Food supermarket "Amazon Fresh", a new store opening with a cash register without cash register

Food supermarket "Amazon Fresh", a new store opening with a cash register without cash register, the, has introduced a cashier without a cashier, the Amazon Fresh, a food supermarket business, which opened in Seattle, Washington on June 17.

 JWO has also been introduced in Amazon Fresh, which opened in London, UK in March 2021, in addition to the cashier -free convenience store, Amazon Go Grosary, in London, Britain.This is a size of 230 square meters, about a convenience store, and this is the first time to introduce a full -fledged food supermarket.


 JWO has entered the store and automatically settled on the Amazon app downloaded to the smartphone, and does not need to line up at the cash register.The shopping price is settled by a credit card or debit card registered in Amazon, and an electronic receipt is sent to the app when you leave the store.Which products have been picked up are recognized by cameras and display shelves installed on the ceiling.

 JWO was introduced in Amazon Fresh, which opened in the Market Place at Factoria, a shopping center in Belvue, Washington, with a store area of about 2300 square meters.This is the 14th Amazon fresh store in the United States.

 In this new store, select whether to use JWO at the entrance gate or pay at the cash register.If you choose JWO, read the QR code in the app, hold your palm over a reader of the palm authentication technology "Amazon One", or insert a credit card registered in the Amazon, or enter the store in either

 Amazon has been selling JWO for other retailers and restaurants, and has been introduced at convenience stores in the airport terminal.
