I want to know that person's smart work!-The charm and fun of the "League of Legend" I heard from the 33rd evi player of the E -Sports

I want to know that person's smart work!-The charm and fun of the "League of Legend" I heard from the 33rd evi player of the E -Sports

The charm and fun of "League of Legend" heard by EVI players in e -sports

2022.02.10 5182Twitter コミュニケーション YouTube eスポーツ TVゲームやPCゲームを使ってバーチャル空間で対戦するeスポーツ(Electronic Sports)。アジア大会や国体でも競技が行われ、高校の部活動にも採用されるなど注目が集まっている。こうした動きを牽引するのが世界で最もプレイ人口が多いとされるPCオンラインゲーム「リーグ・オブ・レジェンド」だ。世界各地に「リーグ・オブ・レジェンド」のプロリーグがあり、世界大会は過去11回開催された実績を持つ。昨年の日本の夏季リーグで優勝し、世界大会でも活躍したDetonatioN FocusMeのEvi選手に話を聞いた。文/豊岡昭彦


世界中で1億人以上がプレイし、世界で最もプレイ人口が多いとされるPCオンラインゲーム「リーグ・オブ・レジェンド」のプロ選手。1995年、愛知県生まれ。一児の父。日本のプロリーグLeague of Legends Japan League(LJL)に加盟するDetonatioN FocusMe(デトネーション・フォーカスミー)所属。日本一のトップレーナーとして知られる。2014年にプロ選手となり、DetonatioN FocusMeには2017年から参加。YouTubeで「えびンモTV」を配信。登録者数4.7万人。DetonatioN FocusMeは、2021年のLJL夏季リーグで優勝し、世界大会のプレイインステージ(予選)でグループ1位となり、日本初のベスト16に進出した。DetonatioN FocusMe http://team-detonation.net/team/focusmeYouTube:えびンモTV https://www.YouTube.com/channel/UCqWIpAZsfdtfh6qNDs1XQNATwitter:@ebihuryahurya https://twitter.com/ebihuryahurya

"League of Legend" where you can have a new adventure every time

――It's first, can you explain what the game of “League of Legend” played by EVI and what is its appeal?

The EVI "League of Legend" is an online battle game called Moba (MultiPlayer Online Battle Arena) developed by Riot Games of the United States.In a fixed field (Summoners Lift), one team will cooperate to fight the opponent's team and destroy the opponent's home tower (Nexus) will win.In order to win, in addition to individual abilities, it is important to communicate with teamwork and strategy to create numerical benefits.

More than 160 types of champions (characters) are available, and each player selects and uses one of them.The champion is completely different, such as attack method, strength of attack power, effective range, defense power, and movement speed, so the attack method and strategy will change depending on the combination.You can keep a specific champion from using it, so the struggle begins with which champions and combining them.Every time, all champions start at level 1, so you have to think about how to raise the level and which players to concentrate on your level and gold.

There are many attractions of the League of Legend, but what I feel most attractive is that there is a lot of fun playing different games.

RPG (role -playing) games, famous for general video games, have one story and ultimate goal, and we will proceed with the aim.When you're advancing the story, when you are raising the level, or when you get a good item, it's the fun of the RPG game.But finally, if you defeat the last boss and clear it, the fun as a game is over.Even if you do it again, you will repeat the same thing.

However, in the League of Legend, you can enjoy the process of raising the level, gathering items, and defeating strong enemies from the beginning to the end.It is attractive that you can play and experience interesting places over and over again.

One of the elements that makes it happen is that there are more than 160 types of champions.Each has a completely different performance from different skills, so I think it has complexity and depth.It is a game where 5 people fight, but if one person has a different champion, the result of the match will be completely different.It is rewarding because the players have performed their own behavior and the selection results directly leading to the results.I rarely feel like "this game doesn't make sense to have something."I think everyone has the pleasure of contributing as a member of the team.Every time I feel like I'm on an adventure every time, I'm excited every time.

"League of Legend" is an important competition for teamwork to fight with 5 people.© 2022 RIOT GAMES, Inc.USED with Permission

――What kind of position is the top Lena in charge of EVI?

The EVI field has three lanes: top lanes, mid -lane, and bot lane, and we protect them with five people, but mid -lane and bot lanes work with other members to create numerical advantage and fight. On the other hand, the top lane is often one person, so it is said to be a slightly special position or is an isolated lane. Since it is in a position that is difficult to help from other positions, it can be said to be a lane that can be focused on one -on -one with the top of the opponent's team. Of course, instead of a complete one -on -one, ally sometimes comes to help, and sometimes I go to another lane. So, when fighting with the other party's champion one -on -one, how much damage you have, how much distance you should do, and if your opponent attacks this kind of attack, you have a great knowledge. It's an important position.

It is generally said that top lane has little influence on other lanes, but if you can defeat the opponent on a one -on -one, you can move the game greatly from there, so it is a mid -lane.You can have a powerful impact on the lane.So, I don't think the influence of the top lane is so low.The game may be determined by moving the top lane to another lane with the surprise of the opponent.So I think the influence is surprisingly so small.

Detonation focusme at the world tournament in October 2021.He broke through the play -in stage (qualifying) in the first place and advanced to the best 16 in Japan.

Being a professional player will be attractive

――The League of Legend is said to be the world's most popular online PC game, which is played by more than 100 million people worldwide, but it seems that it is not exciting in Japan.How can we increase the popularity in Japan?

First of all, as a professional player, as a representative of the professional scene of the League of Legend, I think it is important to be strong as Japan and play an active part in the world tournament.However, it doesn't mean you just need to do something, but you have to do various things in parallel.I think that we need to conduct public relations and disseminate activities with the people of the game development company RIOT GAMES and the people of the professional league operator.

Furthermore, if the number of beginners does not increase, the community of the game will not grow and cannot be maintained, so it is important to appeal to beginners' events, classes, and seminars on YouTube.Even if beginners cannot play well, I think it is important to introduce them so that they can be inserted so that they do not shrink.

――It is part of such activities that EVI actively sends on Twitter or distributing Ebimmo TV on YouTube?

EVI That's right.It's important to know what professional players live, and we want everyone to excite the League of Legend community.I think it is important that I can be able to be a professional player as a representative of Japan, as well as what I can do as a representative of Japan.

あの人のスマートワークが知りたい! - 第33回 eスポーツのプロEvi選手に聞いた「リーグ・オブ・レジェンド」の魅力と楽しさ

――In recently, the number of high schools that install e -sports circles has increased, and Esport high school students have been held."Stage: 0 (Stage Zero)" https: // Stage0 as a national famous tournament.JP/, "National High School e -Sports Championship" https: // www.AJHS-ESPORTS.There is JP/, but both have "League of Legends".What does Evi think about this?

I think the EVI high school student tournament is a very good event.It's really fun to go to the tournament.Therefore, it is very good that high school students can practice e -sports tournaments, think about strategy and strategy with the team, and actually try it in the tournament.If high school students go to the tournament, they will watch their friends, and that such a tournament is very good for the "League of Legend" community.

EVI player's YouTube program "Ebinmo TV" https: // www.YouTube.COM/CHANNEL/UCQWIPAZSFDTFH6QNDS1XQNA gives a gentle commentary on the League of Legend and answers viewers' questions.

The achievements in the world tournament, what I felt there

――Evi's Detonation Focusme won the last summer league.Participated in the "2021 League of Legend WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP (WORLDS 2021)" of the "League of Legend" held in Iceland from October to November, play -in stage (qualifying) is the first place in the group.I passed the achievement of passing, the best 16.Could you tell me why you got this result?

EVI is that you have prepared your weapons and challenged.I thought it was effective for the world's powerful teams.I did everything I could, practiced as much as the limit, and I think it was the result of a strategy.I don't think we could do it anymore this time, but we just wanted to do more next time, or we wanted to do more next time.

In terms of reflection, the top team was a lot behind the understanding of the meta (champion composition).What kind of champion you can choose before the game can be expected by past data and rumors.It is a champion that is rarely chosen in Japan, but I wanted to try to practice without a prejudice of such a champion.

―― Did the world tournament enjoy it?

EVI was so fun. In a place to show the results of practice, it is like a presentation for us (laughs). The 22 teams from all over the world participated, but in the world tournament, all the representatives of other countries stay at the same hotel, so when they always meet the opponents who are playing in practice games, each other "Oh, it's been a long time". You're there too, "or" Welcome ", there is such an atmosphere and conversation. And during this tournament, during the tournament, our team's ARIA player ARIA (currently the Korean League team belongs to KT Rolster, the details will be described later). So, when I wanted to celebrate my birthday as a member, the European national team player came with me like "I'm going to celebrate it, so we'll celebrate it too," and celebrate with me. There was.

EVI player who won the world tournament and rejoices.Detonation Focusme passed the play -in stage in the group first place.

Gaming house that foster teamwork

――I would like to tell you about the everyday life of EVI, but are everyone living in the gaming house and training?

It depends on the EVIs, but some people are in a gaming house all year round, and some return home during holidays.Practice in the gaming house as a job is in December, and the Japanese professional league League of Legends JAPAN LEAGUE (LJL) Spring League (Spring Split) is from February to April.After that, there was a break for about a month, the next practice started in June, and the summer league match (SUMMER SPLIT) was from July to September.However, if you win in the spring and summer league match and go to the world tournament, the time of vacation will go to the world tournament for other teams, so for one to two months after that.It feels like you're at a hotel.

――EVI has a child and you have to go home?

EVI I go home once a week, so it's not that.And my wife sends a lot of photos and videos of children, so I'm healed by seeing it.

――Is it completely different from being in a gaming house and practicing online from each home?What kind of life do you live in the gaming house?

I think it's completely different."League of Legend" is an important game for communication, so it is closer to each other in a gaming house to make communication smoothly, and you know that you can get along closely.Sometimes you can.As soon as you want to talk, you can consult on the spot.In that respect, it is not comparable to online at all.

In the gaming house, in addition to six players, a total of nine people, including coaches and staff, live.I usually get up before and after noon and practice online with other teams in the afternoon.I do this almost every day.After that, I had dinner, then practice games, personal practice, etc., and went to bed around 3:00 am.Because it is a corona, refrain from going out as much as possible, use the home delivery service for meals, ask the cock to make what you want to eat, and eat together.I feel like I'm eating something I like.

The same is true for e -sports that share the joy of victory with friends.Friendship consciousness is fostered by communal living in a gaming house.

I want to achieve more than last year

――The “League of Legend” is an online game, so you can play online even in Corona, and you can see the audience online, so I think the tournament is relatively smooth.How do you think Evi think about the lack of real audience?

It is lonely that there is no EVI audience.Esports can be held online, and the audience can be seen online online, but it is certainly an advantage, but it is certain that the audience gathers at the venue offline and everyone can see it.I think it's a very interesting way to enjoy it while watchingSo it's a bit disappointing that there is no offline game.Of course, it can't be helped because it's a corona.It's so interesting to see e -sports offline, so when the corona is over, I want everyone to come to see it.It will be encouraging as a player and it will be exciting.When there are spectators, the players think that the tension goes up because they are awesome.

――The new season will begin on February 11, but the rules have changed dramatically, such as the number of dragons increased and the warp gate has been installed from this time.I think that the number of games increases, so I think there is a major change in the mass. What are you prepared?

Since the number of EVI dragons has increased and the value of the dragon has increased, we are preparing to take it priority, but I think the way of fighting will not change much.However, I think the biggest change in the number of games is the biggest change.The LJL has eight teams, and the one that has been twice a total of two times will hit three times.The schedule management and physical condition management will change not only on weekends, but also on Wednesday and Friday.

―― For Detonation Focusme to which EVI belongs, one of the main players ARIA has transferred to the Korean League and new players have entered.

A Korean player named YAHARONG has entered the frame where Evi ARIA missed.I'm the first player to come to Japan, but the Japanese is really good, and we all do conversations and coach feedback between players during the game, but I understand that Japanese is almost understood., I can hear the nuances.I'm good at playing, so I don't have to worry about it anymore.There is only an excitement that a new adventure with a new member will begin.

―― Last but not least, can you talk about your future aspirations?

As an EVI team, I would like to first exceed the best 16 world tournament that I held last year.I want to give better results in the world tournament instead of maintaining the status quo.As a person, I became a professional player at the age of 19 and this year this year, but I think that if I have been doing it for a long time, I may get used to it, but that is the case.I want to keep trying to incorporate new things so that there is no such thing.

"I want to try to get more than last year in 2022," said EVI.

Photo provision: RIOT GAMES © 2022 RIOT GAMES, Inc.USED with Permission

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Akihiko Toyooka (Akihiko Toyoka)
