House to install happiness-What is the "platform house concept" promoted by Sekisui House?

House to install happiness-What is the "platform house concept" promoted by Sekisui House?

 From August 25 to September 22, a "Real Estate Tech Online Conference 2021 Smart Town, Moving, and Living" hosted by CNET JAPAN was held.In this article, we will tell you the session by Hiroaki Yoshida, director of the September 15 Officer of the September 15 Officer Platform House Promotion Division, "The Future of the Housing A Government of Platform House Concepts."

積水ハウス 業務役員 プラットフォームハウス推進部長の吉田裕明氏(画面左上)

 Sekisui House celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2020.In the first 30 years in the first half, we provide a house as a shelter to protect the "security and security" of earthquake resistance and fire resistance, and in the next 30 years, it is comfortable to comfort and barrier -free from the perspective of "comfort".I have provided a life."For the 60 years since its founding, he has provided hardware as a house maker," says Yoshida.

 On the other hand, from 2020, based on the global vision of "I will make" My House "the happiest place in the world", the concept of "happiness in the 100 -year life" is set, and the technical skills we have cultivated so far.It is said that he is trying to connect to "happiness".One of them is the "Platform House Concept" in the title of the lecture.


Build a service using the data acquired in IoT

 A platform house is a new form of a new house where residents are free to install services in a basic home as a conventional hardware.First of all, as a components for residents living at home to spend 100 years of life meaningful, "health" to continue to play, "(with people)" to live richly, new possibilities.It is defined that extracting the keyword "learning" to find and enhancing each element will lead to "happiness".

 As a means to accumulate these happiness intangible assets, in addition to "living environment data", which is the conventional business area using IoT, "Lifestyle Data" and "Vital Data" for residents.Capture.And we will build and provide a happy service that uses those data.


Loss and hidden care problem due to untouched acute diseases

 In this session, the part that belonged to the health and connection in the concept was told.First, Mr. Yoshida introduces data on acute diseases at home.The number of stroke is about 290,000, and 79 % occur in the house.Among them, cerebral infarction has an estimated death of 15,000 in the home, and even if it does not die, the burden on medical expenses and nursing care will increase, and the economic burden will be 11 million yen per year.。In addition, 70,000 people died a year when heart disease, drowning, falling, and falling.

 "The current situation of acute diseases in the home is an inappropriate task. In terms of the cost of society as a whole, about 8.7 trillion, including medical expenses, nursing care, labor loss, and decrease in productivity in companies.It will be 100 billion yen. If the platform house concept is realized there, nearly 20 % will reduce the cost of 1.69 trillion yen. "(Mr. Yoshida).


 Another issue is the "hidden care problem" that is not included in the cost.The number of caregivers in Japan will increase tripled between 2000 and 2018, and will continue to increase in the future.Currently, 13 million people, one -fifth of the number of employees, are working in care while working, and hidden care of corporate officers and managers is gradually increasing.Mr. Yoshida points out that it is a social task and at the same time being a risk in running a company.

Hed-net developed for acute diseases

 Sekisui House, on the other hand, has developed the "Hed-Net (IN-HOME EARLY DETECTION Network)" (IN-HOME EARLY Detection Network) as an effort for acute diseases.As part of the platform house concept, the company has been conducting demonstration experiments in the currently dedicated lab, and from 2020, a pilot project that participates in consumer participation by customers who purchased a newly built detached house has been launched.


 In a house with HED-NET introduced, a non-contact sensor detects a resident's heart rate and respiratory rate in the house, and a notification is sent to the emergency reporting center if it exceeds the abnormal value.The operator called from the speakers installed in the room, and if there was no reply, it was judged to be abnormal and requested to be dispatched to the rescue squad.When the rescue squad arrives, check it with audio and video and remote the door.As we know where we have fallen, we will be able to respond quickly to transport to the hospital.When transported, it will be responsible for locking.

 "Cerebral countermeasures are based on early detection and early treatment. If you can care within 4 and a half hours, you will be able to treat it if you have this scheme. It will be possible."Tai" (Mr. Yoshida)


 At that time, his commitment as a house maker is "to have you live as before" (Mr. Yoshida).Therefore, the resident data is obtained with a non -contact sensor instead of wearable.Currently, we are developing an algorithm to judge abnormalities, and in the lab, when you turn over, or in spring, summer, autumn and winter, different duvets and clothing, when you use a fan or air conditioner, vibration and wind.Verification is performed to accurately take data, such as whether it can be supplemented.In addition, it is said that data is also supplemented in consumer participation projects, and the system is operating while analyzing data based on the difference in lifestyle for one year in each family.

Requires care to prevent chronic diseases

 In addition to HED-NET, Sekisui House has implemented another "prevention and diosis of chronic diseases, etc." to take care before acute diseases.Although the interest in people's health is increasing year by year, although they are gradually moving on their actions, in fact, continuous inhibition factors such as "I can't work on it because it's troublesome", "I have no subjective symptoms", and "I have no room for improving my lifestyle".Mr. Yoshida explains the current situation.The company, on the other hand, says, "We will propose so that we can provide care unique to the house. We are thinking about services on the premise of living as before for chronic diseases."

 Specifically, in order to make early treatment when there is an abnormality, such as "suggestions for food, exercise, sleep, etc." to prevent diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, "how about medical institutions."Do you want to connect to your consultation? "In the former, the risk of disease is determined by combining information on regular examinations such as heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, weight, body fat, etc. with regular check -up information.The latter detects signs of abnormalities and promotes early treatment.It is said that we will create two algorithms and respond.

 Beyond that, the plan is to provide vital data of time changes acquired in the house to medical institutions and work with data at the time of consultation to enhance medical care.

 "The initiatives of acute and chronic diseases cannot be significant by us alone. First of all, after verifying it as a service in a newly built detached house that is supplied about 10,000 units a year, we are doing business in groups.It will be expanded to apartments, hotels and medical care facilities. In the future, we will spread it to the city in the future, so that houses other than Sekisui House will be adopted as infrastructure. How to fulfill the social sense.Thinking, we will make the platform house concept as an infrastructure for infrastructure. "(Mr. Yoshida)


Important alliance and three initiatives for realization

 In realizing the concept, it is necessary to take various initiatives, such as food, sleep, exercise, sensing and AI, besides the residential area.Mr. Yoshida appeals to the audience, saying, "We are just a house maker. By mixing your specialty areas, we want to realize the platform house concept while forming alliance."

 To achieve a platform house, Mr. Yoshida has listed three points.First of all, "strengthening security" is necessary to stay with the resident for many years.The second is the "house where services can be installed" in line with the times, and in this part, the service will be stepped on step by step.The above-mentioned Hed-Net is one of the installed services.


 When various services are installed, various customer data gather.Therefore, the third point is "accumulation of living environment data and lifestyle data"."The data is accumulated firmly, and first returns the customer as a plus α service, and feedback to the market as a big data" (Mr. Yoshida)

Released our app "Platform House Touch"

 The first stage of the installation service is "Platform House Touch" released at the end of August.The service is based on the drawings of each house, "only one application in the world" (Mr. Yoshida).It has a home security that notifies the state of the family, the return of the family, etc., and a function to monitor the state of the room based on the operating history of the sensor and equipment.


 Since the Platform House Touch app is used by the whole family, visualizing the operation history will be visible on how to live on a home basis.In the case currently used in advance, based on the operating log, the key is shed at home, and the air conditioner in the living room and the lock operation of the entrance tablet are linked, and forget to erase and forget to tighten.In some cases, it has led to the service provision of sending alerts when you forget, and it is expected that you will be able to propose personalized in this way.

 "We are particular about designing from the life scene. It is the only part of our experience and ideas that we can do, so we can firmly blend into your lifestyle while designing a service in this way.I want to provide a service "(Mr. Yoshida)

 Platform House Touch is provided with a subscriber type of 2200 yen per month.In addition, when using the service, it will be charged for implementation, such as turning the electrification entrance of the shutter into an electric tablet.In addition, HED-NET has not been determined at the moment, including the start time, but "we will work hard to be introduced at a level that does not exceed 1 million yen at the implementation stage and can be offered for several thousand yen per month" (Mr. Yoshida).That is.