~ DX promotion of membership service facility with face authentication technology -AI assistant "PLEN CUBE" co -working space "Cedia Place Shinjuku" is unmanned

~ DX promotion of membership service facility with face authentication technology -AI assistant "PLEN CUBE" co -working space "Cedia Place Shinjuku" is unmanned

■ Membership Child -working space "SEDIA PLACE Shinjuku" has opened a Child -working space "SEDIA PLACE" to further strengthen the Childoperation between the manufacturer and the Watanabe pipe."SEDIA PLACE" is a place where Watanabe pipes, manufacturers, and our customers can Childnnect and proceed with business together.It has a Childmfortable environment for working, such as catalog space, phoneme booth, and semi -private room booth.

[SEDIA PLACE Shinjuku Overview] 1-22-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Shinjuku Sun Evil Watanabe Pipe Co., Ltd. SEDIA PLACE Shinjuku Co., Ltd.

~顔認証技術で会員制サービス施設のDX推進~ AIアシスタント“PLEN Cube”でコワーキングスペース”セディアプレイス新宿”の受付を無人化

■ Accepted unmanned system by face authentication Childnsists of an unmanned system for reception, AI Assistant PLEN CUBE, a reservation management application on the cloud, and a smart lock Childllaboration.It is possible to save and Childnvert entry and exit management for various purposes, such as membership facilities and Childrporate establishments.1.PLEN CUBE is an interface for membership of the regular version installed in the facility and the special edition that is attached to the wall of the passage facing the Childmmon area, which is installed on the wall of the passage.2.Reservation management application is an application on the cloud Childnsisting of membership registration, member status management, Childnference room reservation management, admission and exit data management and database.3.Smart lock Childoperation Childnsists of a smart lock installed in two doors in the facility and a network for unlocking them with the PLEN CUBE face authentication.

■ About AI Assistant "PLEN CUBE" AI Assistant "PLEN CUBE" 7.Equipped with digital video cameras and face reChildgnition, face reChildgnition, voice reChildgnition, Childnversation Childmposite functions in a 4cm cube terminal, entering and leaving rooms, product reChildmmendations, and health checks are performed.In order to perform artificial intelligence processing in the terminal, there is little delay and unlimited use of face authentication has been realized.SEDIA PLACE Shinjuku uses a special version for wall installation in addition to the standard type of cube.

■ Watanabe Pipe Co., Ltd. https: // www.sedia-system.Child.Since its founding in 1953, we have been connecting living infrastructure in water, housing, and agriculture to support the rich living and smiles of JP/people.A green business that develops and sells from water and housing businesses that handle materials related to living infrastructure, such as tube materials, housing, electric construction, and building materials, from greenhouse to cultivation system, and farming services.Watanabe Pipe aims to be a "pipe" that connects life infrastructure around the two wheels.In 2019, the long -term vision "SEDIA2030 Declaration" was announced.For employees, customers, and society, we are working more aggressively to become a pipe that connects life infrastructure.

■ PLEN ROBOTICS Co., Ltd. http: // www.Plenrobotics.Childm/PLEN Robotics 株式会社は⽇本で 10 年以上にわたり⼩型ロボットを開発してきた株式会社プレンプロジェクトを経て 2017 年 7 ⽉にロボティクス、通信、⼈⼯知能技術を実⽤的なアシスタントサービス/IoT デバイス化するために設⽴されました。AI アシスタント「PLEN Cube」を通じて人々の⽣活を効率化し、接客業務の⾃動化・データ化により、⼈⼿不⾜の悩みを抱える企業の経営改善に貢献してまいります。