Mr. Hojo, who has prospered in a dog and is destroyed by a dog | Takeshi Kamakura and the truth of "dog rockhouse"

Mr. Hojo, who has prospered in a dog and is destroyed by a dog | Takeshi Kamakura and the truth of "dog rockhouse"

Sentence / Ayuko Kakikawa

The NHK taiga drama "13 people in Kamakura" is the main character of Hojo.The main story is the process of fighting the Heike with Yoritomo Gen Yoritomo with Yoritomo Gen Yoritomo as the leader of Izu, and climbing the top of the Kamakura Shogunate.It was a warlord with a relationship.

In the drama, the battle of samurai from the Kamakura period is one of the highlights.The scene where Hojo was swallowed by the momentum of the first battle was real, and the upset scene was real.For the fighting samurai, polishing martial arts was not only to gain wealth, but also to protect their lives.

Bushido in the Kamakura period, which was the "bow horse road"

When it comes to battles, I think of a scene where you cut with a sword, but in the early Kamakura period, the main way of fighting to defeat the opponent with a bow and arrow was the mainstay.The appearance of the samurai's battle was described as the "Bow horse road" (Kyuba no Michi), especially the improvement of the skills of bow and riding.

The samurai will train to enhance the skills to shoot enemies well on a running horse.The training that I went to stir on the "bow horse road" is Kasagake, Yabusame, and dog finding.These were called the three horses.

Kasagi is a competition that shoots one target from a distance, and Yabusame is a competition that shoots three targets from the running horse.The target of Kasagake and Yabusame is still, but dog pursuit targets dogs that run away.The horses and dogs moved violently, and the competitors were performed in multiple competitors, so it was more close to battle and spread among samurai.

A dog and a dog pursuit that was a place to acquire the manner of battle

The origin of the dog pursuit is unknown, but since the Kamakura period, it has been actively played among the samurai in the eastern countries.It depends on the school, but on a large site of about 5,000 square meters surrounded by fences and ropes, about 100 to 150 dogs are released, and 36 in total are 36 in total, 12 horses riding on horses.Is shooting.


As a judge who judges who has been fired, two horses, called Kemi / Kenmi, and two calls, and two calls.

The purpose of dog rockouts is to manipulate horses and to improve the skills to accurately shoot bow.But more than that, it was a place to learn the rules of battle.At that time, there was no word Bushido yet, but dog rockets were the best way to acquire the manner of war and improve the skills to fight beautifully according to it.

It was the aesthetics of Samurai in the eastern country to fight straightforwardly while observing the implicit rules that everyone decided.Samurai who has come off is not respected, no matter how high you are, or if you are good at force.

In the battle of Dannoura, Yoshitsune Gen won a great victory, fighting water owners and steering.The rules of the battle at that time were a rule that would not be a person other than the combat staff.For those who expected the Heike to win from the numbers, Yoshitsune's way was an impossible rule.This is one of the reasons why Yoshitsune was not recognized until the end, even if Genji was led to a great victory.

It was important how to move in a group and shoot the dog well while observing the rules that everyone decided on.Even in the game, the samurai who hindered the progress of others and shot the dog in a sly manner was hated.Conversely, the way of fighting was smart, and the samurai who could take leadership well gained popularity and gathered excellent subordinates.

The rules of dog pursuites were unique to rural areas, and in the Edo period, Shimadzu, Ogasawara and Hosokawa's three families remained.What remained until the end was the Shimazu family's manner, and in the Meiji era, it was shown in diplomacy.Former President Grant and the Russian Prince Nikolai (later emperor Nikolai II) also visited a dog pursuit.

The end of dogs used in dog rockout

The arrows used in the dog pursuit were Kabura, who was devised not to kill the dog, but many dogs were falling and broken on their way, and the arrows were bad and died.

At that time, it was the role of the dog clerk to collect dogs, collecting and raising puppies without owners.The price of one dog has not been decided, but the healthy and fast -running individual sold higher.

Dogs shown in a dog pursuit were exhausted and seemed difficult to use repeatedly many times.Dogs that were weak or became unusable were used for hawks used for hawking.Inuzuka was built to mourn the dogs that died in various places.

Hojo Takahiro, who loves dogs and allows tax payment for dogs

Mr. Hojo, who was extremely prosperous, stated in the "Taiheiki" that the last head of Hojo, Hojo, was enthusiastic about Dora, Fighter Dogs, and Dog Fucking, neglected politics, and led the Kamakura Shogunate to destruction.Dog -loving high schools allowed taxes to pay taxes with dogs, and rare dogs were gathered from all over the country.

The dog in the tribute to the shogunate rides the shrine, and the person who met it went down from the horse and kneeled.It is stated that 4-5,000 dogs in Kamakura were tired of eating meat.The number of 4-5,000 heads seems to be quite a story, but if you were so crazy about dog road music, it would be natural for people's hearts to leave the Kamakura Shogunate.

There is no reason for the destruction of the Kamakura Shogunate, but it makes me feel a deep connection with the fact that Hojo, who polished martial arts with a dog pursuit, has been destroyed by dog road music.Hojo, whose dog lovers are expensive and destroyed by dogs.Dogs in the shadow of a major turning point from the west public family to the east samurai society.In a large history, you cannot ignore the existence of dogs.

Sentence / Ayuko Kakikawa 明治大学政経学部卒、新聞社を経てフリー。東京都動物愛護推進委員、東京都動物園ボランティア、愛玩動物飼養管理士1級。著書に『動物病院119番』(文春新書)、『犬の名医さん100人』(小学館ムック)、『極楽お不妊物語』(河出書房新社)ほか。