House Do, selling a record of 390.3 billion yen ...

House Do, selling a record of 390.3 billion yen ...

President Masahiro Ando Ando

House Do (Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo), which develops a real estate business one -stop, has sales 18 year -on -year..Updated the record high of 39,037 million yen to 39,037 million yen, operating profit 36.It increased by 7%to 2,589 million yen.We asked President Masahiro Ando, who said, "The brand of real estate stores is progressing," the factors of performing well and future prospects and expectations.

[Listman / Press Director Yoshiki Fukuda]

Visiting the store is strong even in an emergency declaration

――Please tell us the factors that are doing well.

Even under the emergency declaration issued in April 2020, there are many people who come to the store more than expected, and those who have time to wait at home have been able to search for a house slowly, and the low interest rates have a hurdle for purchase.It is low and that the real estate industry was not a self -restraint industry.The most strong trading business was due to the strengthening of the purchase.


――In addition, the franchise business was strong.

Currently it is 698 stores (as of the end of September), but we are aiming for 1,000 stores by 2025.In the future, there are many initiatives that I want to do, so I would like to strengthen the membership of real estate agents who can cooperate quickly.

――What are the benefits of real estate agents who dare to join a franchise?

Nowadays, capital investment is needed in the era of DX (digital transformation), and it is more reasonable to join franchises than to raise signboards individually.

From now on, it is more reasonable to join a franchise brand with a lot of properties, such as a large supermarket, rather than a real estate.If a company like our company succeeds in franchise, the number of other brands will increase, and it will eventually lead to major companies.In the United States, this trend has already been made, and it will be settled in Japan late.I think it will take 10 years.

In June this year, the number of franchise stores has exceeded 700 stores

To strengthen Reverse Morgauge

――The “House Lease Back Project”, which can be purchased, rented and rented from users, is also performing well.What kind of development do you think in the future?

Of course, we aim to increase the number of contracts, but we want to use the "Reverse Mortgage System", which allows you to get your home -type loan as collateral.80 % of the current house leaseback customers want to use that system.

Financial institutions are conservative in financing for the elderly, and "reverse mortgages" are not very popular, and they are forced to flow to house leaseback.However, due to 20 million yen in retirement and pension issues, the reverse mortgage will increase to borrow funds for retirement.In addition, this system can also reduce monthly repayments by utilizing the number of mortgages that are increasing now.We also want to spread it with the intention of responding to financial institutions when something happens.

Promote technology such as VR

―― The new colon virus has changed your life and life significantly, but how about the introduction of technology and AI?

We are now introducing "Smart DO Home".This is a single smartphone and can operate equipment and home appliances.In addition, I would like to introduce open house remote guidance and remote locks, and if you introduce VR etc. into the interior of the property, the burden of sales will be reduced.I want to create various mechanisms.

――The expectation of the next fiscal year is large, but what is this reason?

This is because there are waves in the trend of the new colon virus.However, low interest rates are maintained as they are, and we expect that it will be smooth overall because it is a plus for the real estate industry.I think this situation will last for a year, so there are no major concerns.