EVSMART Blog Electric vehicles and rapid chargers comfortably in the Metropolitan Daikoku PA, a new fast charger that can be charged simultaneously at the same time is operating a recent post -posting category

EVSMART Blog Electric vehicles and rapid chargers comfortably in the Metropolitan Daikoku PA, a new fast charger that can be charged simultaneously at the same time is operating a recent post -posting category

The media is also paid to the installation of multiple high -powered highway

With the attention of Toyota's "EV serious declaration", a quick charger with a chademo standard that can be charged with a high output of 200 kW per 90 kW per unit and 6 cars was installed.The new quick charger was jointly developed by Nichicon, who also handles V2X equipment, and e-Mobility Power, which is responsible for the expansion of Japan's EV charging infrastructure, and won the Good Design Award in the 2020.It is a new device that has been waiting for social implementation among EV users involved in the circumstances.

Before the operation to general users, we participated in the media presentation from 14:00.Thanks to Toyota, it is probably due to the increase in the degree of attention to EVs.There were many TV stations and reporters from major newspapers, and it was impressive that the media was also paying attention to the EV.

[Related article] I tried to verify the usability on the new rapid charger of Oguro PA [Confirm the problem information] (December 19, 2021)

Up to 90kW, 200kW for 6 cars?

What kind of charger is it?We will briefly introduce the mechanism of "200 kW for 6 units" and the unique ingenuity of the new device that appeared with fullness.


This is an example of how the EV from (1) to ⑥。 starts quickly charging, and how the maximum output changes as time passes.To understand this table correctly, you will need a little basic knowledge.The maximum power maximum output of electric vehicles (hereinafter referred to as EVs, including PHEV that can be charged quickly) varies depending on the performance and battery conditions on the vehicle side.Even with a maximum of 90 kW, many EVs on the market in Japan can only accept up to 50 kW.In addition, even if it is an EV that can be charged with a high output of more than 50 kW, the actual acceptance output fluctuates under conditions such as battery temperature, and the SOC (battery level) exceeds 80 % and is close to full charge.The output to be accepted will drop.

In addition, PHEV, which has a small battery capacity, can only be charged quickly at a maximum of about 20 kW in the first place.

For example, the EV of ①, which can accept high -power, is charged with a high output of 90 kW for a certain period of time from the start of charging, and when the fully charged is approaching and the output drops, the power of that amount arrives later.It is a mechanism that is supplied to EVs for output.

At the recital, this was explained by the word "power sharing".At the moment, the EV models and units that can be charged at a maximum of 90 kW are still small, and the probability of six units starts charging all at once.For example, if you try to install a 90kW x 6 fast charger, you need to prepare a 540kW power supply, but if you use a 200kW power sharing, you can achieve "multiple high -power devices" with cost minimum.,about it.

The charger part of the novel design is a "connector" that connects the vehicle to the cable, and the "electric equipment" that draws electricity to the charger by drawing in the system is brown in the back of the area where six cars are lined up.It was installed in the box.This mechanism is the same for Tesla's supercharger and Porsche turbo charger.

In the case of this new device, 10 kW output "power supply unit (AC-DC converter as a function)" is incorporated in this power supply, and requests from 6 connectors (that is, vehicle side).It was a mechanism to distribute according to.In other words, when demonstrating 90kW, which is the maximum hardware output of this rapid charger, the potential of 5 power supply units = 100 kW is supplied.

The table described above is based on the materials distributed at the recital.For example, in the case of three cars at the same time, "40 kW (2 power supply unit 2 pieces) / 80 kW (4) / 80 kW (4 pieces)" is exemplified, but only 20 kW or 50 kW started charging later.If it is an EV or PHEV, it will be flexible, such as "20kW (1) / 50kW (3) / 90kW (5 pieces)".

I couldn't confirm and verify the detailed case study today, so I would like to check it out.

Please refer to how the charging output of EVs that can be charged quickly fluctuates is that there is a verification article in Nissan Leaf E +, which can be charged quickly at about 70 kW.

There are various ideas unique to the new device

As has been repeated many times in charging infrastructure-related articles, such as the interview article of E-Mobility Power's President Yotsuyanagi, the installation of multiple high-output speeds on the highway SAPA is essential for the future of EVs.Is an issue.Literally, a new device that appeared with fullness.As expected, it was devised to think "Oh!"

Easy to use hanging cables!

First of all, the impression that is impressive at first glance is the design that expands the feathers toward the sky.The cable is a hanging type from the top, and it is possible to move the hanging starting point left and right according to the rail at the tip of the wing according to the position of the charging port on the vehicle side.Whether you put it in the parking space or "put it in the back" depends on the model type, but there is no need to drag a long cable as in the past.In addition, it has the advantage that the cable does not get dirty with the mud on the ground, and it is easy for women such as women to handle it.

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It is very comfortable to insert the plug without feeling the weight of the cable so much and clear the cable without dirty your hands (or do not need to clean up).In the future, I felt that not only Nichikon, but also the quick charger of other manufacturers was a design that should be followed.

The height of the car stop that is safe even in Thaikan

The height of the "car stop" placed in the charging space is also considered.For example, Porsche Tycan has a quick charging outlet near the tire house on the left side of the front, so there is a concern that if the car stops, the chinpo will hit.Therefore, it seems that Porsche was referred to the height of the car stopped by Porsche in the turbocharger, according to the tiekan, which seems to be the lowest in the current situation.

However, if you are an EV race etc. and wear an extremely low front spoiler, please be careful.Also, in the case of a Tesla car with a charging exit on the left side, it is usually a problem because it will be put in the back, but the charger (connectors) on the front side is placed next to the parking space.The cable will not arrive unless you enter from before.Please be careful if you are wearing a third -party low spoiler with a model 3 of the race specification.

The LED of the protective pole flashes during charging

The next thing to pay attention to is the pole for preventing collisions that are two between parking space and charger.The LED is embedded at the top and lights up when it is available.It flashes during charging.This indicates that the charger is unusable, such as a failure or a cooling immediately after the boost mode (described later) when it is gone.

The EMP technical person in charge explained, "If the surroundings are dark, you can check if the charging is completed even from a remote place."You can't imagine this kind of ingenuity, if you're not actually on the EV.In EMP, many employees, including President Yotsugi and Chair Anekawa, have heard that they are EV users.I feel that it is a device because I know and think about EVs, including consideration for cables and car stop.

However, I feel that it is not enough to consider that wheelchairs are more difficult to use, as Takuma Aoki, who is active as a wheelchair racer, such as the step of the parking space and the charger installation space.。That is the further issue for the future.

The operation panel is started with a human sensor

Charger operation panel.In the conventional quick charger, there were many things that touched the panel once and started, but this new device has a human sensor incorporated, and the panel starts when a person approaches the charger.It can be operated smoothly.

The operation description sticker has disappeared from the charger body!

Until now, it was natural to have many small stickers on the charger body, but the body of the new device is refreshing.Detailed operation descriptions, such as guest (visitor) charging methods, are explained in a board in front of the charger area.

Operation is simple if you have a familiar charging card for EV users.You can start charging smoothly simply by following the procedure displayed on the panel.

In Japan, the full -fledged EV spread era has begun.

In addition, the evaluation of this new device is that it is easy to update in preparation for the increase in high -power compatible models in the future.

A separate power sharing method of the connecting device (charger) between the power supply and the vehicle.The hardware of the charger is up to 90 kW, and the power supply of 200 kW is enough for the time being, but the number of high -output quick charging compatible vehicles such as Nissan Aria and Toyota BZ4X & Subaru Soltera increases, and the need for charging 90 kW charging is 90kW.If it gets higher, for example, it is possible to update a power supply to a system that powers up 400 kW for 6 units.

Furthermore, according to the current situation where there are few vehicles that can be charged at 90 kW, the cable of the new device is a maximum of 50 kW, that is, a 125A specification = a maximum of 50 kW specifications.When the current of 90kW = 225A is heated here, it is heated, so a mechanism called "boost mode" has been introduced.High -power current equivalent to 90kW flows to about 15 minutes.

Also, if the number of vehicles that can be charged at 90 kW increases, if the cable is replaced with a 90kW specification, it can be updated to a facility that can be charged up to 90 kW (over 50 kW) for 30 minutes without using a boost mode.You can.

In Europe and the United States, there is also a movement to make ultra -high output quick charging, such as 150kW or 350kW, a standard.However, I personally realize that "90kW, greedy about 150kW is enough?"If you power a 400kW power supply, 4 or more high -power -compatible EVs will be able to charge at 90 kW at the same time, so it's practical until the next 10 years, that is, the replacement time of this new device.There will be no problem.

Beyond the assumption, if the car manufacturer will release an EV that supports high -power quick charging, and if the vision of the EMP shown in this new device cannot catch up, the car manufacturer who sells high -performance EVs will respond.I think we should show the measures.

I want more and more new vessels to be installed in major SAPAs nationwide

Actually, I ran the Mercedes -Benz for a maximum of 100kW EQA and rushed to this presentation, and as the EVSMART blog editorial department, Mr. Ishii, an employee of Awudante, who bought 3 models in the early newlywed.Participated with Shinohara, a freelance writer who bought Honda E impulse.The media presentation was over, and it was a report to report that three units were verified as the first user as the first user as the first user.

However, as you have read so far, there are plenty of "brief introduction", and if you repeat the verification report, it will be a difficult article to read, so another article.(Open goal tomorrow or the day after tomorrow).There are also reports of important precautions, so if you are a Tesla car, Honda e -owner, or high -power -compatible EV owner, please check it out.

There are some important precautions

If you keep a little precaution, first, Honda E cannot be charged with this new device.Also, in Ishii's Tesla Model 3, only 10 kW output came out.In addition, the quick charging area is at the end of the parking space and there is no waiting space, so if you are lucky to be full, you will have to leave PA.The details will be explained in the verification report later.

Anyway, expect in the future!

According to President Yotsuyanagi's greeting, "I would like to promote the installation mainly on the highway SAPA in the future, and also expand it as an EV fleet charging equipment in the future."Even if you check the Nichicon website, it is not introduced as a product, so if you are interested, please contact the e-mobile Power.By the way, I asked the stakeholders, including President Yotsugi, "Where will it be set up next?"

In any case, I would like to give blessings and compliments for the long -awaited high -powered power device on the SAPA, which has taken the memorable first step.And I'm glad that Chodemo EV users will be able to install a new device pace at a positive pace, rather than NEXCO and highway facilities nationwide.

(Coverage / sentence / Yoshinori Yokoto)