JAcom [interview with JA Minister of Agriculture 2021 Business Plan] Minister Zong Hehong's Comprehensive Countermeasures for farming to maximize the net income of Farmers May 31, 2021

JAcom [interview with JA Minister of Agriculture 2021 Business Plan] Minister Zong Hehong's Comprehensive Countermeasures for farming to maximize the net income of Farmers May 31, 2021

One year in the next three years

-- how to pursue a career this year?

This year is also the last year of the current three-year plan, and we hope to build a cornerstone that will lead to the completion of the work so far and the next three-year plan. Specifically, the expansion of "maximizing farmers' net income" and the level of excellent examples are carried out, and, the urgent issues of agricultural labor support and agricultural efficiency useful intelligent agricultural promotion, TAC and other activities to strengthen the focus.

In terms of agricultural labor support, our goal is to expand the commission of agricultural operations through cooperation with partner companies. This work is different from the dispatch of workers directly instructed by farmers. Farmers entrust partner enterprises to carry out the farm work they want to support, and partner enterprises use their own collected staff to complete the entrusted work contracting business.

Therefore, work instructions and arrangements must be carried out by the partner companies themselves, so there is a need to develop managers who can guide the work and educate the staff. This is the structure developed and started by the headquarters of the big sub-county of the association. So far, it is gradually increasing the implementation of the county, and gradually increasing the implementation of the county.

In particular, by welcoming JTB as a partner enterprise, new counties have been added this year, which is expected to increase to 27 counties by the end of the year. This initiative is directly supported by the labor force, but as staff are interested in agriculture, they also hope to be an opportunity to want a new agriculture.

Labor support the other. Is to set up block labor support agreements in various parts of the country. The goal of this agreement is that, in addition to the JA Group headed by the County Central Committee, county administrators and partner enterprises are also expected to participate in the implementation of information sharing between the government and the people and smooth labor support. Kyushu comes first, followed by the four countries, the Northeast and the previous three blocks have agreement meetings, active activities. In addition, in the future, when the harvest periods overlap in the same county and within the block, when the labour required for the place of origin cannot be ensured, consideration should also be given to whether it can be ensured from other blocks.

It is also expected to promote smart agriculture.

To improve productivity through the introduction of innovative technologies (such as intelligent agriculture) is a necessary technology to maximize farmers' net income.

Specifically, the "Z-GIS" of the farming management system, and the release of 1000 new ID in 3 years, with a total of 2100 as the target. In addition, the cultivation management support system "ZarubioFarm Manager" and satellite remote sensing technology are used to provide all kinds of useful information for farming represented by the occurrence warning of diseases and insect pests with Z-GIS as the core.

The whole Farm of Dream Farm will explore the demonstration of large-scale facility horticulture technology, as well as the popularization of equipment, materials and technology as packaging. That packing wants to prepare a number of things suitable for various forms of farming. For example, it is an environmentally controlled large-scale production facility, introducing rock wool cultivation equipment to existing facilities, and even new farmers can devote themselves to the model of facility horticulture, hoping to be close to farmers and put forward proposals that meet their respective requirements.

 JAcom 【JA全農 部長インタビュー 2021年度事業計画】宗和弘 耕種総合対策部長 農家手取り最大化に力2021年5月31日

In addition, we are committed to developing a remote cultivation guidance system using ICT and creating video content so that cultivation guidance can be carried out smoothly after the introduction of facilities.

In the revitalization of regional production, measures to consciously sell agricultural products should be strengthened. For example, with regard to the export expansion of domestic agricultural products, production corresponding to the demand of the export destination is essential, but it may not be able to cover only the existing origin. We hope that through the cultivation of special export producing areas to cover the parts that are in short supply, we hope to establish a domestic production system that can cope with it all over Japan. In addition, for vegetables used in processing business that can obtain stable income through stable production and shipment, we will devote ourselves to realizing the planting proposal of national relay shipment and the cultivation of special farms in the terminal period.

With regard to the support of GAP certification, which has also become a requirement for food supply at the Tokyo Olympic Games, it is hoped that the support for the origin will continue after the Tokyo Olympic Games. GAP's efforts, even without certification, help to improve farmers' farming efficiency and achieve business visualization, thus strengthening the efforts of Japanese farmers to "do GAP". Using the GH (Green Habesta) farm evaluation system as a powerful tool at that time, it was committed to training JA and county staff who could devote themselves to producing area guidance.

Of course, the supermarket and the Association of Health and other trading conditions GAP certification requirements, so in order to correspond to the JA all China also cooperate with the GAP group certification support to continue to move forward.

-- what are the key issues for the department?

I think it is important to steadily advance efforts to maximize farmers' net income. To achieve this, whether it is to reduce the total production cost, or to increase revenue, the ideal is to achieve.

In terms of reducing the total production cost, we actively recommend proposals for the use of cheap materials with good quality, such as large-scale pesticides and group-bought fertilizers, and the introduction of high-yield varieties and other materials and technologies that help to reduce costs.

Among the measures to increase income, the proposal of introducing horticultural crops such as processing vegetables to rice farmers and the introduction of multi-harvest technology were put forward.

Now, there are 70 menus for maximizing the net income of farmers, Z-BFM and other tools to analyze the business status of the undertakers, and business improvements help to work on the most suitable menu selection proposal.

With regard to the good examples of these efforts, we will share them and spread them horizontally to those who are faced with the same issues. In addition, with regard to the farm maximization menu, it will be expanded in cooperation with relevant departments in the future.

In addition, in order to improve the response capacity to the undertakers who continue to support Japanese agriculture in the future, we will work to strengthen the system of visiting bearers, to enhance the level and personnel training of TAC and other visiting staff, to enrich various workshops and to develop support tools for talent development. We will also actively study the undertakers who have a weak relationship with the JA Group in order to enrich more attractive proposals.

(so Kazuhiro) was born in April 1962. I'm from Fukuoka prefecture. Graduated from Department of Agriculture, Kyushu University. Joined the Association in 1986, the head of the Business Planning Section of the Agricultural sales Planning Department, with the Chief of the Promotion Section of TAC, and the Director of the Agricultural Materials cause of the four countries in the Ministry of farming Materials, has been in his current post since August 2020.

[JA Minister of Agriculture interview with Business Plan 2021]