Developed "AI camper" based on Hiace, "Robinson AI" equipped with Amazon Alexa

Developed "AI camper" based on Hiace, "Robinson AI" equipped with Amazon Alexa

Camping Car Co., Ltd. and First Custom Co., Ltd., scheduled to be released within the year

Camping Car Co., Ltd., which operates the "Japan Camping Car Rental Center (JAPAN C.R.C.)" and First Custom Co., Ltd., which manufactures and sells campers, announced on January 13, 2020, that Hiace is equipped with Amazon Alexa's unique skills, Announced the development of the AI ​​camper "Robinson AI". General sales are scheduled to start in 2022.

AI camper based on Hiace Developed

 Robinson AI is equipped with Amazon Alexa to turn it into a smart home, and says, "With the self-developed Alexa skill, we will provide an unprecedented camping car experience."

 According to the two companies, the "Hiace Cabin", which is based on the Hiace and remade the luggage compartment from the exterior body panel, has become popular in recent years, but there are few companies in the Japanese camper industry that can manufacture it, and delivery is planned. It is said that there were many cases where the schedule was exceeded.

Therefore, by developing from scratch in-house, we will be able to manage the manufacturing schedule. In addition, the knowledge accumulated so far will be reflected in the details of the interior layout and equipment.

 Camping Car Co., Ltd. aims to increase the efficiency of operations by adopting in-house developed vehicles at the operated JAPAN C.R.C. It is expected to realize nationwide drop-off (one-way) use, shorten the vehicle idle period through remote repair, and optimize operation costs.