Media Seiko Epson, Nippon Research Institute, G's Academy "Hacktrek 2022" that understands new manufacturing

Media Seiko Epson, Nippon Research Institute, G's Academy "Hacktrek 2022" that understands new manufacturing


G's Academy will hold the Hackathon "Hacktrek 2022" online in collaboration with Seiko Epson and the Japan Research Institute.

新しいものづくりがわかるメディア セイコーエプソン、日本総研、G's ACADEMYによるオンラインハッカソン「HackTrek 2022」開催

HACKTREK 2022 is the third hackathon this year, and the theme this time is "Smart Home: Accelerate your smart life."

As a condition of the product, the participating teams will use the EPSON Connect API.Connect information in cyber space such as the Internet and cloud with Epson products and services such as printers and scanners, and challenge the creation of a service that connects the house (platform) and the outside person and society.

The winning team is 100,000 yen and the runner -up team will be presented as a prize.In addition, prizes will be given to the excellent team, aiming to introduce the product market together.

The following four points are the following four points.

  1. 「スマートな暮らし」につながるプロダクトであるか
  2. 実証実験や市場導入を見据えたアイデアが描けているか
  3. ユーザー体験が優れているか
  4. オリジナリティがあるか

The schedule will be held twice, March 5, 2022 (Orientation Day) / March 13 (Demo Days).Participation fee is free and will be held online.

This time, as a first attempt, we have prepared a week between the Orientation Day and the Demo Days for about a week to consider the concept of product, social implementation, and use it for hack.

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