PLC tends to be large.In this case, you will need an IoT platform that can be connected not only with mobile communication but also with wired high -band networks.

The importance of connectivity is often noticed only after POC is completed and it is in operation.For example, what kind of communication technology should be used to handle a huge number of sensors?How should security should be secured?How long does the communication fee cost?In the first place, is there a base station in the area that provides stable radio waves?How can I safely connect to the external cloud service?


If the above points are not considered in advance, the original significance of the IoT of collecting data from many sensors and equipment installed at each base and applying it to business will not be fulfilled.

However, using an IoT platform (network -linked) IoT platform can eliminate these risks.

Device management

Devices connected to the IoT platform by a closed network can be safely managed from a PC or smartphone web browser.

From the screen of the PC or smartphone, for example, the grant of the SIM management (addition / cancellation, etc.), the attribute information of the data (factory number, line number, manufacturing section, etc.), changing and switching the cloud environment to send data,You can check the radio wave status, monitor the battery level of the battery -driven terminal.

In addition, it is possible to monitor whether the device and industrial equipment are running properly through various sensor data such as temperature, humidity, vibration, and electricity (above) (figure above).After detecting an abnormal state of the terminal, an alert notification to email or chat can also be set from the IoT platform.


Device control

By using the IoT platform, web browsers of PCs and smartphones, power supply restart, emergency stop, log, firmware update, SIM pause / resume, remotely access to the management UI with gateway. It can be performed.

This eliminates the need for administrators and technicians to rush to the site, reducing the cost of transportation (figure below).It will also be possible to install devices at high places and dangerous places.


Data accumulation

The data collected by the sensor can be safely sent to the IoT platform through the closed network and accumulates.Also, as described later, the accumulated data can be safely transferred to external cloud services.

Data processing

The data sent to the IoT platform is later processed in an application on the IoT platform.

At this time, the IoT platform can safely transfer the processed data to various external cloud services (AWS, Azure, etc.), so that existing business applications on the cloud can be executed.

There are two main ways to connect.


One is to connect to a cloud service via the Internet.

If you go through the Internet, you may think that there is a risk of referring to data from outside.

However, data sent to the IoT platform with a closed network can be encrypted (encrypted off -road processing) to HTTPS and transferred to external cloud services (figure below).This method has more advantages than the terminal and the cloud directly on the Internet and encrypted.


It can also be connected directly to an external cloud service closed network or a specific server (on -premises) without going through the Internet from the IoT platform.

For example, AWS has "AWS Direct Connect", Microsoft has "Azure ExpressRoute", and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) has a connected service of a closed network, such as "Partner InterConnect".

By connecting these closed network services and the IoT platform, secure data can be linked without going through the Internet.

In addition, in order to build such a closing network connection environment, special knowledge is required, so it is also important to select a system vendor that can simultaneously support the closed network service and network integration.

Advantages / disadvantages to use IoT platforms

With the above, we have seen each function required for IoT platforms.Here, I will supplement the benefits of using them again.

You don't have to develop the basic functions required for the IoT system

If you insert a SIM card into the terminal, "IoT" will be done for the time being.But that's not enough, but you've understood to some extent.

In fact, there are many things to consider, such as building a safe and efficient network environment, a mechanism to manage devices, and connecting to a secure external cloud service.

For example, in order to create a mechanism to manage devices all at once, it is necessary to develop terminals and cloud development using SDK (software development kit).

However, in fact, many people say, "It's hard to study and build from Ichi."

By using the IoT platform, such troubles can be minimized and you can focus on data analysis and individual application development.

In addition, securing a safe and efficient network environment requires considerable specialized knowledge, but the advantage of using an IoT platform that focuses on connectivity in advance is great.

Conversely, it can be a disadvantage in that individual IoT platforms can only use the network environment and communication standards.

安全かつ効率的にDevice management・制御ができる

There are three main methods to build a mechanism to manage and control the terminals connected to the network.

  1. 端末とクラウドをインターネット経由で接続する
  2. 端末とクラウドを閉域網で接続する
  3. 端末とIoTプラットフォームは閉域網で、IoTプラットフォームとクラウドはインターネット経由で接続する


The first is a convenient method, but there is a large risk of referring to data from the outside, and there is a problem of depleting and expensive global IP addresses to individual devices.


The second is a network environmentally secure method, but it often costs more costs.For example, in order for an administrator to manage and control the terminal connected to the network, all management devices require a VPN client and a connection ID/password, which incluses the cost of managing and operating it.


And the method of using the third IoT platform is a method that combines the good points of the two methods, that is, the convenience of the Internet and the safety of the closed network.

Specifically, between the terminal and the IoT platform, the IoT platform and the cloud are used as a secure Internet connection between the IoT platform and the cloud (encrypted off -road processing).

This allows you to build a low -cost and secure network environment (for specific examples of the following GPS tracker cases).

Minimize terminal communication and battery consumption

A safe Internet connection by HTTPS encryption between the IoT platform and the cloud also contributes to the power saving of (battery -driven) terminals.

The reason is that the communication volume and the accompanying battery consumption depending on the protocol used for sending and receiving data are different.

For example, the communication fee for sending 16bytes data is as follows.

As you can see, UDP and HTTPS are 187 times different.

In other words, if you encrypt it to HTTPS and send data on the premise that the Internet is connected from the beginning, it will consume a very large (accompanying communication fee).

On the other hand, if you connect to an IoT platform with a closed network, the net itself is secure without using a secure communication protocol, such as HTTPS, so it does not encrypt it with a low -communication protocol (HTTP, TCP, UDP, etc.).Data transmission is possible.

This allows you to minimize the communication amount and battery consumption when connecting to an IoT platform from a terminal.

Case: GPS Tracker

The above is a summary of the "watching system" using an IoT platform (network -linked) IoT platform and a GPS tracker.

If you attach a GPS tracker to a school bag, your parents can check where the child is using a smartphone or the like.

These watching systems are now familiar, but what is important is how to build a network environment between the terminal and the cloud and device management systems safely and efficiently.

Telecommunications with closed networks

As a specific system configuration, the data of the position information of the child is first sent to the IoT platform by the closed network (up communication).

The data is further sent to the cloud service of the business operator (the provider of the watching service) through the HTTPS encryption via the Internet.This allows the terminal's communication amount and battery consumption to a minimum.

Device control underwater communication

In this case, the control of the device (downward communication) is also a point.

Specifically, it is possible to change the transmission interval of children's location information data and request a firmware update.

The device (GPS tracker) is usually suspended at the time, but by sending the launch process command from the IoT platform side to the device, the suspended device can be launched.

This mechanism also contributes to reducing the amount of communication and battery consumption of the device.

IoT platform utilization compresses time and cost

In addition, the control of the downward communication is generally used in protocols such as MQTT and WebSocket, but in that case, it is necessary to "create a system from the terminal side and the cloud side from Ichi".

It also reduces the time and cost of such development as much as possible is the advantage of using a network -linked IoT platform.


This has shown the main functions and examples of network -linked IoT platforms.

When you hear the IoT platform, many people may only think of data collection from various devices and sensors and applicants only.But in fact, I understand that the non -known network -related features are working as the "back" of a secure IoT system.

The functions of the above IoT platforms are comprehensively provided by Internet Initiative Co., Ltd. (IIJ), including the construction of a network environment, such as "IIJ IoT Service".If you are worried about the details, please refer to the following page.

尾崎 太一

Technology and scientific writer.Master's (applied chemistry).After working for an oil manufacturer, he has been active as a writer since 2017.He also contributes to scientific magazines.