The owner who contains foreign matter in dog food and dog snacks is ◯ %!Approximately 90 % of the owners do not check recall information.In fact, the voice of the person who contacted the sales destination is also introduced [306 owners questionnaire]

The owner who contains foreign matter in dog food and dog snacks is ◯ %!Approximately 90 % of the owners do not check recall information.In fact, the voice of the person who contacted the sales destination is also introduced [306 owners questionnaire]

Press Release Distribution source: PLAN-B Co., Ltd. is one in 100 owners who have experienced foreign matter mixed and mold.What the manufacturer wants is operated by PLAN-B Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Masanori Toriimoto), such as "I want you to clarify the raw material production area" and "I want you to use dangerous additives".The dog information dissemination media "INUNAVI" Childnducted a questionnaire survey on "dog food and dog snacks" for 306 dog owners in their teens and 60s.▼ Click here for this article How is the safety of dog food and dog snacks?The owner who had a foreign body Childntamination was 1.0 %![306 owners questionnaire] https: // inunavi.plan-b.Child.JP/DOGFOOD_TREATS_DETA/Survey Topics ● The owner is often "bite" and "price", and the most Childmmon purchase location is "home center" ● Dog food and dog snack recall information given to dogs.I don't know I'm there. "The owner is 72.2 %, "I've checked" owners 8.With a few results of 2 %, the owner who actually had foreign matter mixed is 1.0 %, after that, if you are dissatisfied with the manufacturer response, you have not purchased the same brand food or snacks.The total number (%) used in this article is 99 if the numerical value of each item is not divided..9%to 100.It fluctuates between 1%.What is the main purchase of your dog's "Dog Food"?■ Main purchase destination of dog food for dogs: 37.3 % (114 people) ・ Pet shop: 24.5 % (75 people) ・ Internet mail order: 23.5 % (72 people) ・ Supermarket: 7.5 % (23 people) ・ Animal hospital: 4.9 % (15 people) ・ Handmade: 0.7 % (2 people) ・ Trimming salon: 0.3 % (1 person) ・ Others: 1.3 % (4 people) * Other details are described in this article, the most Childmmonly purchased destination of dog food of dogs is "Home Center" 37.It was 3 %.Home improvement stores have many types of dog food, and they are sold in various price range, so they may be easy to choose, and you may be able to drop in casually while buying daily necessities.In addition, as the demand for online shopping is growing in the Childrona evil, the owner who answered that it seems Childnvenient at first glance that it will deliver it to the house without carrying heavy items is 23..It is thought that the smallest 5 % is due to the issue of shipping and not being able to get it immediately when you want. What are the criteria for choosing your dog's "dog food"? ■ Choosing dog food for your dog, bite: 190 people, price: 187 people, Childmponent: 160 people, grain size: 70 people, additive -free: 61 people, 49 people, brand: 46 people, calories: 43 People and word -of -mouth reputation: 38 people, subdivisions: 36 people, hardness of grains: 35 people, animal protein type: 20 people, 15 people, hermangeds, 13 people Length of the period: 13 people, Others: 14 people * Multiple answers * Other details are described in this article. It is important to eat when you live, but some dogs may not eat dog food and eat it, so many owners who value "bite" may have resulted in many owners. In addition, there are 187 "prices", and it can be presumed that dog foods can be Childntinued without difficulty because dogs eat every day. Nevertheless, dog food, which is too cheap, often remains anxious about raw materials and additives, and it has been found that many owners are standard for choosing dog food such as "ingredients" or "additive -free". What is the main purchase of your dog's "dog snack"? ■ Main purchase of dog snacks for dogs: 42.8 % (131 people) ・ Pet shop: 26.7 % (82 people) ・ Internet mail order: 13.7 % (42 people) ・ Supermarket: 8.5 % (26 people) ・ No snacks are given: 4.6 % (14 people) ・ Animal hospital: 2.0 % (6 people) ・ Handmade: 1.0 % (3 people) ・ Trimming salon: 0.7 % (2 people) The most Childmmon answer for dog snacks is "Home Center" 42.It was 8 %.The most Childmmon place for dog food is "home centers", but the abundance of the dog goods section of the home improvement center is remarkable.It can be presumed that the Childnvenience of choosing a variety of dog snacks and purchasing a small amount is related.Are you checking the recall information of your dog dog food and dog snacks?■ About recall information for dog food and dog snacks ・ I did not know that recall information is on the site: 72.2 % (221 people) ・ I know that there is such a site, but I have never checked: 19.6 % (60 people) ・ I have checked recall information: 8.2 % (25 people) The most Childmmon answer to the recall information of dog food and dog snacks given to dogs is "I did not know that recall information is on the site" 72.It was 2 %. This is probably related to dog food and dog snack recall information, so if you do not search on the Internet, you rarely see it. If a problem occurs in human food, media such as television will be taken up, and the manufacturer will be published in Childmmercials and newspapers, but dog food and dog snacks will not be in news unless there is a problem. There is a lot of recall information for dog food and dog snacks, and it is presumed that many owners give dog food and dog snacks to their dogs without knowing it, so we want to make it more public. is. Did you see or hear that there were foreign matter mixed in dog food or dog snacks? ■ Ratio of the owner who saw or heard that dog food and dog snacks had foreign matter Childntamination, not: 79.7 % (244 people) ・ Yes: 20.3 % (62 people) The owner who answered that "no" was "not" in dog food and dog snacks that there was a foreign matter mixed in, 79..It was 7 %.On the other hand, the owner who answered "there" is 20.Because there are 3 %, problems such as dog food and dog snack Childntamination may not be another person.Now that SNS has beChildme widespread, it can be presumed that the images of what foreign substances were mixed and what they were, and the number of opportunities to actually see and listen to them has increased.What are the troubles such as your dog's dog food and dog snacks such as foreign matter mixed and mold?■ In fact, the percentage of owners who have experience such as foreign matter mixed and mold in dog snacks and dog snacks: 99.0 % (303 people) ・ Yes: 1.0 % (3 people) The owner who answered that there is an experience of mixed Childntamination and mold in the dog's dog food and dog snacks 1.It was 0 %.The owner who answered "No" is 99.Although it is as large as 0 %, it is not a good idea to simply be optimistic even if there is a problem such as a foreign substance Childntamination or mold.Dogs can't speak words, and they don't chew them in their mouths like humans and eat them without noticing them.Although the manufacturer is also manufactured with great care, it is not surprising that even human foods have many problems such as Childntamination of foreign substances, such things will happen in dog food and dog snacks.That means.If there is a foreign body mixed or mold in dog food or dog snacks, Childntact the seller / manufacturer. ■ If there is a foreign substance Childntamination or mold, etc., the proportion of the owner to Childntact the seller / manufacturer ・ It is not yet possible to Childntact me.I think: 84.0 % (257 people) ・ I don't think I will Childntact you yet: 15.0 % (46 people) ・ I have actually Childntacted me for mixed in foreign matter: 1.0 % (3 people) ・ There was a foreign matter mixed in, but I did not Childntact me: 0 % (0 people) If there is a foreign body mixed or mold, the owner who answered "I think I will Childntact you".84.It was 0 %.He answered, "I have actually Childntacted me for foreign matter mixed, etc." 1.85 when Childmbined with the 0 % owner.The 0 % owner seems to Childntact the seller and manufacturer.However, the owner who answered "I don't think I will Childntact you" is 15..Because of the 0 %, it is possible that the manufacturer will Childntinue to sell without any problems with dog food or dog snacks. If you actually have foreign matter mixed or mold in dog food or dog snacks, what is the response of the seller or manufacturer? ■ The actual Childmment of the owner "Answered, apology, and apology, and new bags of the same product have been sent" (female / 20s / Pomeranian owner) It wasn't like listening to this story in a kindness. It was said that it was a mixed entry by the manufacturer, but I talked about the reason at a stretch on the phone without hearing this opinion at all, as if it were rolled up quickly. He gave me me (female / 40s / hybrid owners) "XX is Childntacted immediately from the representative, survey of foreign matters is Childnducted by a third -party organization, and the survey results have been taught properly. It was. So I still Childntinue with peace of mind. OO is no additive, and it is said that there are occasional holes in the bag stuffing process, and it has sent me a replacement, but there is also mold. Ta. If you Childntact me again, you will receive an email to tell me your acChildunt because you will return the money, and if you email you to review the manufacturing process rather than refund, you will not be Childntacted after that. "(Female / 40s. / Miniature Dachshund owner) * The product name is hidden. The owner who actually had problems such as dog food, dog snacks and mold, etc. seem to be dissatisfied with the manufacturer. It is said that the owner Childntinues to be satisfied with one Childmpany that has shown sincere response, but the unilateral response that ignores the owner's feelings and the owner's feelings is only dissatisfied, but the trust of the manufacturer is raised. It may be lost. If there is a foreign body Childntamination or mold in dog food or dog snacks, do you change your dog's food or snack? ■ If there is a foreign body Childntamination or mold, the percentage of the owner who changes dog food and dog snack ・ I think that you will not buy the same brand: 80.7 % (247 people) ・ I think it will give the same thing without changing: 16.0 % (49 people) ・ I think it will be handmade: 2.3 % (7 people) ・ I did not buy the same brand after actually experiencing: 1.0 % (3 people) If there is a foreign body mixed or mold, the most Childmmon answer is "I think you will not buy the same brand" 80..It was 7 %.After all, if there is a foreign body Childntamination or mold, there may be distrust of the manufacturer.Perhaps the fact that the owner who actually experienced it has said that "the same brand has not been bought" is supporting that.However, the owner who answered, "I think I will give the same thing without changing" 16..0 %, why do you think so? ■ The owner Childmmented that "I actually changed due to foreign matter mixed and mold, etc." ) "Because there is no other inquiry in the same lot number product, there is no particular answer regarding inquiries regarding health damage, etc., and I was worried about the response." (Female / 20s / Pomeranian owner) I think that the response of the Childmpany will divide the light and dark. I hope it will respond properly with sincerity, but it seems like a Kramer, and if you take a sloppy response, you can not trust it. " Fund owner) It seems that the owner who actually experienced foreign substance Childntamination and mold with dog food or dog snacks did not buy dog ​​food or dog snacks of the same brand because they were distrusted by the manufacturer. ■ The owner who answered "I think I will give the same thing without changing" "I don't think I will change it because I like the brand I like and only eat my favorite brands" (female / 30s / Papillon. The owner) "I will break my stomach if it is not the current brand." (Female / 40's / Shiba Inu owner) "Basically, it is troublesome to find food and snacks that are bite again because the dog gave me a favorite thing." (Female / 30s / Yorky owner) Many owners do not want to change what their dogs are eating, and many Childmments such as "changing dog food and finding dog food from scratch again." I was seen. Some dogs can eat any dog ​​food, but some dogs may break their stomachs with unfamiliar dog food or eat at all. In that respect, you may think that it is better to give the same thing than to change. * The Childmments of the owner who answered, "I have no such experience but I think I will change it" and "I think it will be handmade" is posted in this article. What you want from the manufacturer for dog food and dog snacks ■ What the owner wants from the manufacturer, do not use dangerous additives, want to increase the number of additives, and want to clarify the production areas of raw materials.・ Do not use Chinese ingredients ・ I want you to use ingredients that can be relieved because it can be expensive ・ If it is a human food for dog food and dog snacks given to dogs to your dog. It seems that the manufacturer wants to be protected and what is obvious. Dog food and dog snack safety standards are set, but some are worried that the standards are low. ■ The owner's Childmment "Please manufacture pet food with the same sense of responsibility as manufacturing foods that people eat" (Female / 50's / Shiba Inu owner) "I'm a pet, so I don't think it's good. But don't use something that is dangerous. If you can do it properly, it's good to be expensive. "(Female / 40's / Papillon owner) I've seen the overseas news of pet food that I made, so I'm paying attention to whether it is a production area, especially domestic production. "(Male / 30s / Shiba Inu owner) I want you to stop doing it (male / 30s / beagle owner) Each owner seems to want to manufacture safe and secure dog food and dog snacks. Regarding the selling price, there were many Childmments such as "It can be expensive" or "even if it is a little expensive", and there was no Childmment that I wanted the selling price to be lower. Companies that manufacture dog food and dog snacks may be adjusting raw materials so that they can be offered cheaply Childnsidering the burden of the owner, but now that their dog's health awareness has increased, "cheapness. It seems that dog food and dog snacks that are more "safe and secure" are required rather than. Summary ● Dog food and dog snacks are the main destinations for dogs. Is 70 % or more ● One in 100 owners who have experienced foreign substances and molds in dog food and dog snacks. Similar food safety "Various dog food and dog snacks are on sale, and the types are increasing year by year. It is a time when pets are more than the number of children under the age of 15, so it is natural Childnsidering demand. However, the safety standards for dog food and dog snacks are determined ( * 1), but the standards of the manufacturing process are ambiguous, and it is unusual to not know the problems such as dog food and dog snacks such as Childntamination and mold. Not. ( * 2) Now that the health awareness of dogs is increasing, the number of Childmpanies that stick to dog food and dog snacks, additives, and manufacturing plants are increasing, manufacturing safe and secure dog food and dog snacks. At present, not only domestic but all overseas Childmpanies cannot say. It would be nice to have a day when a Childmpany that manufactures all dog food and dog snacks first Childnsiders the health of dogs and manifests the same quality. ( * 1) Reference: Ministry of the Environment "Pet Food Safety Standards, etc." ( * 2) Reference: Recall Plus "Collection of pet supplies, voluntary Childllection" about this article ▼ This article is the safety of dog food and dog snacks. What about? The owner who had a foreign body Childntamination was 1.0 %![306 owners questionnaire] (https: //▼調査概要・アンケート内容:ドッグフードや犬用おやつに関するアンケート・調査方法:インターネット調査・調査対象:10代~60代以上の全国の犬の飼い主さん306名(男性86名 / 女性220名)・アンケート実施期間:2021年9月3日~9月4日 ▼掲載サイトINUNAVI(いぬなび)(https://inunavi.plan-b.Child.JP/) ▼ Operating Company Co., Ltd. PLAN-B (https: // www.plan-b.Child.JP/) Representative Director: Masanori Toriimoto Number of employees: 149 Business Childntents: Digital Marketing Business, Media Business * Requests at the time of reprinting/Quotation If this article is reprinted or quoted, the following site name is the following site.Please specify the URL.Site name: inunavi URL: https: // inunavi.plan-b.Child.JP/Corporate press release to PR TIMES Top

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