Misato City New Year Initial Budget, Misato Smart IC Full, etc.

Misato City New Year Initial Budget, Misato Smart IC Full, etc.

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Misato City

Misato City's initial budget for the new fiscal year is a record high of 55.2 billion yen in the general account, an increase of 6.8% from the beginning of the previous year. The total amount including special accounts such as National Health Insurance and long-term care insurance, and corporate accounts such as water services was 91,752.84 million yen, an increase of 4.9% from the same period of the previous year. The main business is 353.65 million yen for the "regional base infrastructure development (full interchange) business" of the Misato Toll Gate smart IC (interchange). 31.67 million yen for the "Southern Area Base Disaster Prevention Community Facility Development Project" in the southern area centered on the Misato Minami IC. 754,930,000 yen for "Misato City Multi-generational Exchange Complex Facility Development Project" to develop a cultural activity facility "Misato City Hope Town Exchange Center" for intergenerational exchange from children to the elderly in Hikonari 3-chome. 5.12 million yen for "Tourism Promotion Project" to consider tourism promotion measures utilizing the Edogawa riverbed. Since the official period of the Japan Association of Athletics Federations Type 4 Official Athletics Stadium (Senario House Field Misato), which opened in June 2018, has expired (May next year), repair costs for renewal as Type 3 officials, etc. 42.25 million yen for "stadium operation management business". 28.8 million yen for the "pick-up and drop-off childcare business," which will increase the number of pick-up and drop-off childcare facilities to 16 and increase the number of pick-up and drop-off childcare stations to two, and establish a new southbound route. 6.33 million yen etc. for the "pregnant woman health checkup business" that subsidizes a part of the maternity checkup cost to grasp the physical function recovery and breastfeeding / mental condition of pregnant women.
