FOSSIL Group Fossil's first LTE -compatible smartwatch is "Completed through the challenge" and the new operation of CES announcements such as Scagen "HYBRID HR"

FOSSIL Group Fossil's first LTE -compatible smartwatch is "Completed through the challenge" and the new operation of CES announcements such as Scagen "HYBRID HR"

Fossil announced the smartwatch "Generation 5 LTE" with the first LTE -compatible standalone communication function according to CES

 In 2021, the Fossil Group announced the latest smartwatch with the company's three brands, aiming for the full online CES.

 The new product is the first 4G LTE compatible machine "Generation 5 LTE", which has been reported as a breaking news, as well as the scagen "Jorn Hybrid HR", which is a hybrid display with analog needles and e-ink electronic paper.There are three types: the smart watch "Access Generation 5E".

 In the briefing held by the company, we will introduce each product in detail, including the commentary added by Chief Comeral Officer GREG MCKELVEY and the connected device group SVP Steve Prokup.

"Completed after various challenges" Fossil's first LTE single communication compatible machine

 Fossil's "Generation 5 LTE" is an embedded ESIM, a smartwatch that supports 4G LTE celluler communication alone.As previously reported, the United States will start selling $ 349 (approximately 36,400 yen) this spring.Sales will be available at the online store of Belizon, a major telecommunications company in the United States, and a retail store in Belizon, but it seems that there will be announcements this month for specific methods for cellular communication.

FOSSIL GROUP フォッシル初のLTE対応スマートウォッチは「挑戦を経て完成」、スカーゲン「HYBRID HR」などCES発表の新作動向を解説

A stylish design Fossil "Generation 5 LTE"

 Fossil Group's GREG MCKELVEY is now increasingly interested in the "Healthcare Wellness Function" and "Expanding Utility" as a smartwatch macro trend as a smartwatch macro trend.I preached.

 Regarding celluler support, which is also a core strategy in strengthening utility, Steve Prokup, who has led development in terms of technical aspects, says, "It is not just a modem and it is not just to make it possible to communicate with standalon. Software optimizes and systems.He has overcome the efficiency of the battery consumed by the whole, and has overcome a lot of challenges. The evolution of various factors has made the Fossil Group's first LTE -compatible smartwatch has been born. "。Details will be revealed for the release in the future, but Prokup says, "" ESIM activation and number share with smartphones that paired smartphones can be easily set to Google so that it can be easily set.He has created a user interface. "

GREG MCKELVEY, who says that it has launched the first LTE compatible model from Fossil in response to the growing need to seek a variety of useful functions for smartwatches.

 Fossil's "Generation 5 LTE" is a smartwatch based on the "Generation 5" platform that made a leap in 2020."I want to further enhance Generation 5 products in 2021," said Mckelvey.

Google Assistant has a function to operate smart home IoT devices by voice.

 The functions around healthcare and wellness, which he listed as one of the "Macro Trends of the Smart Watch", is likely to be expanded by software updates."I would like to send users to update new features in the future in a few weeks," said PROKUP.Specifically, it is likely that activity tracking and functions that can operate smart home IoT devices by Google Assistant by voice will be fleshed.