Is there a day when the theme park goes well with local friends?

Is there a day when the theme park goes well with local friends?

Since the expansion of the new colon virus infection, the opportunity to hear the word "human style" has increased while seeing news about the increase and decrease in people in downtown.This "human style" is data such as "when, where, how many people are," and "where people are moving."

Softbank provides a human style data "nationwide Uroki Statistics" by co -creation with Pacific Consultant's Co., Ltd.I have interviewed the person in charge about what kind of social issues can be solved by knowing the movement of people in the world.

Where are you moving, nationwide?.Visualize the movement data of 200 million people

The person who heard the story

Softbank Co., Ltd. Corporate Business Headquarters Digital Transformation Headquarters 3rd Business Engineering Division Smart City Business Promotion Department Project Manager Yutaro Tatsuno

First of all, please tell us what kind of service nationwide statistics are.

In short, it is a statistical data service that shows "where people moved and where, and what kind of transportation was used at that time."

「テーマパークで地元の友だちによく合う日がある?」 統計データからわかる意外な人の流れ

For those who are moving, "how many people are gathering", which is often used when representing the "increase or decrease in crowds compared to last week" seen in the news, etc., for those who are moving, "Moving means.The feature of this service is that you can grasp the route as statistical data as statistical data.

How do you get information about your position and movement?

位置情報というと、地図アプリなどで使用しているGPS(Global Positioning System)※1を使うのが一般的です。地図アプリを使うときに、今いる自分の場所が点で表示されるのにGPSが使われています。

I've heard the word GPS somehow.Do you use GPS for the nationwide statistics?

The nationwide statistics understand the location information of the terminal based on SoftBank's mobile phone base stations nationwide.

Softbank has a mobile phone base station in about 230,000 locations nationwide.If a mobile phone that turns on the mobile communication function is in the SoftBank area, we receive radio waves from any mobile phone base station.It is regularly acquired which mobile phone base station catches radio waves as a log, and it is possible to grasp the approximate position of the target mobile phone.Such data will be aggregated and processed in a sufficiently anonymized state by multiplying the usage status of transportation such as railways and the statistical data such as the population.

Approximately 1 based on our data when aggregation / processing.2億人の動き、すなわち日本全国の人の動きを捉えらえるように拡大推計※2を行うのですが、その点についてはパートナーのパシフィックコンサルタンツ社に技術協力してもらい、独自のロジックにより高い精度での処理を実現しています。

Do you know when and where I got on the train and where I went shopping?


I was relieved!So what is the good thing about using these data?

Until now, the main method of grasping the human style was questionnaire surveys such as traffic surveys and census conducted through human resources at intersections.With such a method, it was difficult to get data other than a specific day or specific place, but the nationwide statistics can collect 24 -hour and 365 days data from all over Japan, so it is from governments and private companies.We can meet the detailed needs of.I also think that it is also an advantage that you can get detailed needs by acquiring many human data.