Leopalace 21, about 80 % of rental properties are introduced sequentially from June

Leopalace 21, about 80 % of rental properties are introduced sequentially from June

Image of unlocking

レオパレス21、賃貸物件の約8割をスマートロック化 6月から順次導入

 Leopalace 21 announced on January 24 that it will introduce smart locks in 440,000 rental properties. This number is said to be about 80 % of rental properties managed by the company. The introduction will be started sequentially in June. [Image] Introducing the smart lock "ED Lock Plus Bitkey Edition" is the "ED Lock Plus Bitkey Edition" and "BitLock Mini / BitReader+" provided by the Bitkey that develops smart locks. It can be unlocked by multiple authentication means, such as a dedicated application for smartphones, IC cards, and numeric keys. By issuing a one -time passcode with a limited time limit, unlocking other than residents can be unlocked. It also has the management function of the lock history. The background of the introduction of smart locks is that the satisfaction of the contract procedure is improved by promoting onlineization. "It was a burden on customers to come to the store to deliver the key," and said, "The real estate rental industry, such as DX promotion and infectious diseases, needs to respond to non -face -to -face and non -contact. Therefore, we decided to introduce it. " The aim is to introduce about 132,000 houses in FY2022, about 3008,000 houses in FY2023, and 440,000 units by May 2024.