Mitsubishi Estate, smart home "HOMETACT".Cooperation with equipment manufacturers and big cameras

Mitsubishi Estate, smart home "HOMETACT".Cooperation with equipment manufacturers and big cameras

API cooperation that prevents smart home spread

Mitsubishi Estate Housing Business Planning Division Kyohiro Tachibana says that smart home services are expanding in the United States and China, but they are delayed in Japan.On the other hand, there are many users who evaluate smart home as a point when selecting a property, and more than 70 % of those who actually use it have said that their lives have improved.。

At the same time, he stated that the number of answers for the property selection was 2,988, while the only answer was 278, which symbolized that smart homes are not progressing in Japan.


There is also the idea that companies in those countries should develop if they are in the United States and China, but there is a barrier in cooperation with domestic manufacturers.

API cooperation is an important point in smart home, but Japanese manufacturers explain that there are cases where the API does not disclose, and that domestic companies need to be stepped into it.So, as a developer, the flag was shaken and a smart home was realized in cooperation with the manufacturer.

It is said that each manufacturer has been able to confirm that there is a need for cooperation because it is difficult to use its own apps.In addition, it is expected that it will grow to a market size of about 10 times in 2030, and it is a chance to expand to a business that provides a smart home system, not just a housing provider for Mitsubishi Estate.He said.

三菱地所 住宅業務企画部 主事 橘嘉宏氏

Mr. Soichiro Hosoya, the director of the Mitsubishi Estate Housing Business Planning Department, introduced that the origin of the name of HOMETACT is combined with "Home" with "Tact", which means flexible and tactics.

HOMETACT has been developed with the aim of a smart home service that is easy to introduce in a living environment in Japan, taking advantage of its own experience and knowledge.He said he would like to grow as a base as a hub.

三菱地所 住宅業務企画部長 細谷惣一郎氏

In October, Mitsubishi Estate has launched a regular housekeeping service "30min.By using the remote unlocking of the key and the guest invitation function (scheduled to be implemented in the future), it will be possible to use such "family Naka Services" even when you are absent, and by collaborating with such initiatives.Aiming to provide various values that are not limited to home automation.