Effective use of idle real estate! The reservation system "intelligent space reservation" for space operators combines with intelligent lock "RemoteLOCK" to strongly support blue-chip unmanned operation.

Effective use of idle real estate! The reservation system "intelligent space reservation" for space operators combines with intelligent lock "RemoteLOCK" to strongly support blue-chip unmanned operation.

The intelligent space reservation provided by Co., Ltd. Zoom (headquarters: Shibuya District, Tokyo, Representative: Yoji Kanada) is to solve the social problems of diversified working methods and the improvement of labor productivity, such as the preparation of the most suitable office environment, vacant houses and old houses, demolition of predetermined buildings and other low-running idle real estate. It is an online reservation management system that realizes the efficiency and unmanned operation of leased space by using management system and intelligent lock at the same time. RemoteLOCK is a password smart lock that can be connected to the Internet, accessed and managed remotely.

Through this cooperation, we can provide leased space operators with a wider range of intelligent lock choices, promote the solution of key management related issues, and vigorously support space unmanned operation and human-saving.


RemoteLOCK function of RemoteLOCK for intelligent lock determination of leased space

Personal identification number, numeric keypad type, anyone can easily enter

Because it is a simple and easy-to-understand password, it can be used intuitively from children to the elderly. In addition, since a maximum of 1000 passwords can be issued at the same time, you can release them to the reservation section in advance to save management (if you want to issue more than 1000 passwords, you can negotiate separately).

Wi-Fi connection stable connection

Wireless network-connected RemoteLOCK does not require a Bluetooth connection intelligent lock indispensable gateway (repeater). In addition, in case the Wi-Fi connection is broken, you can also refer to the memory of the key body and use the password.

Support for different door types and entrances


Can be connected to a variety of doors, such as sliding doors and automatic doors, as well as various entrances to rental space, such as elevators and parking doors. It varies according to the type of RemoteLOCK, please contact us for details.


In the future, A Zoom and structural Planning Institute will further deepen cooperation to improve the efficiency of leased space operation, improve user convenience, and help you make effective use of idle real estate.

On the realization of unmanned and economical intelligent space reservation

Intelligent space reservation is a system with the functions of "reservation management", "customer management", "key management" and "settlement management" needed for the operation of leased space. It can centrally manage the business related to the operation of leased space from mobile phone and PC anytime and anywhere. You can also customize and develop customer-specific features and introduce them to a variety of facilities, including conference rooms, gyms, dance studios, music studios, yoga studios, simulated golf, rental kitchens, table tennis space and game rooms.

Three reasons why smart space reservation is selected

1. "fixed monthly fee", so even if sales increase, the operating cost is certain.

2. Cooperate with Google Calendar to avoid double booking with booking agency sites

3. Improve the optional functions of monthly member subscription and reservation management

More information about Smart Space booking https://www.smartkaigisitsu.net/lp/about

On the deployment performance of more than 70 million units worldwide, RemoteLOCK

RemoteLOCK is a business-oriented intelligent lock product provided by the company's structural planning research institute. With global cumulative sales of 70000 units, the cloud system can manage and issue password keys with different expiration dates for each booking customer. Used for entrances and doors to various facilities, including unmanned salons and rental conference rooms, rental studios, gyms, hotels, hotels, accommodation and other accommodation facilities, as well as offices, stadiums and other public facilities.

This is an open access control platform that automatically publishes and notifies cryptographic keys associated with various booking services, business systems and hardware through API, thereby reducing the complexity of facility-critical delivery and window operations.


▶初期費用ゼロ円!テンキー式スマートロック『RemoteLOCK 5i』レンタルサービスの詳細はこちらHttps://remotelock.kke.co.jp/prices/rental/

Contact information about this case

Azog Co., Ltd.

Kaigishitsu@azoom.jp/03-6625-5488 https://www.smartkaigisitsu su.net/

RemoteLOCK team of structural Planning and Research Institute of Co., Ltd. Remotelock@kke.co.jp/050-5306-6250
