JAL and ANA cancel some US flights due to possible 5G radio wave effects

JAL and ANA cancel some US flights due to possible 5G radio wave effects

Major international airlines such as Japan Airlines (JAL), All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Emirates have announced that some US flights will be canceled due to concerns about the launch of 5G services scheduled for January 19, US time. bottom.

Courtesy: Emirates Airlines

JAL has been notified by Boeing that US telecommunications giants AT & T and Verizon will start operation on the 19th, "5G signals for US mobile phones may interfere with the radio altimeter mounted on the Boeing 777." It is supposed to be. The company will cancel US flights that cannot be changed to Boeing 787 aircraft. The latest operation information can be confirmed using the departure / arrival information search on the JAL website.

Similarly, ANA will cancel US flights that cannot be changed to Boeing 787 aircraft. Affected flights can be found on ANA's "Flight Status Information" page.


Emirates said flights to San Francisco, Dallas / Fort Worth, Orlando, Seattle, Miami, Newark, Houston, Chicago and Boston will be affected.

US airlines expressed concern on the 17th that if the 5G service using the C band frequency band starts on the 19th as scheduled, it will seriously hinder the operation of the aircraft. AT & T and Verizon will be rolling out 5G, but will change some schedules.

An AT & T spokeswoman said yesterday that "a few base stations will be temporarily postponed around the runways of some airports," and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said "for introduction." I haven't made good use of the two years I should have planned responsibly. "

"We are dissatisfied with the fact that FAA is unable to do what about 40 countries have done so far to safely introduce 5G technology without disrupting aviation services, and we will take immediate action. Strongly ask "(AT & T)

Verizon issued a similar statement on the 18th.

This article was edited by Asahi Interactive for Japan from an article from overseas Red Ventures.