Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

happy new year.

We will pray for the new year of the 4th year of the present, and pray for your healthy victory, as well as a greeting at the beginning of the year, saying a part of your feelings for the further development of our country's agricultural, forestry and fisheries and agricultural and mountain fishing villages.

In the agricultural, forestry and fisheries and food industry in Japan, some people are still affected by new colon virus infections.We will strive as a Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries so that these people can regain their daily lives as soon as possible.In addition, livestock infectious diseases such as pig fever and bird flu have continued to respond.

In such a very difficult situation, people who are working hard on the spot are really depressed, and this year we do our best so that the affected and affected people can regain their daily lives as soon as possible.We will work on it.

The agricultural, forestry and fisheries industry in Japan stabilizes food to the people, along with the food industry, which is related to the industry, supports local economy and community, and has multifaceted functions such as maintaining landscapes and maintaining landscapes through its activities.It is exactly the "state of the country".

However, in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries and food industries, it faces issues such as reduced markets due to population decline, decline in agriculture, forestry and fishermen, and climate change that is increasingly important in Japan and overseas.It is required to properly respond to the problem.

On the other hand, if you look at the world, the world's food and drink market markets are expanding year by year with the expansion of the world population and income improvement, and even in the influence of new colonovirus infections, Japan's agricultural, forestry and fisheries and foods.Exports are expanding.

For this reason, promoting the exports of agriculture, forestry and fishery products and foods to acquire the world's food market that is expanding year by year, the construction of a sustainable food system based on the “green food system strategy” formulated in May last year, and further construction.We will steadily proceed with measures such as promotion of smart agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which are the foundations for promoting these.

In December of last year, a supplementary budget for the third year of the war was established, and the initial budget, organization and capacity, etc. were also decided on the Cabinet.In any field, we believe that we have been able to solve a wide variety of issues over agricultural, forestry and fisheries and agricultural and mountain and fishing villages, and to incorporate the necessary measures to ensure that Japan's agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry to the next generation.I am.

In the future, we will work together with relevant ministries and agencies to inform the site that captures all opportunities so that measures can be used effectively on site.

The following are the main issues of agriculture, forestry and fisheries administration this year and the policy of efforts.

[Agricultural, forestry and fisheries policy in general] First, measures against the effects of new colon virus infections.We will steadily provide support for continuing production and promoting sales in order to protect the production base of agriculture, forestry and fishermen affected by the expansion of the new colon virus infection and those engaged in related industries.

In addition, in light of the recent rise in crude oil prices, we will ensure sufficiently functioning safety net measures to reduce the impact on industries, such as facility horticultural and fisheries, to relieve the impact on industries that are susceptible to fuel prices.

For the first time last year, it exceeded 1 trillion yen a year for the promotion of exports of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and food in Japan.Next, based on the "export expanding strategy" revised in December last year, to achieve the goals of ¥ 5 trillion exports in 2005 and 5 trillion yen in 2003.We will strengthen the measures.Specifically, in order to promote the organizationalization of item organizations and support for necessary capital investment, etc., we aim to review the institutions such as the export promotion law in the next normal parliament, and add export priority items and export destinations.We will further promote the public -private integrated initiatives, such as strengthening support in the country.

The United Nations Food System Summit was held last September, and the "Midori Food System Strategy" was launched as a food system model in the Asian Monsoon region.As the world's countries are turning the greenhouse gases and the construction of a sustainable food system, Japan will also promote policies based on the "green food system strategy".Development of legislation, budget, budget -budget, which promotes the development of pests that do not rely on pesticides, reducing chemical pesticides and fertilizers, increasing organic agriculture, activities of local area, and developing technical development that leads to environmental load reduction.Through tax system and financial support measures, we will promote measures to improve the productivity of food and agriculture, forestry and fisheries and to achieve both sustainability.

With the rapid use of digital technology throughout society, it is necessary to work on the realization of the "Digital Denenten City National Concept".In the agricultural, forestry and fisheries, aging and aging aging and aging aging, a smart agricultural, forestry and fisheries industry utilizing digital technology is used to improve productivity and sustainability and become an attractive industry for young people.It is essential to promote.For this reason, smart agriculture, including the improvement of management by sharing cultivation management data grasped by the sensor in the production area, reducing the cost of introducing smart machinery through the development of agricultural support services that perform sharing, etc., and the communication environment.We will promote agricultural rural development suitable for, automation of forestry machinery, and building electronic collection systems such as catch information.

In addition, we will promote digital infrastructure that connects the site and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, including online, such as online and subsidies related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Agricultural, mountainous and fishing villages, including the Nakayama region, are a foundation that supports the local economy, combined with the agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and has multifaceted functions such as maintaining beautiful and peaceful landscapes.In order to ensure that such agricultural, mountainous and fishing villages are vibrant as vitality, we will support the area directly by the Japanese -style payment system, and promote initiatives such as farming, utilization of gibier, and agricultural cooperation.I will.In addition, we will promote "innovation from agricultural, mountain fishing villages", which generate income and employment by diverse ideas, utilizing the value and charms of agricultural and mountain fishing villages that have been recognized.

[Agricultural policy] As farmers decline and abandoned cultivated land accelerating, in order to further increase agricultural growth and increase in income, the development and securing of the bearers and the strengthening of production infrastructure are strengthened.Above all, it is important.


Regarding farmland, which is a production base, local discussions will clarify the future use of farmland to be aimed at, and in order to achieve this, agricultural land is integrated by promoting debate based on agricultural land banks.I will proceed.In addition to the development and securing of new farmers, in addition to training funds for farming and granting management funding funds, newly introduced machinery and facilities for management development in cooperation with local regions.We will provide comprehensive support.

Regarding US policy, based on the impact of the decline in demand due to new Collovirus infections, we will provide a special quota of 150,000 tons to stabilize the supply and demand to support sales to medium food and eating out.I will.In addition, in order to further promote "production and sales in response to demand" by our own management judgment, we will promote the transition to highly affordable and profitable crops such as wheat, soybeans, vegetables, and children's to corn, and settle as a production area.We will provide support for the initiatives.

It is also important to create a situation where domestic agricultural products are actively selected by consumers, along with production efforts.The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is "Nippon Food Shift", a national movement conducted by public -private collaborations in order to foster the understanding of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries and fishing villages, and as the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries regarding the relaxation and demand for raw milk for the year -end and New Year holidays.NEW (Milk) Plus One Project "is called" one project ", and we ask the people to expand the consumption of dairy products, and we have a wide range of cooperation.We would like to thank you again and continue to promote efforts to increase consumption.

In order to develop local agriculture, agricultural cooperatives, which are working on improving the income of farmers, are indispensable.The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will also cooperate with the JA Group to actively promote self -reform efforts from farmers to achieve specific results.

In order to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture and to enhance the country's territory in rural areas, the development of agriculture and rural areas such as agricultural land and agricultural water is essential.We will promote the large -scale and generalized agricultural land, general life of agricultural water interest facilities, and countermeasures against heavy rain and earthquake such as reservoirs.

In order to ensure food safety and consumers' trust, we will continue to work on ensuring food safety based on scientific evidence and ensuring consumer trust through accurate information transmission.

For pig feeds (pigs), which had been confirmed last year, we will work hard to manage breeding hygiene management, measures wild boars such as oral vaccine spraying, and vaccinates breeding pigs.Regarding African pork fever, we will work to prevent invasion at the spell by enhancing the permissions of the 140 horses of animal and plant quarantine detection dogs and the amendment of livestock pests under the revised livestock dyeing disease prevention law.Until now, we have been conducting human and physical support for the prefecture regarding epidemic control measures, and the national inspection of breeding and hygiene management, but under the perception that there is a risk that will occur anywhere in the country., We will have a higher tension and strengthen vigilance.

[Forest / Forestry Policy] Last year, we have formulated a new “Forest and Forestry Basic Plan” that indicates guidelines for future forest and forestry measures.In this basic plan, we aim to improve the sustainability of the forest, forestry, and wood industries while increasing the sustainability of the wooden industry, and aim to improve the social economic life and realize the "green growth" that contributes to carbon nuits in 2005.increase.

Based on this, we aim to properly manage and use forest resources, such as securing appropriate logging and recruiting forests, and masturbation, etc.We will work on strengthening the competitiveness of the wood industry that responds to the shortage of wood and price rising prices.In addition, while utilizing the forest environment transfer tax, we will promote the integration and consolidation of forest management management for forest business owners with motivation and ability.

Furthermore, under the newly established "Wood Usage Promotion Headquarters" based on the revised Wood Use Promotion Law, related ministries and agencies will be integrated, and the use of CLTs, etc., and the use of wood, including private buildings, including the use of cities.We will promote initiatives.

[Fisheries policy] Fisheries policy.Based on the revised Fishery Law, etc., we will steadily implement the understanding and cooperation of fishermen and other related parties based on the revised Fisheries Law, etc.In addition to implementation, we will promote the growth industry of the fishery industry, such as comprehensive use of fishing grounds and promoting aquaculture industry.

In addition, in order to eradicate illegal catches in Japan and overseas, we will prepare for the enforcement of the Fisheries Distribution Optimization Law, and to strengthen the illegal operations by foreign fishing boats.

In addition, we will promote operations and production systems that respond to changes in the marine environment, and expand the public and private sectors consumption.In addition, we will promote the activation of fishing villages by effectively utilizing the fishing port.

Based on these, we will continue to consider the "Fisheries Basic Plan" and "Long -term Fishing Plant for Fishing Port Fishing Grounds" once every five years.

In addition, we will work hard on pumice -stone damage, and support for the recovery of the fishing ground environment for red tide damage.

[Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake] Eleven years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake.With the recovery project, infrastructure recovery of tsunami -affected farmland and fishing port, such as fishery -related facilities, is progressing considerably.However, we recognize that there are still issues to work on in nuclear disasters, such as resuming farming, rehabilitation of fisheries and forestry, and wiping reputation.We will continue to provide thorough support for the affected agricultural and forestry fishers to recover again.

In addition, regarding the response to ALPS processing water, we will take thorough measures in each stage of production, distribution, processing, and consumption so that the fisheries can be sustained with peace of mind in Fukushima and neighboring prefectures.We will work on the whole government, including.

In addition, we will strengthen preparation for natural disasters such as heavy rains and typhoons that are frequently occurring in recent years.At the beginning of the year, I mentioned my basic ideas about the future of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

In order to take over the rich diet of the people and the beautiful and vibrant agricultural and mountain fishing villages that support it to the next generation, we will strengthen the production base of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and build a agricultural, forestry and fisheries industry with strong legs, and agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and agricultural mountains.We will maintain the multifaceted functions of fishing villages, build diverse and rich agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and contribute to the realization of new capitalism.

We look forward to your continued support and cooperation of the agricultural, forestry and fisheries administration this year.

Ordinance January 4th year

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries