5 recommended Amazon Echo series.A wide range of model developments from palm size to large LCD!

5 recommended Amazon Echo series.A wide range of model developments from palm size to large LCD!

Many people use products called smart speakers and AI speakers.Smart speakers are products that can perform various respondents by voice, and are representatives such as "Amazon Echo" and "Google Nest Mini".

For example, if you want to know today's weather, you say to Amazon Echo, "Alexa, tell me today's weather", and the current weather is clear, "The current weather of XX is clear."It will tell you the weather forecast.There are various other functions, and it is a convenient product that can be used like a little secretary.

Alexa is the Amazon Echo series with a smart speaker compatible with Alexa, under the name of Amazon developed and provided.The Amazon Echo series has many variations, and can be broadly divided into products that do not have LCDs that display images and other products.The latter is sometimes called a smart display.

Every Amazon Echo product can be done with voice assistants, but products equipped with large speakers can play high -quality sounds, so they are suitable for those who want to listen to music.Also, if you want to browse videos such as YouTube or want to see cooking recipes in letters, choose a product with a liquid crystal.

This time, we will introduce 5 recommended products of Amazon Echo products according to each need.

Amazon Echo series (Amazon)

Echo dot 3rd generation

Small smart speakers of palm size

Echo dot 3rd generationは、コンパクトなスマートスピーカーです。後継のEcho Dot 第4世代も発売されていますが、機能的にはほとんど変わりません(第4世代では時計付きモデルも追加されてます)。コンパクトで目立たないスマートスピーカーが欲しい人にはこちらがおすすめです。

The size of the speaker is 1.Because it is 6 inches and small, the sound quality is moderate.Because it supports Bluetooth, you can also connect to a smartphone.Also, 3.It has a 5mm diameter line output terminal, so it can be connected to an external speaker.The size is 43 x 99 x 99mm and the weight is 300g, so it is light and light, so you can easily carry it.

The basic performance is sufficient and the price is 1000 yen cheaper than the 4th generation, so it is also recommended for those who want to try smart speakers first.The selling price on Amazon is 4980 yen.

Echo dot 3rd generation(Amazon)

Echo Studio

5 You can enjoy high -quality regeneration with 5 speakers

Echo Studio is a smart speaker that emphasizes sound quality.5 on the cylindrical body.Equipped with a total of five speakers, one 25 -inch woofer, three 2 -inch midrange, and one inch tweeter, so you can enjoy powerful sounds from heavy bass to high notes, and support high -resolution and 3D music.increase.

It supports Bluetooth and can be connected to a smartphone.3.It has a 5mm diameter line input terminal and light terminal, so you can enhance the sound of the TV by connecting to the TV.It also has a smart home hub function for ZIGBEE.

The size is 206 x 175 x 175mm, the weight is 3.Although it is a slightly large and heavy product with 5kg, the sound quality is wonderful, and it is recommended for those who want to stream high -resolution music such as Amazon Music HD with high sound quality.The selling price on Amazon is 24,980 yen.

Echo Studio (Amazon)

 Amazon Echoシリーズのおすすめ5選。手のひらサイズから大型液晶搭載まで、幅広いモデル展開が魅力!

Echo Show 8 2nd generation

Equipped with 8 -inch LCD and 13 million pixel cameras, video calls

Echo Show 8 2nd generationは、8インチ液晶搭載のスマートディスプレーです。液晶の解像度は1280×800ドットで、YouTubeなどの動画再生にも対応しています。

In addition, since the 13 million pixel camera is mounted on the front, you can make video calls with other Echo Show and monitor the room.When making video calls, it also has an automatic framing function to automatically adjust the size and position of this face.

It has two 2 -inch speakers as a speaker.Of course, it also supports Bluetooth, but there is no voice input and output terminal.The size is 200 x 130 x 99mm and the weight is 1037g.

You can also enjoy movies such as PRIME VIDEO or use it as a digital photo frame.Recommended for those who want to enjoy videos and content with characters.The selling price on Amazon is 14,980 yen.

Echo Show 8 2nd generation(Amazon)

Echo dot with clock 4th generation

You can see the time and the remaining time of the timer in the LED

Echo dot with clock 4th generationは、球形をしたコンパクトなスマートスピーカーです。正面にLEDディスプレーが埋め込まれており、時刻などを表示できるので、置き時計代わりにもなります。

The size of the speaker is 1.6インチで、音質などはAmazon Echo dot 3rd generationとほぼ同じです。LEDにはタイマーの残り時間などを表示することもできますので、キッチンタイマーなどに使うと便利です。Bluetoothにも対応していますので、スマートフォンと接続して、音楽を再生することもできます。また、3.It has a 5mm diameter line output terminal, so it can be connected to an external speaker.

The size is 89 x 100 x 100mm and the weight is 338g, so you can easily place it anywhere.Recommended for those who often use timer functions.The selling price on Amazon is 6980 yen.

Echo dot with clock 4th generation(Amazon)

Echo Show 10

The screen automatically chases you

Echo Show 10 is a smart display equipped with a 10 -inch LCD.The resolution of the liquid crystal is 1280 x 800 dots, and videos can be displayed.

It adopts a mechanism in which the display rotates left and right, and can detect people and automatically chase.In addition, a 13 million pixel camera is installed on the front, so you can make video calls with other Echo Show and monitor the room.It also has a convenient automatic framing function for video calls.

As a speaker, one 3 -inch woofer and two 1 -inch tweeter are installed, so you can enjoy a powerful sound.You can rotate the camera left and right via the Internet from the go and look around the room.It also supports Bluetooth, but there is no voice input and output terminal.It also has a smart home hub function for ZIGBEE.

The size is 251 x 230 x 172mm and the weight is 2560g.Recommended for those who want to monitor the state of the house while away.The selling price on Amazon is 29,980 yen.

Echo Show 10 (Amazon)

The products in the article are recommended by the Japanese version of the ENGADGET.The sales information is at the time of writing, and the price and stock status is constantly changing.