Surprisingly many "key stress".This item was solved

Surprisingly many "key stress".This item was solved

"Smart lock" has recently become a hot topic.It is attracting attention as a convenient and comfortable home update method because smartphones can be used as keys and auto -lock functions can be retrofitted.

However, it is not well known that smart locks can solve the stress and troubles related to the "key" as well as the convenient life.

Therefore, this time, the editorial department of the Life Hacker [Japan Version] was interviewed to the editorial staff who suffered from key stress.Verify "Is the smart lock solved?"

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What is "key stress trouble" that hides in everyday life?

Deputy editor -in -chief T of Life Hacker [Japanese version].The key stress he felt was handling keys in his family.

In recent years, it has become a high -body work style that combines telework and work, and it seems that there are many days when a couple leaves home.

Although I have to keep the key to my child, I am not worried about "Isn't it lost?"

In fact, sometimes I searched for a key and searched a lot in the middle of the night ...Although it was found safely from the jacket pocket on this day, the loss of the key has been a problem that should be solved as a familiar risk since this incident.

He thought that he thought about attaching it to a school bag like a key ring, but if he knew that he had a key to his child, he said, "Parents are not during the day!"。This is not a crime prevention.

And forgetting to lock is a big risk.

Especially the day when both couples returned home late.A feeling of chilling on the spine when you grab the door that is not locked.He says that he can't forget the feeling of relief when he finds his child sitting calmly in the living room.

In order to solve these issues related to these "keys", we tried three types of smart locks called "Bitlock mini", "BitReader+" and "Bitlink".

Will this solution be resolved?Let's take a look at the introduction of the Deputy Editor -in -chief T home.

You don't have to take out the key.Ultimate "Avoid lost risk"

First of all, lost the key that I was worried about.

It can be said that this happens because it is "taken out and use" whether it is locked or unlocked.Then, even if you carry the key, if you can lock or unlock it without taking it out, can you avoid the risk of loss?

"Bitlock mini" has multiple locks and unlocking methods.

One is to use a smartphone app.You can easily operate the key from the dedicated app.In addition, it is also equipped with a "empty -handed unlocking" function that automatically unlocks in conjunction with location information.

Furthermore, if you use "BitReader+" together, you will be able to do all means, such as a numeric keypad (passcode input) operation, and unlocking by using the "FeliCa" function such as smartphones, AppleWatch, and IC cards.

Therefore, even if you come home, you can keep the key in your bag.You don't have to take it out.

If you set a dedicated application in advance on your child's smartphone or a passcode (unlock number), you don't have to have a physical key.

In this case, the child has no trouble to turn the school bag upside down in front of the entrance and search for the key, and the risk of losing the key can be minimized.

Also, if you install and link "BitLink", you can also notify the door unlocking and locking, so you can watch your child home even during work.

In case of things, remote locks can be remotely locked, which should lead to a sense of security.

After opening, it closes automatically.Solve the cause of "forgetting to lock" with auto lock

The great thing about smart locks is that not only "open" the key but also the "closing" side.

"Bitlock mini" has an auto lock function.In other words, you can solve another risk, forgetting to lock.


The child opened the door and returned home.

In the past, it was necessary to "close the key" after this, but after installing "Bitlock mini", it will automatically close the key if the door is closed.You can avoid forgetting to lock after returning home and when you go out, and you can ensure both children and household goods.

Yes, "Bitlock mini" not only makes the key opening and closing convenient, but also can increase the security level by opening and closing the door and opening and closing the key.

Sudden visitors, luggage in both hands ... Eliminating the key problem that adults hold are completely eliminated

Yes, it is not only children who can benefit from "Bitlock mini".It is the same for adults who feel the task of locking and unlocking.

For example, when returning home with luggage in both hands by buying, just approaching the door and unlocked immediately.If you read and unlock the location information, you will not even need one action to open the key.

Comparing the unlocking process such as "removing the key → inserting the key → turning → pulling out", the efficiency is incomparable.


"Speaking of which, did you close the key ...?"This is also a key trouble that I often hear, but as mentioned above, "BitLock mini" allows you to check the state of the key from the smartphone app.In the future, you will not return home in a hurry.

In the first place, after installation, it will be automatically locked, so you will not forget to close the key!

The sense of security that can be "confirmed" and "surely" gave adults a great benefit to adults.


The "BitReader+" passcode unlocking will be available to visitors at unexpected timings.In addition, the passcode can be set by yourself, and it can be changed at any time, so the security is also safe.

Also, even if you go out without a key or smartphone, you will not have to worry about being closed out.

For example, there is a scary story about smart locks, saying, "I got out without a smartphone and a key in dashing and was tightened ..."

This is a risk that should be recognized in smart locks with an auto lock function, but in "Bitlock mini", multiple unlocking methods such as "Bitlink" and "BitReader+" solve this problem.There is.

Solving key stress is also solved with a sense of security of "sub -sko"

Just put it on the door key to the latest smart lock.

"Bitlock mini", which can be retrofitted without replacing the keys of the house, has solved the key stress of the deputy editor -in -chief T, but there is another characteristic that "Bitlock mini" creates a sense of security.That is where it is developed as a subscription model.

The price of the subscription is 550 yen per month (5980 yen per year).Unlike the purchase model, it also includes free replacement ( *) in the event of a main unit failure and free replacement support for batteries.

The retrofitting smart lock is also required to check the battery for battery operation, but always paying attention to the battery in living in life should be stressful.

In that regard, the "Bitlock mini" subscription will deliver replacement batteries before the battery runs out, so you can prevent troubles such as "Battery out of the battery!"

Considering that it is used for a long time, a subscription that can receive support, including maintenance, should have a safer and stressful life.

In addition to "BitLock mini", "BitLink" and "BitReader+" are set up for the "various ways to open" (various ways to open "(a Bitlock mini" fee will be incurred in the second year).

The "BitLock mini" can be evolved into a smart lock alone, but by combining these, the options for "locking and unlocking key" will greatly expand.

A stress -free life released from the usual "key trouble".

It should be comfortable, safe and smart for adults and children.

* When it is judged to be a problem of product causes.Intentional damage is not eligible.Shipping costs are incurred separately.Please check the service site for exchange conditions and details.

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Source: Bit key (1, 2)