Is the trend of the US Publishing Industry a return to paper and the withdrawal from paper?

Is the trend of the US Publishing Industry a return to paper and the withdrawal from paper?

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 The American publishing industry has been predicted that returning to paper and withdrawal from paper will proceed in the future.What is the meaning of this?Familiar, Kay Ohara's commentary.

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Trend forecast of the American Publishing Industry


 It may be confusing, but this is the meaning of this sentence."The marketing of the book in the future is not the existing mainstream media (that is, a newspaper or magazine that maintains paper media), but a form that provides value -added content to places where readers are already.Will it be? "

 In other words, it is not a method of advertising to consumers with a variety of tastes and tastes, widely (and expensive) media, or promoting promotions widely.Identify the existence of the book by identifying the community where there are readers who will be interested, and by flowing some added value, that is, the information for fans.It will shift to marketing that will lead to getting it.However, it is assumed that the book publishes know what kind of book is published and where the potential readers are (mainly on the Internet).

 The abstract sentence of "cooperation, not a competition," which refers to the fact that publishers will be integrated and imprinted in the future.There was news that in 2020, a major publisher Simon & Schuster was acquired by the largest Penguin Random House.


 If this trend continues, the titles published by the giant publishers will change.It is already concerned that the hit will be the opposite of diversity, narrowed down to a few hits.And it is the first prediction and sides of the movement, as the small publisher left behind in this trend is becoming more and more niche.By the way, the contributor himself runs a small publisher bearing his name.

 In this article in Forbes, audiobooks (especially in the field of self -enlightenment), the publishers have increased their budgets for their websites and SEO (search engine optimization), and digitally subscribed (subscribed subscriptions.While IT measures increase, there are seemingly conflicting predictions that paper books will regain momentum between 2025 and 2030.

 But that's what it is.The book on the paper media selected by the reader will continue to remain as a meaningful option, but on the other hand, the publishing company's "creation" and "sales promotion" tools will further digitize and leave the

Write, read, talk, listen

 In the United States in 2020, which recorded the magnitude of infected and dead in the world with the new colon virus, the book consumption grew about 9 % year -on -year.He went to a nearby bookstore and could not buy a paper book, but the more he had more than that, the more he had ordered at an online bookstore or enjoyed a book in the digital or audio version.

 The author's events that had been performed in bookstores have shifted to a remote event using ZOOM, and the real event itself ended in the Book Expo, where a large number of publishers gather every May.Following the digital version only in the general book, the audio version is becoming commonplace at the time of the "book".The fact that podcasts are indispensable as a book marketing tool, not television or radio, are one of the things that have changed significantly in the past year.

 In other words, there is no sign that paper books will be gone or will decrease extremely, but the process of reaching books in the reader's book has been virtualized, digitized, and voice.Originally, car commuting is defaults throughout the country, except for a part of the city, and the background is that "reading" for listening to audiobooks in the car is rooted in the car.In parallel, audio book consumption is increasing.

 In book marketing, there are many opportunities for the author to read his book every time a new issue announcement, and recently the number of authors who read the audio version by themselves.Appearance on the author who maintains the pod cast program and as a guest is directly related to sales.

 Poetry reading and events were also popular."Winter Institute Chitute, a young Kouka whale poet who attracted attention during the inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden in January, publish poetry in Super Bowls, and (virtually), a" Virtual) "Winter Inste Tito.However, in between panel discussions, poetry reading was set up to set up a "break time".These things can be interpreted that books are not just "reading and writing" entertainment, but also "spoken" and "hearing".

 In the United States, publishers and readers "Deliver books" for all events that have been threatened to the conventional "books", the spread of smartphones and smart speakers, the appearance of e -books and SNS, the appearance of E -books and SNS ...There is a feeling that it has been considered as a new opportunity for, changing, and responding.That's why even if you hear that a new app called Club House is popular, you will be convinced that the author will talk about his book in some room and that there will be an event as a publisher marketing project.

 On the other hand, it seemed strange that the clubhouse was suddenly played in Japan, where there is still a lot of audiobook lineups, and there are few pod cast programs to review books, but this is a reading, but this is from reading.Is it because I'm worried that it's an act that goes away.


[1] Changing Trends in The Publishing Industry

Council Post: Changing Trends In The Publishing Industry easy access to electronic platforms services the demand for instant content, but print is holding