Mitsubishi Estate develops comprehensive smart home service "HOMETACT"

Mitsubishi Estate develops comprehensive smart home service "HOMETACT"

Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. collaborates with YONOMI, an IoT platform provider in the United States, to create a comprehensive smart home that can operate and manage IoT devices such as housing equipment and home appliances collectively using smartphone apps and smart speakers. Announced the development of the service "HOMETACT".

"HOMETACT" uses a dedicated app to unlock the entrance of the housing complex, lock and unlock the entrance door, and remotely control the lighting, air conditioning, robot vacuum cleaner, etc. in the living room. In addition, it is possible to collectively control IoT devices from multiple manufacturers by voice operation from a smart speaker from the living space.

As a function of the app, if you set a "scene" such as "Good morning" or "Let's go", you will be able to move multiple IoT devices together with a single action such as tapping the app. You can control the living space as set in .

Mitsubishi Estate, comprehensive smart home service

If you combine it with a smart speaker, you can not only operate by voice, but also play your favorite music along with scene actions, check the weather forecast, etc.

In addition, with the "My Rule" function that sets time and location information as triggers, you can automatically operate multiple IoT devices at once.

In addition, peripheral services such as a portal function for administrators, support services before using the service, and a call center for users are also provided.

In the future, we plan to expand services such as remote unlocking of keys, guest invitation functions, and a "rushing service" in which specialized staff responds to problems with connected devices and user settings. In addition, "HOMETACT" will be introduced in Mitsubishi Jisho Residence's rental condominium "The Park Habio Azabu Juban", which is scheduled to start moving in from November 5, 2021, and will be introduced in the "The Park Habio" series sequentially. is.

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Categories Smart home, News Tag MITSUBISHI ESTATE

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