Try to use NFC tags & smart phones to replace the physical switch of Hue

Try to use NFC tags & smart phones to replace the physical switch of Hue

Everyone's cell phones.


 Hue is an indispensable intelligent headlight for smart home. My family already has 16 or so, showing off their skills, although it is a smartphone that can be operated from a smartphone app, but it is a super virtue for everyone to operate from a dedicated app.

 Although there is also a widget that can be operated immediately from the home screen, it will not be removed because it does not work for the time being. Recent Android terminals, including the mainly used arrows5G Fmur51A, can easily operate smart devices in a home by pressing the length of the power key, but even so, it will take some time to do so. The voice operation of intelligent speakers also feels the lack of rapidity.

arrows 5Gでは電源キー長押しで宅内のスマート機器を操作できるが、ちょっと手間がかかる

 After all, you can directly operate the physical intelligent switch of lighting, or the Dima switch is very fast, so you want to buy it with the lamp, but one is about 3000 yen, and if you want to buy every lighting and every room, the cost will soar, which is very difficult.

 While avoiding the gating operation of smartphones as much as possible, there is no additional purchase of physical switches. Even so, is there any way to easily turn on and off hardware buttons?



 At this moment, I suddenly think of the existence of Hue's API. Hue exposes an API that controls lighting and can be used by anyone. You can freely access its API from a variety of software and hardware, turn on and off indoor lights, and change brightness and hue.

 In this way, when using the wallet phone function of a smartphone and placing it on a specific NFC tag, if you tap the API control lighting structure, you can replace the switch at a very cheap price.


 So, I'll give it a try right away. Previously, this session introduced how to use NFC tags to control the scissors of smart locks, but this time it is not much different as a basic practice.


【Everyone's cell phones.】解錠・施錠が高速化! おサイフケータイでスマートロックを操る【V30+ L-01K】

 To outline the process, we wrote a program to call Hue API in PHP and put it on NAS's Web server. After that, if you write the URL of the program into the NFC tag in the "Trigger" application, you can simply place the smartphone on the NFC tag to access the URL and operate the Hue.


 The program first gets the state of the light, turns it off when it is turned on, and switches to the simple content that is open when it is closed. Groups of single lights or multiple lights are specified by optional parameters attached to the URL, so a program can support any light in the room.

 So, for example, if you want to turn on and off the lights of the room, the desk and the wardrobe independently, you can also prepare one NFC tag.

スマホをかざすだけで部屋の明かりをオンオフ可能に!Web会議時の照明に使っている2個セットのHue Playも、その上に貼ってあるNFCタグにかざすだけでオンオフできるようにした

 Ten NFC tags can be bought for about 1000 yen, which is much cheaper than the dedicated Dima switch. Of course, there is basically only one URL tapped with a NFC tag, so it is difficult to adjust the brightness as easily as a physical switch. However, if you want to temporarily turn on and off, want to darken, want to brighten, and other purposes to control with the decision, this is enough.

 It is also convenient to stick the NFC tag that turns on / off all the lights in your home on the door, and you can quickly hold your smartphone when you go out or when you go home. Although there is no future with a large number of NFC tags in the room, it will be OK if daily life becomes convenient.