The Korean Public Adminance Committee, the OS -compelling Google is a correction order and a proceeding of 19.5 billion yen

The Korean Public Adminance Committee, the OS -compelling Google is a correction order and a proceeding of 19.5 billion yen

On the 14th, at the government building in Sejong City, Google, who forced the OS, announced a sanctions to impose a correction order and a subcontractor (News 1).


On the 14th, the Fair Trade Commission (Public Armor) imposes a surgeon of 207.4 billion won (approximately 19.5 billion yen), along with a correction order, against Google, who forced smart equipment manufacturers to use their own OSs such as Samsung Electronics. It was announced that it was This is the third largest scale of the publicity committee to overseas companies. According to the Public 8, Google has been pressing pressure from 2011 to the present so that smart equipment manufacturers cannot use the fork OS that transformed android. Google has released an Android's own OS in 2008, and has published a software design drawing that can be used for and deformed, but equipment manufacturers such as Samsung Electronics have transformed androids. When he tried to use it, he stopped this. The Google Committee, in particular, has determined that Google's demand for fragmentary contracts (AFA), which was demanded by smart equipment manufacturers, will restrict market competition. Google, such as the popular YouTube and Google Maps for smart equipment users, will not use a folk OS and will not develop it themselves to manufacturers who are going to supply their main apps. It is said that he forced the AFA conclusion. The Google committee has ordered Google to review the conventional AFA contract so that all smart devices such as smart TVs and smartwatches should not restrict the use of folk OSs, such as smart TVs and smartwatches. "The platform business operator who ahead of the market, which is ahead of the market, does not discriminate against domestic and overseas companies in anticipation of anti -competitive acts in which platform businesses ahead of the market maintain and strengthen the monopoly status. I will do it. " Google issued a statement on this day, saying, "The decision of the Public Edition committee missed the competition between Android and the Apple iOS (iPhone OS), and benefited from app developers, equipment manufacturers, and consumers through the Android ecosystem. He did not consider it properly, "he said," plans to appeal to the court. " "Unprecedented innovation inhibition". Cho Sung -Wuk Fair Trade Commissioner announced directly on Google's violation of Google's Fair Trade Law, and stipulated Google's actions that prevented the use of folk OS (Android deformation management system) such as Samsung Electronics. did. Smart Equipment Maker companies tried to use multiple fork OSs in addition to Google androids to provide various services to consumers, but Google stopped it, resulting in free OS development. Say. Cho announced that Google would impose a transferee of 207.4 billion won, emphasizing that the OS ecosystem was a flat form. This is because app developers, smart equipment manufacturers, and consumers launch mobile ecosystems through specific OSs like Androids. Recently, there is a prospect that the sanctions of the Public Adminance Committee, such as Neighbor, Cacao, and Coupan, will be directed to global companies, and all directional flat form regulations will be in full swing. There is. ○ The AFA, which is resented by the FOBE, is the biggest problem of the Following the Google Committee is a prohibition contract (AFA), which has been linked to smart equipment manufacturers such as Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics since 2011. AFA incorporates the content that all devices released by the manufacturer cannot have a fork OS and do not develop a fork OS directly. The JFA has determined that AFA's contract content has blocked the emergence of folk OS, which is a competitor, and these market entry. Development manufacturers cannot find manufacturers that will install the OS on smart equipment even if they develop new OSs. "The American Amazon and China, who actually developed mobile OSs and Alibaba in China, who actually developed mobile OS, failed to find the OS business," said the Government Committee. The public equipment manufacturer claims that each of the companies was unable to refuse while knowing Google's AFA unfairness. Google demanded an AFA conclusion on a Playist Alignence Agreement with the manufacturer. Play Store license agreements are provided by Google, such as Google Play Store, Google Maps, and YouTube, which are used by general consumers to download apps from Android OS. It is a contract of the content. Without this contract, he said that even if he made a smartphone from the manufacturer's perspective, he had to conclude AFA because consumers could not provide apps mainly used. Google has also revealed that the latest version of the Android has also demanded an AFA conclusion six months before the market for the market, in advance, under the conditions of the "advance access right" provided to manufacturers. The FOTES committee has explained that from the standpoint of a manufacturer that requires prior approach to release the latest equipment, the only way to conclude AFA. ○ In addition to mobile phones, the entire smart device is restricted, and the European Union Executive Committee (EC) hindered the acts that Google would not manufacture and sell fork OS -based mobile devices in the European market through AFA. A total of 4.34 billion euros (approximately 5.9 trillion won) was imposed in 2018. The Government Committee emphasized that "there is a difference in sanctions in the sanctions in common," "the Korean decision has sanctioned AFA's unfairness, and has something in common with EC." EC has sanctioned only on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, but the Korean Government Committee has ordered not only mobile but also smartwatches to correct AFA's unreasonable contract content. It was said. Mr. Cho says, "The Mobile OS market has already mature markets in the mature market, and the barriers to entry can be limited (sanctions effects)." I hope that domestic manufacturers such as Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics will be able to test more diverse innovation. " However, in the information technology (IT) industry, there is an analysis that the Google sanction effect is not large in other smart equipment, unlike the expectations of Chams Cho. Samsung Electronics already made separate OSs such as Tizen and applied them to smartwatches, but did not get a great response in the market. An IT industry officials said, "When the Google Committee, who has been investigating Google since 2016, the platform company regulation is getting worse, the background of announcing Google sanctions is suspicious." It seems that he has issued a Google sanctions policy to erase the criticism of tightening. " Google has announced that the Fair Trade Commission (Public Army Committee) has been appealing to the court as a smartphone maker to impose a dictter on the suspicion of forcing the Android operation system (OS) to be charged with the court. It is in full swing to the "power struggle" with the Government Committee, which is considering additional three cases related to Google. Google issued a statement on the 14th, saying, "The publicity committee has overlooked the importance of the Android compatibility program in the overall Android ecosystem." He did not consider the benefits. " Google said, "The compatibility program has become a remarkable innovation in the hardware and software fields, enabling the world's success between Korean device manufacturers and app developers," said Google. It will drop the cause of the development of apps and inhibit consumer choice. " "Google plans to file a lawsuit with the court as soon as he has received the document of the Public Office." Currently, the Government Committee is conducting a total of four investigations against Google, including this OS forced case. Game companies are investigating the act of hindering the launch of rival application market services, forcing app developers to make in -app payment, and whether or not there are unfair transactions in the custom -made advertising market. On the other hand, the industry has been analyzed that Google is in conflict with the Public 22 and adds pressure to weaken additional regulatory engines. Information Technology (IT) industry officials said, "If Google, whose in -app payment forced by the Diet, is pushed in the battle with the Public Rights Committee, it may lose its influence in the domestic market." In addition, we will try to postpone the maximum restriction introduction. "

Jung Wijin

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