In 2021, Japan's "detached houses" and "condominiums" will finally face a "big turning point"...!

In 2021, Japan's "detached houses" and "condominiums" will finally face a "big turning point"...!

In 2021, Japan's "home" will change dramatically...!

I think the most important thing when choosing your next home is "excitement".

"I'm moving to Aoyama", "I have a nice view from the tower", "I have a built-in dishwasher", etc. It becomes a feeling.

In 2021, Japan's detached house ” and “Mansion” face a “big turning point” …!

Now, a promising market that is starting to evolve at home worldwide is the "smart home."

People who have returned from abroad tell the story that their house is a smart home during their tenure as a souvenir story. 2021 is likely to be the first year of the smart home in Japan as the momentum to invest in home comfort increases due to the corona crisis.

The First Year of the Smart Home is Coming photo/iStock

"Smart Home" is a general term for technologies that make homes more comfortable.

For example, it would be nice to be able to turn on the air conditioner before going home in the middle of summer, and in the middle of winter you would want to boil the bath and take a quick bath. Such a thing is possible in reality.

You can connect your home equipment and home appliances to the Internet and operate them with your smartphone, but such devices and applications are starting to appear in the IoT era.

This is an IT systemization of the house, and anything that can be done theoretically can be realized. Until now, when it came to choosing a home, I chose it based on location, area, and sunlight, but any home can be made comfortable with a smart home.

Although the number of properties is still small, let's publish the results of a questionnaire survey to find out what the tenants' needs are.

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