IoT Popular Article Ranking | Possibility and Future of "sound" at the manufacturing site-Michi CEO interviews, etc. interviews, etc. [12/6-12/12]

IoT Popular Article Ranking | Possibility and Future of "sound" at the manufacturing site-Michi CEO interviews, etc. interviews, etc. [12/6-12/12]

Last week, I will introduce an article that was high in PV on IoTnews in a weekly ranking format.

1st place Manufacturing Possibility and Future -Mr. Shun Nakazaki, Representative Director of Michi

Michi Co., Ltd. provides a service called "Hitorigoto", which uses voice recognition to visualize "people" at the manufacturing site.In this paper, we talked to Mr. Shun Nakazaki about the issues of manufacturing sites and the possibility of voice recognition.

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2nd place Atom Tech announces a new model equipped with the swing function of the edge AI camera "Atom CAM"

Atom Tech Co., Ltd. is a smartphone and Wi-Fi (2).Utilizing 4GHz), we provide a smart home network camera "Atom CAM" equipped with edge AI, which allows you to view the video of the installation location in real time.

Today, at "Atom CAM", it announced that it will develop "Atom Cam Swing" equipped with a high -speed swing function of AI automatic tracking, and will start selling on December 7.

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3rd place The challenge of Gourundfos, one of the world's leading pump makers, is used to manage the water, which is an important task of smart city

Today, more than 4 billion people live in cities around the world.It is expected that the city population will increase by 2.5 billion by 2050 and to reach 68 % of the population of humanity.

Since history began, cities have been in our familiar places, but modern cities are facing major issues that have never been experienced before.In such a situation, "Smart City" is no longer an advertising complaint.Cities need to be more smart than ever.

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4th place Canon released software that can be recognized without stopping with a unique face authentication engine and a network camera

In recent years, face authentication systems have been used in various scenes, but there are issues such as the occurrence of waiting time in a queue formed in front of a dedicated terminal, and a decrease in productivity due to authentication.

IoT人気記事ランキング|製造現場での「音声」が生む可能性と未来 ―ミチ代表取締役 中崎瞬氏インタビュー、など[12/6-12/12]

In the middle, Canon Co., Ltd. will launch a smart focus face -authentication for Milestone XProtect, which can be recognized without stopping in front of a dedicated terminal, in mid -December 2021.

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5th place Mitsubishi Electric, DX / Smart City, opened a facility "XCENTER" that promotes co -creation through demonstration experiences of products and products

Today, Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. opened an exhibition hall "XCENTER" on the theme of DX and Smart City in Tokyo Building, where the headquarters is located.

"XCENTER" aims to co -create new solutions through open innovation for companies that promote DX and Smart City, government agencies such as governments and local governments.New products and technologies are introduced.

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6th place Kirin's unique DX human resource development program "Kirin DX Dojo", what is the real aim?- Kirin Holdings DX Strategy Promotion Office Interview with Ryusuke Kondo

The Kirin Group, which is engaged in a wide range of businesses, doctors, and health science, is now accelerating DX's DX initiatives in the entire group.One of the most focusing is the development of DX human resources.

2021年7月には、キリングループの従業員を対象にした独自のDX人材育成プログラム「キリンDX道場」を開校した。→ Click here for details

7th place Kao develops "KIREI skin AI" that predicts skin color and texture from the viewpoint and judgment of humans

Kao Co., Ltd. has developed a "skin evaluation AI" that allows you to learn small -area skin images cut out of the face images by deep learning and identify the slight difference in texture in various skin conditions.。

And today, Kao's make -up research institute announced that it has developed "Kirei skin AI", which has learned human sensitivity to "skin evaluation AI" and has the elaborate analysis of the skin and the human perspective and judgment.。

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8th place Sony, a wireless experimental device that supports its own LPWA "ELTRES" succeeded in receiving signals in space

Sony Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sony) has its own “ELTRES”, which has its own features such as “long -distance stable communication”, “high -speed mobile communication”, and “low power consumption”.It provides a power consumption wide area (LPWA) communication standard.ELTRES can be transmitted over 100 km with a 20MW transmission power on the ground, and operations have been started in some mountainous areas and sea in Japan.

On the other hand, in the sea, such as mountainous areas and horizontal lines where it is difficult to install a receiving station, radio waves may be blocked by terrain and wave.For this reason, it is expected that artificial satellites will be used to go around orbit over the sky and ensure a complete outlook from the ground.Therefore, Sony set up a unique satellite radio experimental device compatible with Eltres on an out -of -ship experiment platform for the International Space Station (hereinafter, ISS) Japanese experimental building, and radio waves sent from IoT devices on the ground.We succeeded in receiving it with the experimental device.

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9th place Kintetsu introduced "Railroad Crossing Remote Status Surveillance System" utilizing P2P under the technical cooperation of SoftBank Amnimo

Kinki Nippon Railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Kintetsu) will examine remotely work support for work that cannot be confirmed unless it is dispatched to the site, such as when abnormal detection of various devices such as railroads or accident at a railroad crossing occurs.I was proceeding.

Therefore, under the technical cooperation of SoftBank Corporation and Amnimo Co., Ltd., Kintetsu has established a system that remotely monitors the status of railroads using IoT (hereinafter, "Railroad Crossing Remote Status Service System"), and November 2021.It was introduced to two railroads in Kintetsu.

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10th place McNika, Fuyo Lease Group, Sompo Japan, provides "Automatic Driving Implementation One -stop Service" that supports the implementation of autonomous driving

The implementation of autonomous driving requires advanced specialized skills and knowledge about driving automatic driving vehicles, causing expensive capital investment.In Japan, it is also a problem that the responsibilities of autonomous vehicles maintenance, transportation system, accidents, etc. occurred are complicated.

Therefore, McNika Co., Ltd., Fuyo General Leasing Co., Ltd., Fuyo Auto Leasing Co., Ltd., and non -life insurance Japan Co., Ltd. announced that it will jointly develop and provide "Automatic Driving Implementation One -stop Service".

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Every week, we publish ranking articles at the beginning of the week.⇒ Click here for the ranking list


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